I'm glad you are giving it to him, that was also my choice!
I approve of your biases and your congruency and integrity of character.
You have done well. Good little contest and looking forward to the next one x
Peace @mitthradiumm (yeah, seriously, what kind of a name is that?)
Mithril Radium bra you need to stop playing runescape
Myth-ray-di-um! It rolls off the tongue!
Which is a bastardized spelling of Mithradates not some base rune scaping... rune word together namer.
n for the record 60 troll backstab rogue horde vanilla pvp rank 11 ambush build ON DIALUP
I'm sorry it took me 4 days to LOL at this
LOL. Fucking OG eyyy
I never got passed level 47 with a mount in Vanilla... I was too young LOL
Pretty sure I worked harder for my first mount than my first car.
Lied, 100% sure.
Yo I know right
Gold in vanilla ^^
Mind fuck