You draw an arrow and shoot: the string breaks (oops!) as the arrow is released it bounces off the enemy harmlessly. Gobbo happened to be walking by at the time and wets himself in laughter, seeing your skills are low he attacks. @gobbo
Chuck Norris does not like the sight of two live Gobbos very close to each other. He rushes in and delivers a roundhouse kick to this Gobbo, causing its head to detach and fly off into the sky. Where that head will land, nobody knows. In the blink of an eye, Chuck picks up the headless Gobbo's corpse and disappears.
🚩 🚩 🚩 This Gobbo is dead and out of play. The other one remains.🚩 🚩 🚩
You draw an arrow and shoot: the bow made a strange sound as the arrow launches, as if the string nearly broke, but you clip the foe for a hit of 2 points!
You draw an arrow and shoot:

the string breaks (oops!) as the arrow is released it bounces off the enemy harmlessly. Gobbo happened to be walking by at the time and wets himself in laughter, seeing your skills are low he attacks. @gobbo
Gobbo makes his best attack.

He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 4.
Chuck Norris does not like the sight of two live Gobbos very close to each other. He rushes in and delivers a roundhouse kick to this Gobbo, causing its head to detach and fly off into the sky. Where that head will land, nobody knows. In the blink of an eye, Chuck picks up the headless Gobbo's corpse and disappears.
🚩 🚩 🚩 This Gobbo is dead and out of play. The other one remains.🚩 🚩 🚩
You draw an arrow and shoot:

the bow made a strange sound as the arrow launches, as if the string nearly broke, but you clip the foe for a hit of 2 points!
And Gobo is dead with my +2 bonus, which might have killed him even though I didn't hit him? Hmmm.
Doh! at this point you need to use the !manyarrows attack