IFC Season 2 Round 10 - Heroes

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Hello there! Welcome to our digital spaceship castle.
Artwork credit - @jimramones on steemit

Hi peoples. Sorry for the delay posting the challenge today.
I have a really bad back ache and stayed up late and felt like I just needed to sleep as long as I could and heal as much as possible before I got up.

We are now officially half way through the second regular season of the IFC in terms of scheduled rounds, though a bit more than half way in terms of planned duration as we have I think 3 catch up rounds to do near the end.

It's been going pretty well I think, though.. With @charisma777 MIA I feel a lil extra "on my own" so to speak, at least when it comes to making sure this whole thing is running.

Usually charisma helps out with commenting on the entries and she posts some of her own side quests and does artwork and really just makes me feel like I'm not alone with all of this, I really hope she's okay and it's nothing too serious.. It's been a while since I've heard from her and I can't help but think something is wrong.

I sent her an email and messages on social media and I'm not really sure how else to try to get in touch with her.. Hopefully she checks in before too long and tells us what happened and that it's nothing TOO serious.

We could definitely use another full time judge around here or a couple of them, if you know anyone who might be interested please send them my way, the pay isn't much though.. So.. I'm content to do it all my own and then in another week or so when the other judges are less busy we can get back to voting on the rounds again.

Sorry we're so far behind, we're still judging round 3 and we're already on round 10! I feel like things aren't quite going how I hoped they would, but at least they are going and we have a good little group here that seems to be having fun and I have a feeling it will work out in the long run.

Anyways.. Onto the next quest, shall we?


The subject of our tenth quest is.. "Heroes".
We did a bonus quest last season called "Who are the heroes?" and it was more about the heroes on steem, though it did really well.. We had a whole bunch of entries.

This time it's going to be more broad, you can do anything about the subject of "heroes" it doesn't have to be limited to steem.

You could pick your steem heroes though, or it could be real life heroes, could be your family you consider that are heroes, could be a song or a drawing or just a technical sort of write up/type up on the subject, or something else.. It's really up to you!

I'm curious to see who you pick or what you decide to do with this topic!
Good luck!


So far we have received support and 10steem from @underground and I have confirmed that @ats-david @krnel @timcliff @steemcommunity and @ura-soul will also be supporting us this season.

Underground, ats-david, krnel, timcliff, steemcommunity, and ura-soul are all witnesses, so if you support what we are doing here at the IFC please look into them and give them a vote for witness as well. By the way to vote for ats-david you should vote for his @ats-witness account.

Also it looks like @ecoinstar will donate 100 shares of steembasicincome to the winners, with 60 SBI going to the grand prizer winner, 25 SBI to second place and 15 SBI to third place.
And thanks to @bengy for delegating 25 steem. :)
A special thanks as well to @davemccoy and @newbiegames and @newbieresteemday who are not technically sponsors but we have worked with them in the past. Looks like newbiegames and newbieresteemday have been inactive for months though we still use their tags for the time being.



The challenge will finish after 7 days when the post ends and provides its payout cycle or when all entries have been submitted.

25% of the post payout goes to curation and after that what's left will now be split up 75% to the winner of the round and 25% to put towards building up the @ifc account.

For those who play via email.. This will be recorded and saved for you, and.. If you're unwilling to make your own steem account we will at some point be willing to convert it for you to whichever currency however.. Not for small amounts, you must earn at least 10 steem for us to take the time to do this for you.


1. Round 10 of season 2 starts now and the subject is "Heroes".
  1. Create a blog post on steem for the contest or send an email if you are playing via email.

  2. Title of blog post or subject of email must contain, "IFC S2R10"

  3. Leave a link to your post in the comments below unless you are playing via email in which case myself or someone else will do so. (This part is important and a lot of people forget this, please put the blog link in the right place so our judges can find it)

  4. And you also have to use the #ifc tag in your blog post as well unless you are playing via email.

  5. You must accept that if you somehow get hurt doing any of our quests you can not reasonably hold us accountable. You must take responsibility for your own choices and actions in life. This is a voluntary game where you choose to play. Only you can make such decisions for yourself.

