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RE: Get Paid to Rant #15! All Rants Win! Plus 5 SBD Grand Prize

in #contest7 years ago

So! (loud exhale) My husband is starting a "band". It's actually a male/female duo. He has 50 years of stage experience. He also has a music studio. His partner has the voice of an angel, but no real stage experience. They have been working on this act for months.

They had a gig in December and had lots of interest and kudos. They realized they needed business cards. I designed a simple business card with the necessary contact info. I put together a VERY simple "logo" which consisted of the bands name. 2 words. I ran it past both of them and they were ecstatic. LOVED it. Business cards are cheap so I ordered them.

They LOVED them. Perfect! Wonderful! Thank you so much! I didn't care for the logo much, but if they were happy, that's what counted. Is this getting too long? well, in for a penny, in for a pound. Last week they started recording a demo. They are awesome!

I volunteered to build a simple website where they could put the demo songs for potential venues/clients to listen. I had to learn a new software, but I enjoy that, so no problem. I decided to change the logo which looked bad on the internet. I changed the font slightly and darkened the colors. They were thrilled to have a website, but she wondered if we could add hearts to the logo.

I am NOT an illustrator! But I found a free gif that looked pretty good so I modified again. "Can we make it blue?" Now I've designed the whole website around the yellow/brown. It's not my favorite, but it works with the initial logo. Okay, I'll mess around with it. "and could we use just one heart and have the name...blah, blah, blah.

This was today. So on the way to dinner I get a text of a graphic for Lady Ante Bellum as an "example". Someone spent some big bucks on this graphic. It's sensational! By now I'm boiling. Why did she tell me she loved the first one. If I had known she didn't like it I never would have spent money on business cards. I'm now beyond pissed. I spent 45 years making teeth for a living. I am not accustomed to people telling me they like my work if they don't. I wasted a lot of time because she didn't have the BALLS to say "I appreciate you doing this, but I think we should get a professional to work on it."

I told her there was a place on the internet called Fiverr where she could hire an illustrator..... It's a good thing my husband understands. Man, that feels better. Thank you for letting me vent.The latest logo is blue you can see it here at Southern Hearts yes, that's an S as in more than one heart. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR