Hello there! Welcome to our digital spaceship castle.
Artwork credit - @jimramones on steemit
Hey again. Sorry for the incredibly delayed update.
It looks like it's been over 2 months since this tie-breaker happened and I'm ashamed that it took so long.
I've been trying to let the judges go at their own pace and not rush things or make them feel pressured like it's a job and it just dragged on and on.
Then Around a week ago I was told by one of the two main active judges that they were too busy so I had to try to find help.
Two of them will probably just help for a round or two, but the third it sounds like might help us longer term! :)
So hopefully we should be back on track now, and at worst case scenario, I can just vote by myself on the rest of the rounds if others are too busy...?Thanks to a suggestion from a friend I found @steemterminal and got 3 extra judges to help. Thanks steemterminal peoples!
But I would like to have at least three judges for each round, so hopefully we can get three judges for each round.
Anyways.. I'm really sorry again for how long this is taking, I feel like I failed to an extent...
We're still on though and I hope we get to finish and that we have a new champion who earns the 200 steem prize.
I'm hoping next season we can figure this out better and that the players themselves can vote and I don't have to be dependant on judges or something like that...
Something needs to change cause 2 months to judge a round is not good.
I hope you will forgive me and be understanding and not quit.
We still have 13 more rounds to judge, so... I have no idea how long this is going to take, but hopefully we can speed up and start knocking them out more regularly, thank you for your patience and I hope to see everyone who scored at least 1 point in the finals whenever it ends up happening. <3
Anyways... Onto the results shall we?
This round was on the subject of "fear" and both were excellent entries in my opinion.
Vote Round 6 tie breaker
apolymask - Okay.. This was a pretty tough decision for me. I think both entries were excellent. I love how vulnerable both were in sharing about their fears and how ayushjalan is working on his and so eloquent in explaining it, also the adventure that shaheerbari went on was just epic and was one of the better posts I've read on steemit or any social media in a while! Truly a great read and I would suggest anyone check it out if they haven't yet, I would suggest checking both of them out if you haven't. They are both great. So I gave each of them 1 point for their awesome entries and when it came to deciding how I would award my final point... I decided to give it to ayushjalan because he allowed shaheerbari to get a late entry in when he could have challenged that and opted for an automatic win due to the fact shaheerbari got his entry in late by a number of days.. I truly admire and respect it when people are a good sport and they want to have a fair and honorable exchange.
xomegax - Woah that was hard 2 great writers did well i cant choooseeee hahahaha. But its a tie breaker and my vote goes to shaheerbari i dont know i was going to vote for ayushjalan but shaheerbari's post felt more intruiging i was hooked. il give 1 to ayushjalan too
jamesrussell - I think that ayushjalan's post is better, because I feel he is more organized and more of a professional writer, I only found 1 typo, and on the negative side, he doesn't source his images properly. But shaheerbari tells a pretty good tale, but harder to follow and very unorganized. He is a professional writer in the rough, with a lot of run on sentences and changes in direction without punctuation. Also coupled with the lack of proper sourcing on the bottom photo, he needs training to become a better writer. He does tell a fairly good tale though. So the first one, the post by ayushjalan, I would give two coins to and the second one, by shaheerbari, would be one coin.
britandjosie - I choose shaheerbari , I love the picture of his own together with the honest story written and edited in more than 10 hours, reaching deep and it took me to there and be part of the fear. 3 points to shaheerbari
decechris - I pick shaheerbari for 2 points because I love the way he express his feeling and say something for the reality event. Even if not or did I was so scared what he say about scared of death and I admit it I experience that one in real life. 2 @shaheerbari and 1 to @ayushjalan
enforcer48 - N/A
Total is..
@shaheerbari - 9
@ayushjalan - 6
That was a good battle. Congrats shaheerbari! This is your first win in the IFC and you jumped all the way up to 2nd place! Wow. Well done. I was not expecting that. ayushjalan is now in 4th place also. The rankings are changing a lot. That's it for now, bye until next time!
I was a little unsure about how to do the leaderboard this season without being too confusing, so... I'm going to put those who have won points from season 2 on top, and will keep those from season 1 on the bottom.
I think at the end of the season I will likely combine both season 1 and 2 scores together. If you played in season 1 you still have your exp and items, I'm just showing it this way so it's easier to keep track of who is in their proper ranking place during the new season.
Also if you scored any points so far you are automatically entered into the finals as it only takes 1 point this season to get entered into the finals. Players from last season will not be entered into the finals unless they score at least 1 point during this new season 2.
Season 2 stats.
@jbreheny 2-21-0 previous season score is 1-12-0
@shaheerbari 1-21-0
@bengy 1-16-0 previous season score is 1-10-0
@ayushjalan 0-13-0
@nmcdougal94 1-09-0
@leaky20 0-09-0
@ecoinstant 0-06-0
@lordless.exile 0-06-0
@plushzilla 0-04-0 previous season score is 3-30-0
@bashadow 0-02-0 previous season score is 4-43-1
@simplymike 0-02-0
@quotes-haven 0-01-0
@mistakili 0-01-0
Season 1 stats.
kryptocek 6-53-1 Sacred Crystal
bashadow 4-43-1 ???
plushzilla 3-30-0
amariespeaks 3-23-0
har5h 2-59-1 KryptoCheck Shield
iexplore 2-36-0
eaglespirit 2-35-0
mr-bike 2-18-0
youhavewings 2-16-0
jan23com 1-48-1 Occult book + eye
sandrina.life 1-14-0
jbreheny 1-12-0
artgirl 1-11-0
magicalmoonlight 1-11-0
bengy 1-10-0
swolesome 1-09-0
wholeself-in 1-09-0
kenneth1 1-09-0
warpedpoetic 1-09-0
auminda 1-09-0
simplymike 1-08-0
xomegax 1-08-0 now a judge
bitpizza 1-07-0
losthippie 1-07-0
boladayl 1-06-0
noisyboy 1-05-0
giddyupngo 1-05-0
grizzman 0-08-0
deliberator 0-04-0
sophiabydesign 0-02-0
lynncoyle1 0-01-0
nxtblg 0-01-0
yura81 0-01-0
mnallica 0-01-0
lahvista 0-01-0
chrisroberts 0-01-0
laurawhite 0-01-0
beeyou 0-01-0
gerrardihno 0-01-0
Congrats to @shaheerbari on the win. Nice work. That awesome @apolymask that you were able to find some new judges at least for some rounds. That's great news. It doesnt really matter how long the judging take for me personally, I'm in steem for the long haul hahaha
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Also, I wanna say, props to ayushjalan for allowing his competitor shaheerbari to continue. shaheerbari had a late entry and ayushjalan could have argued to not let him continue, but he didn't and told us to allow the match to continue. I highly respect that. You're a good guy ayushjalan. I like your style and your good sportsmanship!
What's a competition without a good rival? ;)
Thank you so much guys, means a lot especially @ayushjalan for letting me compete in the tie breaker despite being late a couple of days. This feels quite exhilarating in many ways can't get enough of that feeling
You're a good writer shaheerbari. I knew you would have something interesting to share with us. Hence, the second chance. Congratulations on the win! :)
I've been spending way too much time in Splinterlands these last couple of weeks. Time to get back into the 'real' world....OMG, @ifc had completely slipped my mind...
You can kinda blame the "incredibly delayed update" lol. Looks like everyone has been busy lately, haha!
And a big thanks to the judges for their encouraging words!What a battle! Congrats @shaheerbari on the win :)
Thanks man appreciate those words coming from you, good luck for the rest of the tournament