  6. You are responsible for paying the appropriate government taxes, fees, and service charges resulting from any transactions with the IFC or Marketplace. We are not responsible for collecting, reporting, paying, or remitting to you any such taxes, fees, or service charges, except as may otherwise be required by law.

Acceptable content

A. A blog post or email about the subject of "Heroes"

B. Language is primarily in English and if you would like to participate from elsewhere in the world it is up to you to translate your message into English so we can understand you.
C. Do your best to make sure everything is properly sourced.
D. We also encourage role playing for those who enjoy doing that. :)

Also we now have judges guidelines so you can see what the main judges generally look for in an entry, links to those will be below.

Good luck in the contest!!

Click to enter the Discord chat room.

Click to go to the rules page.

20180421_151139_0001.pngOriginal by @yeszuzia and modified by @charisma777

PS.. If you'd like to be a part of the community in some way but don't want to play in the game, we're still looking for a few regular judges and always looking for guest judges and sponsors.

If you would like to help out, please feel free to resteem or share this blog post on any social media to help get the word out to more people who might want to play! <3 Thank you.

Also if you want to play via email or be notified of each round or get updates then please send an email to informationfindingchampionship@gmail.com
with the subject "Add to IFC mailing list".

Plus here's a YouTube video I made on the subject of the IFC that I'm going to include with each round post.

Due to a suggestion from one of the players I'm also going to start tagging all the current players here to remind them of a new round, if you don't want to be reminded let me know and I'll take you off the list.


If I missed anyone or you'd like to be added to the list, lemme know.


Amazing your effort to keep people engaged! Keep it up @apolymask! :)

ps... I hope @charisma777 is ok... I usually don't worry because I know she has other groups she works with, but I know she always loved this project. Do you know if she's ok?

Hi guys I do know that @charisma777 is okay, she has been super busy, as she is going back to school full time and between that and raising her kids and a research project for her classes she hasn't had much time for the blockchain, it isn't that she doesn't want to be around, she just doesn't have the time to be very active atm. But she will be back active and all that again when her time free's up. She is my Best Friend IRL so if you ever are worried about her, I am the one who would know what is going on.

So glad to hear she’s doing well. Busy is a good reason.

Awesome @technosgirl! That's very awesome to hear! Tell her we said "hi" and we miss her and to kick ass on everything she has going :)

And thank you very very much for letting us know, that is super sweet of you too!

I get notifications on her tag as she is my best friend and I like to support when she post things. And I already let her know you guys were speculating her whereabouts. She told me to tell you guys she is trying...

cool... tell her that if she try's her best, that is all anyone can ever do... An we have confidence in her and believe she will kick ass on anything that she puts her mind to! She's truly exceptional :)

And thanks again @tecnosgirl!!!

Thanks so much for letting us know that charisma is alright tecnosgirl! I should have remembered to ask you and if something like this ever happens again I will certainly remember to ask you in the future. Was a bit worried and now I'm very glad and relieved to hear she is just busy and that it's nothing more serious than that! <3

Np glad I could help ease your guys mind, I am glad she has found a group of people that cares enough to ask about her in her absence here

I'm glad as well! She seems like an awesome person and I'm jealous you get to know her in person and be such a close friend. :) She seems like a really unique and caring individual and I'm honored to consider her my friend.

Thanks davemccoy! :) I appreciate the feedback and encouragement and I will do my best!

To answer your question about charisma.. No I don't know if she's okay. I haven't seen her on at all on discord or steem and she didn't respond to the email I sent so.. I'm not sure how else to try to get a hold of her. She has a Facebook page but I'm not sure what it is and.. I don't remember her ever giving me a cell phone number so.. I'm not sure how else to try to get a hold of her right now. If you could ask around any of those other groups that'd be much appreciated! Though I have a feeling she's not been active in any of those groups either.

But if we could find her Facebook page or a phone number that might help! I have a feeling that whatever happened is not good though, she has been really good at communicating and keeping in touch in the past and it's been a while now, makes me think something bad happened.. :(

That is now something that is worrying me too... I will ask around and I just messaged her too. I hope she just got tired of being on steemit and not anything bad happen to her. Hopefully she is just taking a break, but I will keep my eyes and ears open too.

