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RE: "Make A Difference" - CONTEST • 0.300SBD for 1 Good Deed

in #contest7 years ago

Kindness and being kind to others is definitely a choice. We should not be compelled to give it just because it has a reward as a motive. Though you will really feel good deep inside after the kind deed you just did, and the rewards from other people is just a bonus. I don't intend to claim any monetary reward or recognition for this act I am doing but doing it as a real good person. Nobody would take care of these kittens but just me and my mom. The mother of these kittens died a week ago because she was bitten in the neck by another cat. Photo will follow and will be my next blog post.


here are these kittens and me.

Hi @fycee. 😊 Thank you for sharing what you did. In this world where mostly gets motivated by monetary reward, its a relief to know that there are people like you who is willing to offer help even to those who can't pay them back. 😺

Thank you for the acknowledgement, with this, you don't need to have something in return but it FEELS GOOD when someone appreciates it! Grateful for the upvote. We are just human beings who still feels good being recognized for a really good deed. In life, it is a domino effect, If one person did a kind act to you, though you are not compelled to do the same, it is an automatic thing for us to do the same kindness in a different manner to another person who comes along our way. We make a big difference then. A BIG THANK YOU!