in #contest7 years ago

Information Finding Championship

Side Quest

The Wally Test - Winners

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Thank you to the participants to the Wally Test! I hope you all had fun taking the test. I enjoyed reading all the answers and I could image all the gears turning in everyone's head while taking the test! If you happened to miss it don't worry, the Wally Test will be featured again in the future! Now on to the answers and winners!

Image Credit Pixabay

Questions with Correct Answers

  1. When you see geese flying in a V formation, why is it that one leg of the V is always longer than the other?
    A. Because it has more geese in it!
  2. Why are there so many Smiths in the telephone directory?
    A. Because they all have telephone lines!
  3. What is E.T. short for?
    A. So that he can fit in the small spaceship.
  4. Where do you find a no-legged dog?
    A. Exactly where you left him!
  5. Approximately how many house bricks does it take to complete a brick house in England?
    A. One. It takes many bricks to build the house but only one brick to complete it.
  6. How do you stop a bull from charging?
    A. Take away his credit cards!
  7. What cheese is made backwards?
    A. Edam is "made" backwards.
  8. Take away my first letter, I remain the same. Now take away my fourth letter; I remain the same. Now take away my last letter; I remain the same. What am I?
    A. A mailman.
  9. If a white man threw a black stone into the Red Sea, what would it become?
    A. Wet!
  10. How do you make a bandstand?
    A. Take away their chairs!

Let's see who got the Correct Answers!

@bashadow answers:

  1. Some of left wing were to drunk to fly
  2. Because Smith is/was a name used when no father was known. kind of like how Snow is used in the Game of Thrones.
  3. Extra Tasty
  4. between the hotdog buns
  5. One - CORRECT
  6. Take away it's credit card. - CORRECT!
  7. eseehc
  8. Empty, or a post office, but we know they are incapable of doing anything right. - I'LL GIVE IT TO YOU! CORRECT!
  9. A sunken rock
  10. Take away their chairs. - CORRECT!

4 out of 10!

@bengy answers:

  1. Geese can't count and just don't appreciate symmetry.
  2. Oversupply of metal workers in the past.
  3. Extra terrestrial, and he is short... - CLOSE ENOUGH FOR ME - CORRECT!
  4. Between two buns.
  5. How many wood chucks would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  6. Unplug him.
  7. Edam - CORRECT!
  8. The same?
  9. It's still a black stone.
  10. Remove their chairs. - CORRECT!

3 out of 10!

@jbreheny answers:

  1. Geese are notorious fans of the Jackson Flying V guitar which has one side shorter than the other.
  2. Back in medevial times there was a high concentration of blacksmiths, silversmiths, etc. Over time these people became the Smiths.
  3. Extralongfinger Terrestrial
  4. Next to your meat grinder
  5. The same number as it takes holes to fill Albert Hall.
  6. Take away his credit card. - CORRECT!
  7. Gouda, If it's Gouda nuff for Grandma, it's Gouda nuff for me.
  8. A migraine headache.
  9. A wet rock. - CORRECT!
  10. Throw a joint on the stage.

2 out of 10!

@giddyupngo answers:

  1. Nature abhors symmetry
  2. The iron smiths of the past were skilled workers in high demand, so they had large families. Now they are called Smith.
  3. Extra Terrestrial
  4. In a bun, really expensive ones are at the ballpark or football stadium.
  5. 12,000 bricks
  6. Cut up his credit cards - CORRECT!
  7. edam cheese - CORRECT!
  8. The postal carrier - CORRECT!
  9. displaced water
  10. throw them money

3 out of 10!

@kryptocek answers:

  1. Something to do with aerodynamics maybe? One side may be easier therefore to compensate the other side has more birds lol?
  2. From back in the day there were so many blacksmiths and the names just got passed down to Smith??
  3. ET GO HOME!! Ahh extra terrestrial?
  4. Hmmm... trying to be witty..but ughh.. at a baseball game with an ice cold beer?
  5. To many..would break my back, but I'd put the last one on to complete it?? -CORRECT!
  6. Buy at an all time high.. the bears will come I'm sure of it.
  7. The cheese in New Zealand? Since their toilets flush the opposite way down under, guessing same thing apply's to the cheese?
  8. Oh god I got no clue.. tick tock times running out
  9. Sounds like Art? :D
  10. You don't!? I got no idea haha.

1 out of 10!

@apolymask answers

  1. Perception maybe?
  2. The same reason as any other name I guess but also Smith usually means some kind of trade or skill, so that could be an extra reason CLOSE! I'LL GIVE IT TO YOU ANYWAY! CORRECT
  3. Extra Terrestrial
  4. In a hospital? Or.. A hotdog bun? I dunno.
  5. No idea. Lol. I'm going to guess.. Maybe.. Around.. 5 thousand?
  6. Lay down on the ground.
  7. Uhhh..? Can't even really offer a guess on this one.
  8. Once again I dunno, I suck at this, heh.
  9. What would what become? The black stone? Or the red sea? I'm guessing the stone.. And I don't see why it would change color, the red sea isn't really red is it? Even then it would still be a black stone and the sea would still be the same color. I'm terrible at this game. Heh.
  10. What's a bandstand? I assume some kind of musical thing so probably with wood.

1 out of 10!

And the Winners are!!


Congratulations!! You got the most answers correct with 4! You will be receiving a magikal seed! Keep a look out for it! Once you plant it, it will fruit 2 SBD! Good work! My favorite answer of yours would have to be:

Some of left wing were to drunk to fly

The most Creative/Funniest Answers Winner is!!


Congratulations! You had the most creative/funniest answers in my opinion! You will be receiving a magikal seed! Keep a look out for it! Once you plant it, it will fruit 2 SBD! This was certainly a tough decision, I was laughing through all the entries. But as I mentioned in my comment, it's funny when put under pressure to answer weird questions what goes through our heads! You had me laughing pretty good. I really enjoyed this creative answer of yours:

The cheese in New Zealand? Since their toilets flush the opposite way down under, guessing same thing apply's to the cheese?

Extra Credit - Most Creative Answer Goes to


Geese are notorious fans of the Jackson Flying V guitar which has one side shorter than the other.

Congratulations! You will receive 2XP in the @ifc contest!

Thank you everyone for taking the test! See you all next time!

If you haven't heard of IFC, it is a contest created by the visionary @apolymask where contestants battle for the best information they can provide! The information is then judged and voted who is the best. This is an on going battle between characters of the world. Along the way you may even earn XP, artifacts and relics of unspeakable value! And the grand prize is 158 STEEM!

Open Rounds for the IFC:

Round 30 - Most Important Issue
Round 31 - Dreams
Bonus Quest - The Marketplace

Keep Exploring!.jpg

Fresh Fields.png

Communities You May be Interested In:

Information Finding Championship - @ifc Art created by @yeszuzia & Image modified by @charisma777 Newbie Resteem Day - #newbieresteemday Newbiegames - #newbiegames Asapers - #asapers
Pay it Forward - @thedarkhorse


That was a quick fun little game to play. Some funny answers too.

Congrats @bashadow...I will be offering this game again in the near future I suppose!

Congrats @bashadow!!!! Hope the magik seed grows nicely!!! To everyone else great answers!! The WALLY test is awesome i truly hope we can keep integrating it into the contest, keeps the brain juices flowing!!!

leaderboard!!!! Btw congratulations to everyone!Also I've added @jbreheny to the

Yes! I think it was a fun game/exercise for the brain waves! :) Stay tuned more will come I'm sure! So cool @jbreheny gets on the leader board!!

Just goes to show it truly is anyone's game!!! Especially that hidden ladder!!! It's getting close to the end of season 1 and anyone out there in steemworld can take home the grand prize!!!

You're right! It is anyone's game! I wonder who will be our Grand Prize Winner! It's getting exciting!!

Congratulations to everyone! Thanks to @iexplore for the bonus round. I really should write an entry for one of the open rounds. The combination of BattleTech and being at home puts a crimp in my Steemit time!

Yes there is a lot of activity in the @ifc this week! Hopefully you will find time to enter, lots to choose from!! Thanks for playing! And your "Unplug him." answer was my next favorite answer! :)

haha that's awesome. I mean not my ratio of correct answers haha, but the contest in general. I really enjoyed it and I'm sure everyone else did as well! Thanks for the Magik Beans :) I've already gave one away to @bengy since he came by the farm and helped out for a bit! He was the first one to reply!

Glad to hear you enjoyed it! And that's awesome of you sharing your fruits of your labor! :)

So how do I use a magic bean?

However you choose! :) I believe your bean has sprouted and fruited! Enjoy!

Congrats winners in "thinking outside the box"!

Yes, I believe it was a great exercise to think out of the box! I hope you didn't count the 12,000 bricks? hehe

No, wild guess. :-)

Those were some funny answers! Not what I expected in most cases! Lol. That was pretty fun. Thanks!

Glad you enjoyed the game! It was fun! Thanks for playing along!

Those are interesting answers and witty :D Such a fun game!

It was interesting and witty! I'm sure to see you join next time! :)