100% SBD Give-Away 0018. (Over 54 SBD given away already!)

in #contest7 years ago

Please note that the contest requirements have changed a little:

also need to write something of interest. This can be something as simple as a famous quote you copy and paste from the Internet (as long as you provide attribution), something of interest to you that you would like to share, a joke, or anything else that you think will add some value to this post.We now have a sponsor (@nnnarvaez) with a bit more Steem Power that has volunteered to sweeten the pot each week. However, we need to make the post a bit more interesting than simply listing a bunch of numbers. So, in addition to guessing a number (which will still be used to select the winner), you will


Since the original idea behind these giveaways was to help redfish and minnows, and with the proliferation of autobots in the system, I believe we need a method of building REAL community. As long as I have enough Steem Power, I will be up-voting those who participate in these weekly contests so that at minimum participants will receive increased rank and a small amount of Steem. If each participant ALSO up-votes the others here, we will form a small community of little fish helping each other out! I challenge you to see if we can get participants to come back and make sure all the participants get an up-vote from you so that nobody feels left out. I honestly believe that the use of vote-buying from bots is harming the platform and I'm trying to create a better way of supporting the little fish. Participating here involves actually reading the post and making a reply, which is what the platform is asking us to do. In an effort to not only support each other, by participating here and not buying bot-votes, I believe you are also supporting the entire platform.

Each week's contest will require entrants to select a number between 111 and 666.


How this contest works

  • The contest is intended for lower-ranking members who could use the money (whales and dolphins are encouraged to upvote and increase the prize pool and/or comment rewards. Your support is greatly appreciated!).
  • The contest will run for 1 week and close on Oct. 11, 2017.
  • Entrants will select a number between 111 and 666 and in the replies to this post they will write, "ENTRY GUESS" followed by their chosen number. This should be the first thing they write, followed by anything they feel will add value to the post.
  • The first person to guess the number rolled by 3 dice rolls wins (NOTE that there will be no numbers 7, 8, 9 or 0). Subsequent winners will be in order of post or by closest guess. Prizes will be awarded until all available funds are used.
  • The prize pool will consist of ALL the SBD earned by this posting.
  • The value of each prize will be based on the value of the prize pool and how many entrants are selected.
  • In order to win, you MUST have upvoted the original post!

Upvoting this posting will increase the prize pool, so be sure to ask your friends and followers to upvote, even if they are not entering!


Dice rolls were: 3,1,3 for 100% SBD Give-Away 0017 (last week)

Winner selected from those who followed the instructions:

  1. PLUS@cryptoeater (guessed 245) winning 0.078 SBD (off by 68) 2.5 SBD from @nnnarvaez for a total of 2.578 SBD.

I believe this contest can make a difference if we continue to believe and participate fully in it as a group.

Congratulations to the winner!



If you have ideas for future contests, please pass them on to me by posting below.

I sincerely thank you for your input!



I've been tracking this contest on and off for a while and I'll say that this new twist you've put on it has certainly made it more interesting. Typically (and unfortunately) when I see a contest "evolve" by asking for more effort out of its participants, people run away unless that particular contest is already one of the most well-established and popular ones on Steemit. Looks like in this case, at least for this week, you've bucked the trend... nicely done.

You are absolutely correct in your observations. Initially I did require more effort out of the contestants, but at the time the minimum prize was 5 SBD. When my money ran out, I had to lower the requirements to keep people here. Now that I have a sponsor to boost the prize pool, I'm able to once again raise the bar. As my own and my sponsor's VP increase, the prizes will get larger and the contest will evolve slightly again. I have a long-range plan in place; I'm just not able to fully implement it just yet. Those who stick with me will see the benefit in the long run.

again i choose the "golden middle" - Entry Guess 333 - although the middle there is 383,5 - but doesn't sound that nice, right ?

Doing some maths here is enough as reply with intersting content ? - I hope so ;)

Encouraging communication is the main reason I ask the participants on my SBD share posts to comment.Hi @happyme, Thank you and @nnnarvaez very much for this initiative.

