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RE: New contest from @xpilar, Today or tonight, win upvote bonus for free up from 5 to 100% from @xpilar 4/10-2017

in #contest7 years ago

Good Night Time Indonesia Pak @xpilar.

My mountain photography is where my father was born. This is a mountain area in pidie - tangse district,
hopefully my contest photo belongs to the category you like :)


I say goodbye to sleep sir @xpilar, because tomorrow morning there is work that I have to finish as soon as possible. Thanks to The Amazing Contest. By @joelsteem

Thank you

Thanks again mr. @xpilar :)

you get a good upvote @joelsteem

I am very grateful, has given me a good voting

bereh @joelsteem...

Trimong geunaseh @dilimunanzar