With a single life left and just one more arrow in my quiver, let's get this shit show over.
Lapichro pulls back the bow, takes aim and waits for the moment his breath calms.
A silence falls over the battlefield.
And Lapichro releases the arrow...
With a single life left and just one more arrow in my quiver, let's get this shit show over.
Lapichro pulls back the bow, takes aim and waits for the moment his breath calms.
A silence falls over the battlefield.
And Lapichro releases the arrow...
You draw an arrow and shoot:

it almost looked like you were a pro (are you secretly practising?), you pierce the enemy for a a hit of 4 points
Lapichro takes a deep breath and collects arrows from the battlefield and moves onto the next fight.
🚩 🚩 🚩 STOP! ROLLING BACK... 🚩 🚩 🚩
Please also see this post for more information.
So with all that in mind, here's your current status on this stage:
3 life points, currently fighting a Gobbo who rolled a 2. Current modifier of +1 to your rolls. You may continue on this stage by replying to this comment with the !manyarrows command.
You load your bow with 3 arrows and shoot

Jeeeeeeez...two of your arrows nearly hit the target, but one of them hits a nearby rock and reflects. You shot yourself right in the eye and lose a freaking life. Its safe to say you are a blind turd :D
Another embarrassing blow to his ego.
Lapichro pulls out an arrow and stabs himself in the other eye. Deciding to sit the rest of this adventure out.
Lapichro dies.
The bards shall sing of his accomplishments all throughout the land...