At first I was giving whomever votes the post, and as a thank you I was visiting their pages to vote one of their posts. But then I noticed that some of them were not active at all and others were rarely active. At first I had no idea that you can use bots to automatically vote, but then I found out from reading other posts, so I changed the rules of participation.

I lost most of the people that were voting me just for the fact I requested a comment, even though I explained that I will upvote each comment to increase the participants rewards.

But honestly, I feel much better now when I share with people who comments. Even if they only write something as simple as "followed & upvoted". I find that eventually they will get more involved in other ways, by at least saying "thank you"
But mostly I find them to become better steemit friends on the long run.

The other issue I face is not having time to upvote posts of all people that upvote me, which makes me feel selfish. So, when a reader upvotes and comment on my posts, I show them my gratitude for engaging and commenting and I respond to them as well as I upvote their comments. This way, I feel that I am exchanging good discussions as well as good values :D

Oh, my entry is 555

Cheers to everyone :D

Bots are not bad, people who uses bots for greed are making them bad...
I make bots, they help me help...

I have an run a vote trail (I vote last to give the rewards to those who have less SP a chance to get their share)

It doesn't encourage reading what i vote for, but frees the minnows time to post and read other's post, when my trail votes they give together around 25 cents (much more than the 0.001 a single minnow vote gives)

You post to receive, you vote to give.

Engagement is important to build human links! And this network is a tool to go beyond human greed and to share ideas and help or get help.

I very much agree with you @nnnarvaez,

I honestly just knew that it can be beneficial to use some bots. There is something to learn everyday on Steemit. I also do use bots on my posts to give them more exposure. After all I write from my heart and would like to share it with other people.

Since I keep my human interaction as maximum as I can, I don't feel bad to gain a little bit extra from bot votes. Every little bit that helps me grow, will only make me stronger and enable me to help others even more.

Thank you very much for the reply and for engaging me in the discussion :D

Thanks for that very nice bit of engagement! I find it interesting about you losing many of your participants when you changed the rules. From what I am observing here, I may have some bot votes as well. Even when I write to tell them they need to alter the format, some don't even read the reply in order to see it. Oh well... eventually we will gather our little group that will become closer as we get to know each other and become friends. Friends talk to each other! That's the social part of this social platform.

Indeed we will :)

Hi! Thank you so much for last week's prize, it has almost doubled my wallet haha! I have just read the contest rules and I was stuck on what to contribute, but then I realised this is the perfect place to pitch my idea to incentivise voting for minnows!
I made a post about it a few days ago without much attention so my friend made another post about it here!
Basically, the idea incentivises people to look for undiscovered authors rather than already popular ones, especially for whales as they get the largest financial incentive out of it.
If you'd like to read more, check out the post!
Entry Guess 243

Sweet! We are attempting to get SOCIAL by engaging and having dialog between authors and readers. Personally, I make about 70 to 80 % of my rewards from commenting on articles. As more people figure out that active participation is what this platform is all about, the sooner there is a shift in mindset and the sooner the platform grows into what the original vision was. Since you are interested in doing more or less the same thing, we should team up and promote this effort here until changes are made to the code itself. Once we get enough people on board here, the contest will morph again to make it even better at creating the environment we seek.


he said it was kinda sad that he was the only valid entry so told me to enter too!

anyways something discussion worthy hmmmmm
I've never watch Game of Thrones HAHAh@cryptoeater brought me here LOL as for something discussion worthy, I feel like @cryptoeater should win as his idea is very good lol

I've never watched Game Of Thrones either... in fact, I don't watch television at all. I can't stand all the commercials that come with the programming.

As for winning, this contest is determined by chance because it is too difficult to choose something as subjective as what makes a good comment. However, @nnnarvaez stated that he will give a full-power up-vote to the response he feels is the most original and discussion-worthy. Everyone gets a full-power up-vote from me, so there are no losers, only winners here! TIP: An easy discussion topic would be; how to encourage more engagement on this platform.

