The boy and the Wolf
In a neighborhood away from the village at 6 o'clock in the evening and with it the darkness the inhabitants are shut up in their homes scared and silent by the howls of Wild Dogs that come out of the thick jungle that make even the snakes hide. Only a child that no one knows who he is and where he came from dares to leave with that frenzy of howls but nothing happens, the neighbors wait to arrive the next day to see what has happened to be surprised by the courage of that child. One day they decided to hide in the bushes to see what happened when the child goes into the jungle and are surprised to see that he simply played with those ferocious wolves that see the child leave their laments and just run to him to lick and receive their petting. The neighbors approach without fear and only receive licks from those wolves that are not as ferocious as they seem. As the boy moves away from the Wolves and the jungle, that frenzy of howling begins again like a weeping of wolves for the company of that child.