Sir SpeaksAlot begins to think that he is in some sort of blockchain based game, whatever that means, as he can't figure out why he keeps running away in fear of his feather clad bum showing.
"I must be going mad, Or the spirits are taking hold of me. Either way I must defeat this foul beast, before he consumes my brethren."
He loads another volley of arrows and unleashes them at the dragon.
You load your bow with 3 arrows and shoot:

Jeeeeeeez...two of your arrows nearly hit the target, but one of them hits a nearby rock and rebounds. You shoot yourself right in the eye and lose a freaking life. Its safe to say you are a blind turd. :D
"Oh d!@# this, the spirits have me for sure. Give me victory or give me death."
With his one good eye he aims and releases a final volley.
Time to attack:

Odins Beard Shakes! You load a bunch of arrows in that deady bow-rifle of yours, take an almost-too-long aim and release them in a swift move. All 3 arrows hit target and you do a large amount of damage - its a hit of 10 points. We can almost hear you mumble too easy...
Expecting to find death, Sir SpeaksAlot, opens his good eye to see the dragon breath it's last breast.
"I... Did it... I saved... the Fart Man..."
Then He collapses in fatigue.