My entry guess is 334
Oh yeah i mean that crypto should win the @nnnarvaez prize. I feel like upvote bots and similar services just makes this site feel like a gimmick and less legit. Upvotes should be authentic and minnows should be upvoted because of their quality content, not because they paid for it. With @cryptoeater's suggestion and the removal of bots/voting services I feel this platform would be a lot better in terms of engagement, quality and diversity of content.

333 look there are very good lottery posts by @earn-free-sbds to help users too.....you just upvote his lottery posts and at the end he will select the winner with random.org very cool...talk to him so you can promote you to his users and you can promote him to yours...all the best

Thanks for participating. Using, "ENTRY GUESS ###" as the first part of your reply makes it stand out so that I can more easily see who is participating and who is not. Please edit your post so that it won't accidentally get missed when I look for the closest guess.

There are actually a lot of different contests being run on this platform. The mission of this particular contest is to build a sense of engagement.

Entry Guess 445
I've been on Steemit about a month and haven't really posted anything yet. However, I feel like there's great potential here on Steemit and will become more active after my exams!

Also, people who enter late has a very large advantage by just one upping someone, thus increasing their chances to win. Perhaps you should make it everyone within a range of 20 wins or something like that, if no one wins, the prize jackpots and if 2 people, the prize is halved. This makes the competition fair for everyone
Good luck all for this competition!

Welcome and thanks for your comments.
I'm not sure how anyone can one-up anyone else, since the dice rolls are random and nobody knows which way they will go. If nobody guesses exactly, the closest guess wins.

Entry guess 444

One of these days guys... ones of these days.

Can you tell me how you feel about the new rules? How about the idea of the rising reward?

Sorry for the first comment been bare. Sometimes I only sneakily check steemit when I'm at work

Other times I'm just browsing on the phone. Sometimes I wish the mobile website ran smoother, more than likely just my phone though. Enough of that.

I don't know how to contribute to good articles, maybe I'll ask another noob question sure....

Why is steemit's search bar powered by Google and not powered by something a little more private like duckduckgo.com?

Call me paranoid but I guess a search engine that is, in my opinion anyway , more trustworthy than Google would be a little nicer to have.

That's just something I've wondered about to many times ever since I joined this site.

That's a good question and one I don't have an answer for. I guess Google's search is fast and easy to implement so they used that until something better was made.

Let's hope one day duckduckgo come up with a way that their service can be used in websites like this. Maybe I'm to paranoid for my own good but in general I don't like my search queries catalogued

Also I hope that question was satisfactory enough in accordance to your new rules.

I'm simply looking for some discussion and engagement. That is what this platform was intended for, so that is what I'm trying to encourage here. As people become used to adding something of value, the platform itself evolves into a better place.

Thanks @happyme, I will upvote this full 100% power once my VP has recharged a little.

I will also vote the most original, discussion worthy entry at full VP

I would like to add that if you Reblog this article after you make your comment; you help giving visibility and entice others to participate, thus potentially making the pot bigger.
It should be a requirement to participate: help helping...
Every little counts!

Update I'm finishing the startup of my witness node and soon you will be able to help me shape steem for the better by voting for my witness node.

Something i've learnt in steemit is that:

The more i give the more i receive.

Woops! I see my VP is still low and the estimated value just dropped from 4 to 3 cents between the 2 votes I just made.

I too have seen that the more one gives, the more that comes back! I'm loving it.

I appreciatte it, but don't vote my post here my friend, save it for others!

In a few minutes you will be able to vote for me as witness!

Oh how exciting! Congratulations on getting the server set up so fast!


Please read the rules and make sure to add something of interest for your entry to count. The prize will be much bigger this time.

Congratulations @happyme , we r much excited to know about it, wonderful job you have done.


If you wish to have your entry count, you MUST read and follow the rules. The idea here is to create incentive for engagement and improve the platform as a whole. Please update your entry to make it count and thanks in advance for your participation.


The rules of the contest have been changed a little bit. Please read the rules and comply so that your entry can be counted. Thank-you!