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RE: COMMENT CONTEST: What Initiatives Can An Individual Do To Clean Earth from Plastics?

in #contest6 years ago

My Opinion about COMMENT CONTEST: What Initiatives Can An Individual Do To Clean Earth from Plastics? Maybe we are not ready to break with plastic altogether. But we can start from ourselves and family. Efforts to reduce plastic waste starting from small things such as avoiding the use of plastic food or beverage packaging. What plastic do we use every day? Yes, right..Plastic toothbrush, plastic spoon, plastic knife, plastic water bottle, and then plastic grocery bag. There are simple steps we can take that will dramatically decrease the amount of plastic waste we generate. Start with replace your toothbrush with bamboo. Every single toothbrush affects the environment. One billion plastic toothbrushes are thrown out every single year, creating about 50 million pounds of waste annually. There have not been any scientific research results that plastic toothbrushes perform better over bamboo ones. Just like plastic toothbrushes, bamboo brushes needed to be replaced just as often, about every 3 months, but the handle of a bamboo toothbrush only takes about 6 months to biodegrade back into the soil. On the other hand, a plastic toothbrush will never biodegrade and will remain in the environment forever. And then, if you want to travel to the office, bring a spoon and plate for food from house. So, when we buy food ask the waiter to put food in the container we carry, make sure to ask for no plastic fork, spoon, or knife. Choose cardboard over plastic when you can. Because Cardboard can be more easily recycled and unlike plastic, will biodegrade over time.While plastics can be recycled as well, buying products when you can that are in cardboard boxes such as laundry detergent will help to reduce the plastic that needs to be produced. And then Bring a bag. Remember to bring reusable bags to the grocery store or for any other shopping activities to reduce consumption of disposable bags. Bring your own reusable cup.Think about how many disposable cups are used every day in just your local coffee shop. Bringing a mug for your morning coffee can reduce the amount of waste you produce annually. Imagine how much waste we could reduce if we all made this simple daily change! And use a water bottle that can be reused. This will not only greatly reduce the amount of disposable plastic we use, but it will also save money in the long run. So, let's make it a habit to live environmentally friendly..😍😍😍☘️☘️

Thanks to @mermaidvampire to holding this nice contest. Thank to kak @aronnaawe for invite me..