Do you like sunsets? I loooove sunsets, they're the best thing about a day!!! Not only does it mark the end of a day wherein you're one step closer to sleep :D but it's also such a sight to see!
How does a sunset look like from where your from? Is it as beautiful as the sunsets from where i'm from? I'm dying to know!!
The Rules
- Upvote this post! You are not required to resteem the post but it'll be appreciated so the contest would get more visibility.
- Take a picture of a sunset.
- Place your image in the comment section below along with your bitshares/openledger account name.
The Prizes
The first 15 participants will be receiving 10 Whaleshares!
So what are you waiting for?! GO!!!
The contest ends on post payout March 8, 2018.
Every participant must already have or be willing to make a bitshares account to claim their prizes, if you don't have one you can make one right here.
Come find me on Whaleshares Discord and say hi!
Thank you @officialfuzzy,@akrid and the lovely @krazykrista for making these type of contests possible!!
Awesome stuff sunset pics are one of my faves.
Here's a sunset from the London eye over the river thames and a bonus pic from outside my house :)
bitshares niko3d
Wow dude that looks absolutely awesome! Those colors on the 2nd pic! gaaaaaah!
Here's mine.

Bitshare account name: aquacy2
Wow that looks absolutely amazing man!
Thanks man
hello @jepu
here is my entry
bitshares account : arjimi29
Two things that i love in one picture! Great snap @arjimi29
Here is my entry.
Openledger account: funshel21
looks great funshel!
Sorry for poor quality, didn't have much time to snap a pic on way home from work :)

Here's another from a different day, without user tag
bitshares lgcknt
Looks great man! It doesn't matter to me much about the quality.. those colors are amazing!
bitshare acc : general2
looks great man! :)
Thankx man
Reminder to come back to this contest with a pic -logicknot
I like to sunshine in the river
I'm not really sure if this is a sunset my man :)