#1 what's unemployment?
In my opinion, the state may be a state or condition that someone becomes idle and has no supply of financial gain.
#2 what's the participation rate?
The participation rate may be a life of the act a part of the labour of AN economy. Huge rate.
#3 differentiate between state and participation rate?
The participation rates and synchronic state rates will offer an additional comprehensive image of this job market. A high participation rate related to an occasional percent may be a positive sign of a powerful current job market.
#4 What area unit the factors answerable for girls high participation rate?
I'm undecided regarding this question however I feel, establishments, agreement, policies, processes.
#5 In your in opinion, does one assume employment solely will evoke development in an exceedingly country?
Definitely! in an exceedingly country, employment will simply bring development through employment. everyone within the manpower continues to follow a rule.
#6 Mention any steaming you recognize sponsor contest?
It's very simple to say! it is very straightforward as a result of this is often increase payout because of the increase in rewards.
Thanks for participating