The Race - To Tell a Tale #9

in #contest7 years ago


“I am faster than any man or machine” declared Abdul. Vihaan overheard this and said “I’ve got a challenge for you. I bet you 100 Rupees that I can beat you in my taxi over one hundred metres”

“Ha”, scoffed Abdul “I can do that carrying a large sack of flour on my head”
“In that case, make it 200 Rupees.” said Vihaan.

That afternoon, they lined up for the race.

“Ready, steady, go!”

Abdul started off, while Vihaan waited. “I’ve plenty of time” he thought. Little did he know that Abdul had disconnected his starter motor.


A modern spin-off of hair and tortoise story. I liked the twist.
Thank you for your participation in TTT#9 contest. Cheers- @dpatcher