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RE: "Make A Difference" - CONTEST • 0.300SBD for 1 Good Deed

in #contest7 years ago

I was on my way to the city with all the stuff needed for an overnight in our office. I chose to ride a jeepney rather than a bus or a van. As I went up to the jeepney, I saw two pairs of dirty bare feet. I can't stop and look at the two person since the jeepney was starting to move.

After I sitting down, I immediately looked at them, one boy around 8 years old and his father around 40s yet he looks like 60s already. The driver was so kind to let them ride on his jeepney. Other passengers were staring at them.

Then we're almost in the city proper when the two passengers behind me dropped off and I was able to sat beside the boy. I immediately looked for my doll shoes on my backpack and wore it and gave my newly bought pair of slippers to the young boy. His smile was so wide and then both the father and the son thanked me. It was such a joy to see them smiling even though their status was not that good.

I was a bit disappointed to that I wasn'table to give something to the father but I then prayed to God that He will send someone who will give a pair of slippers to the father.

PS. I don't have pictures. I'm shy to have one since the other passengers especially the guys in front of me were clapping. And I think it will look like I'm famewhoring if I asked for a selfie. So I just put the memories on my mind and my heart. And I know I have an Almighty witness.

Thank you for this Ma'am. God will surely bless you!

Spread the love.

Be good and kind.


I don't have a picture of what happened but still wanna share. Just celebrated my birthday in Jan 30 and had my celebration last Feb 4. As I was in line in the grocery to buy some additional food the customer in front of me were children and eldest I guess was 14 to 15. From what their basket contain I can tell that it was for a Sari-sari store. When everything was accounted by the cashier it turned out the girl (eldest) is short of cash. So the girl asked the cashier to take out some items. Seeing that it's not just a personal shopping or grocery thing I've decided to ask how much was lacking. Then and there told the cashier to close the transaction and gave the lacking amount. The shock on the girl's face was obvious but still grateful enough to say thank you before leaving.
Why? We'll I guess I'm a believer that small act of kindness does magic. 💕