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RE: Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Left or....)

in #contest6 years ago

I think this question brings up a larger question, do you really have any free will at all? one could argue that your choice has already been made at the beginning of time, based on the direction and speed of particles colliding and that we all are derived from processes, like dominoes falling from before us. When the first Adam's split in beginning of time, their cascading interactions led to this moment and the choice of you going left or right.

But to look at another way. I help teach people some tumbling. The process of learning which is your dominant leg to leap off of for a cartwheel lets say... goes something like this. Close your eyes, then have someone give you a small push from behind. whatever leg you step with first, is your dominant leg. This being said, my dominant leg is my right so I probably take a right step first and go down the right path. :/ ... That is my thoughts.. Lol.


Nice one! A bonus SBI share for you at payout... I was thinking a bit about free will as well... in some ways it would be disconcerting to not have free will, as that really goes against the grain of what we think being human really is! However, in the old physics (Classical...)... free will was really an anomaly. Now, it is less clear... although, with branching "universes"... it could still be that free will is an illusion!

I thought that the dominance thing might also have something to do with it (or habit... like how people on right hand driving countries tend to dodge to the right when walking towards someone...)... I hadn't thought able foot/leg dominance! I only knew of dominance from when I did archery, and ti was the eye that you chose to aim with!

The winners and the new SBI question (I'm cooking...) can be found here: