Greetings, Steemland!

and I'm feeling a little wacky 😜

Last Week

Congratulations to last week's winners!
For those not playing STEEM MONSTERS yet Contact @carrieallen for details.
🌟@zaidagrilli 🌟 @wandergirl 🌟 @karinxxl 🌟 @nelsonchalbaud 🌟 @zaidaguevarae 🌟 @loler555 🌟

Now... what to do today...?
I'd like to get to know ya... but in a weird way, ya know?

So... answer the questions below and we'll see where it leads us. 😎
You can make a post, but it's not required.
Answers MUST appear in a comment below. - ❓ If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?
- ❓ What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?
- ❓ What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home?
- ❓ What is the sexiest and least sexy name?
- ❓ What sport would be the funniest to add a mandatory amount of alcohol to?
All quality entries will also receive Helpie tokens!
- DEADLINE to enter: When post pays out (or thereabouts). I'll announce the winner and a new contest next Wednesday!
😍That's it!😍
How to Win
It's random, baby!
That's right! Everyone that follows the rules above will receive HLPE tokens and be entered in a random drawing for a STEEM MONSTERS BOOSTER PACK ($2 USD value).
For every 4 entries there will be ONE random winner... up to 5 Booster Packs given out a week!
Packs donated by @isaria.
1 Pack | 2 Packs | 3 Packs | 4 Packs | 5 Packs | |
# of Entries | 0-7 | 8-11 | 12-15 | 16-19 | 20+ |

Wanna know more about the Helpie token? Click the pic.

Use my (@carrieallen)'s affiliate link to sign up and I'll send you free gifts!

April Update or contact one of us on Discord or below. 😍We are currently filling @helpiecake baker (curator) positions and are looking for blog post authors to write for @helpie. For more information check out the
Palnet / MSP and participating actively there, we have scouts constantly looking for the right minnows to support, and they will reach out with a private invitation.Helpie is an invite-only community. If you'd like to be considered to be a member of @helpie as a minnow in training, please consider joining
paintingangels(serena)#3668. She'll be happy to answer any questions you may have about Helpie, and can give you the information you need in order to possibly join our community. And while we're at it.... find me in Discord! carrieallen#9415Wanna reach out to us? @paintingangels is a scout.😍 You can find her in discord - 😍

Click the wiggle to vote today!

Dolphins. Male dolphins have been known to sexually harass female zookeepers, so I can only imagine what they would be like if they could add words to it.
Cleaning the oven.
When house-hunting we looked at a house that was packed full of taxidermied animal heads. Being from Minnesota, seeing a few isn't unusual, but this little house had hundreds crammed together.
I don't really perceive names as inherently sexy or unsexy.
NASCAR? Decathlon? Kayaking? Hm, all the funny ones are going to end up with someone getting killed.
Above comment came from me.... I totes didn't realize I was logged into Helpie...

Hey there! This seems interesting to answer hahaha.. well okay here goes..
If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?
Hmmmm.. I think it would be the chickens.. hahaha maybe because they could finally answer why they keep crossing the roads a hundred times. And they will be annoyed in answering it. 😂✌
What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?
I hate seeing someone spitting in public. That is just so gross!
What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home?
In so far the homes I have been to, there is one who had caught my attention. They have no windows! I dont know it seems I would suffocate inside. I need air!
What is the sexiest and least sexy name?
That would be KINKY! hahaha I do find that sexy.. 😉
What sport would be the funniest to add a mandatory amount of alcohol to?
Basketball!! That would be hilarious to see players so drunk and cant even shoot the ball or perhaps couldnt pass the ball right haha.. 😁
Posted using Partiko Android
❓If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?
Ants. really, ants. imagine all of those million tiny friends insulting you all at once when you step on his cave 🤩
❓ What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?
Taking selfies every single f*** place
❓ What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home?
A creepy painting of an indian that looks at you like it's going to stole your soul
❓ What is the sexiest and least sexy name?
Sexiest, i think Alessandra. Least sexy, maybe mine, lmao.
❓ What sport would be the funniest to add a mandatory amount of alcohol to?
Baseball! it is one of the ones where you have to concentrate most and the ball is really small, that would be hell of fun haha.
OMG! These answers were hilarious!
Ants- total jerks... probably.
Sefies- AGREED.
Creepy Painting- Now I won't sleep tonight
BWHAHAHAHAH!- Nelson isn't very sexy, it's true...😏
Drunk Baseball- You almost get that same effect just by spinning with your head on the bat, looking down... you know, right? Lol! I just realized you may have no idea what I'm talking about...🤣
If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?
Without a doubt the bear! 🐻
What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?
when people talk to a baby, they change their voices and make funny faces 🤭🤭🤭
What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home?
Strange puppets that they used to make sorcery. I was really scared, I never came back 🤪
What is the sexiest and least sexy name?
The sexiest name: Brad (Pitt) 😁😍
The least sexy name: Bartolo 🤢
What sport would be the funniest to add a mandatory amount of alcohol to?
Archery 🤭🤭🤭
Posted using Partiko Android
Here I am in jello. Cause why not?
❓ If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?
I think cats will be the rudest, they have so much character xD
Singing in the shower hahaha
A weird doll with a lot of toys around it because it were the toys of the doll supposedly... Very creppy
Jason and Eustaquio hahaha
Horse racing xD
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks for playing!

If animals could talk, which would be the rudest.
what is something that everyone looks stupid doing?
What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home?
What is the sexiest and least sexy name?
What sport would be the funniest to add a mandatory amount of alcohol to?
And... there is your gold star. You're welcome.