She's an amazing soul and one of the best people I've met on this platform. Kind and giving beyond words.

Ahh. I just saw the comment up above from tecnosgirl! Glad to hear she's okay! Phew. That's a relief.

I hope so too, though right before she disappeared she was talking about how she was going to be a lot more active.. So.. I kind of doubt that and if she was taking a break I think she would probably let us know since she is such a major part of our community.. So I really do think something happened. I'm hesitant to guess what exactly.. But something probably something serious.

Thanks for asking around and trying to find out! And I agree.. She is an amazing soul and one of the most awesome people I've met not just on steemit but in life in general. She has been a major inspiration and positive force in my life and I hope she's okay.

Once again, a theme I can work with.
I'm really going to try my best to get something out this time. I know I said the same for the last two challenges, but my life has been an emotional roller coaster - and i never got to it.
Will need to look up last year's entry, though, to make sure I don't pick the same people, lol. I don't think of a lot of people as being 'heroes', actually. The only people that come to mind are Steemians at the moment.

Added it to my calendar. These last two days have been better - if I manage to keep that up, I'll definitely submit an entry this time. (Feel so guilty for missing out on the two last rounds, but I've been going up and down, both physically and mentally - I just wasn't able to get it done.)

Hey simplymike. Good to hear from you! I'm sorry to hear that you've been going through a lot. I can sort of relate though I'm not sure exactly what you're dealing with but things have been pretty overwhelming for me too.

Please don't feel guilty. You tried! :) And that makes me happy that you tried. Also, if you had made some progress on those entries it's not too late to enter them. We're so far behind on our judging duties that you have plenty of time to get in late entries. We have another player who is busy with school and I let him know that he also has plenty of time to get some late entries in since we are so behind on our judging duties. So.. It's definitely not too late! You could still enter those rounds if you wanted to.

I hope things improve for you soon!
PS Here's the link for your entry last season, I found it with a Google search.

Hahaha, I shouldn't have doubted: those heroes are still the same. Although I've come across plenty of new ones since :0)

I have all the pictures for the 'power spot' round on my phone for two weeks, and everyy day I say to myself I am going to write the post. But my mood swings are so extreme that I haven't gotten to it. By now, I should go out and take some new picks already, since everything in the garden has already changed so much :0)

I like @ifc so much - especially if the topics are things I can work with, lol - but trying to deal with all those mental issues takes up so much of my energy... But even when I can't get something written, I'm definitely following up. :0)

Ahh.. Well I suppose you could pick the same ones again? And add some new ones as well?

And yeah.. I can relate, there's some stuff I'd like to write/type as well and I have trouble finding the proper energy and time for it. Sometimes getting over that initial resistance is the hardest and once you start it flows quick and easy, that's been a major lesson for me.. Is that initial resistance can be tough to get over! But yeah with all the flowers coming up and springtime colors and growth you may find something even better now?

Glad to hear you like the ifc so much! :) That makes me happy, the feeling is mutual in that I like your presence a lot as well! And I'm sure other people do also. It's nice to know that even if you're not in the right mood or mindstate for the quests that you're still around to be a part of the community! I appreciate that and I appreciate you. Much love simplymike! <3

Sounds cool. I totally missed last week because it was my last week of school and I had two major assignments due. But that's done now so I hope to get back into it this week.

Posted using Partiko Android

Glad you think so! And bummer you were so busy, I think you would have done great on that round! Also it's not too late if you wanted to do a late entry you could. We're still back judging round 3 and there's at least one or two other people who are probably going to do a late entry on that round as well since they were also busy. Whatever the case, good to hear you got your assignments done! And looking forward to seeing what you do with this topic if you decide to play. :) Cheers man.

Ok good to know I can still make an entry. I'll think on both topics and try to come up with something :)

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm sneaking in at the end there! I was rushing to get it finished... I'm a bit brain tired, so I hope it is still vaguely coherent!


Congratulations @ifc!
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Here is my entry for this week, My Hero