Steemit Wishes 2018 CHALLENGE #8 / The New 20 selected participants!

in #contest7 years ago

Dear steemians,

Thank you to all steemians participants to my first Steemit Wishes 2018 CHALLENGE!

You are a lot of creative people, the choice will be hard! ^^.
I loved reading your beautiful wishes lists! I hope all that your wishes will come true in 2018 ...

Here is the list of the new 20 participants who respected the rules of the contest. Every day, I will post all selected people. You have until December 31 to participate.

December 31 at midnight, I will close the contest.
The 1st January 2018, I will make my final selection and you will then have the result !!!

The new 20 selected participants

61. @ijele

  • I wish that i would have enough to cater for the less privileged
  • I wish that my mums would fully recover from breast cancer
  • I wish that i have more followers and earn more from steemit
  • I wish that i can be able to help minnows in steemit
  • I wish my wife safe delivery
  • I wish i can change my old car
  • I wish i can go for holidays with my family for once in my life

62. @frellarong

  • God will forgive me all of my sins in 2017,
  • passed grades,
  • Hoping next Christmas and New year my father can join us celebrating Christmas and New year because he's an OFW,
  • I wish in 2018 nobody will die from our family,
  • I wish to get even more fatter and healthy because I'm so thin and stick,
  • In 2018 I wish to have my own motorcycle,
  • In 2018 I will prioritize God, My Family, My Studies and also Steemit who help me not only in financial but it helps me to know who I am and what can I do.

63. @jeetendra

  • To make at least 2 short films and 2 feature films. (Achievable)
  • To travel at least 10 countries. (Not very sure)
  • To plan a marriage with my lady love @chadani who has also just joined Steemit. ( Two of us will decide very soon)
  • Market my business and make it grow. (Achievable)
  • Celebrate LIFE everyday. (It was, it is, and it will be achievable forever)

64. @l5taylor

  • reconnect with my family - I’ve distanced myself too much and this must change.
  • Stop gambling completely. It ruined my life and brought misery to those closest to me.
  • Treat my new girlfriend to a trip to the West End in London.
  • Maintain relationship with previously stated new girlfriend.
  • Pay off the £2k debt I owe.
  • Learn to drive
  • above all - stop wasting the years of my life wallowing in self pity. Yes my mother died last year and my sister before that, but at least I’m alive. Now I need to prove to myself it’s worth it.

65. @marysent

  • start working as a senior high teacher and uplift my family's economic status little by little
  • be able to help those in need especially those who are living in the street
  • be able to join the pilgrimage in Holy Land
  • be able to gather the needed amount to join the World Youth Day
  • buy a car for my grandparents and bring them to places they like
  • be successful here in steemit and be able to get higher upvote values (not less than a dollar because it is what I'm experiencing now)
  • become a better version of myself :)

66. @hiarevalo

  • Good health of my son
  • Good health of my family
  • Good health of my Partner beacause she is Pregnant
  • Safe and normal birth delivery for her
  • Healthy baby girl
  • Successful wedding proposal for my partner
  • Get a better job

67. @ceccilia

  • Deseo de todo corazón volver a reencontrarme con mi familia, y que puedan dizfrutar de mi hijo y el de ellos sin tener que apartarme nunca mas.
  • Salud para mi hijo, mis familiares y amigos... aah Claro para mi tambien.
  • Aumentar mi plan personal de resiclaje para asi seguir aportando mi granito de arena al único lugar que tenemos donde vivir, nuestro amado planeta.
  • Deseo en este 2018 materializar mi sueño de tener un techo propio que ofrecerle a mi hijo .
  • Asistir a un concierto de los caramelos de cianuron en madrid, poder Conocerlos y tener una charla amena.
  • Por último y no menos importante, deseo con todas mis fuerzas la liberación de mi país (Venezuela) y la recuperación total de cada uno de sus sectores productivos al igual que en el sector de salud..

68. @edgarholla

  • I wish we all (myself included) will slow down more and enjoy the little things in life
  • I wish the world will focus more on what's good and sustainable for people rather than short sighted politics
  • I wish to focus on beautiful things just for the sake of beauty
  • I wish for UBI (Universal basic income) for the whole planet so nobody would have to live in poverty
  • I wish that alternative medicine finds a solid place in Western medicine
  • I wish a beautiful year and life for everybody on steemit!

69. @awolesigideon

  • I wish to rent a flat for my mum
  • I wish to buy a sewing machine for my kid brother
  • I wish to kickstart my own business
  • I wish to buy a camera
  • I wish to ride a plane for the first time
  • I wish for 3 more wishes

70. @mysevenworlds

  • Learn how to sail
  • Become a motivational speaker
  • Be a recognized life coach on the English speaking market
  • Master the art of banana pancakes
  • Get a haircut finally after over a year
  • Keep my year-round tan
  • Make enough money to fly my mother out to see me in Mexico
  • Get a drone
  • Make it to 2019

71. @milf27

  • Que mi Venezuela sea un país prospero de nuevo, que salga de la oscuridad en la que se encuentra sumergida y que la alegría y el esplendor en su gente vuelvan hacer su carta de presentación.
  • Porque seamos mas tolerantes y empecemos a valorar las pequeñas cosas, dejemos la soberbia, el odio y la avaricia, porque como dicen aquí en Vzla el envidioso no prospera.
  • Recibir mi tan anhelado titulo de Ingeniera Industrial, no solo porque ver una meta realizada, sino por hacer llorar de felicidad a mi mama, eso si es un triunfo.
  • Poder ver a mi familia de nuevo y el ultimo y no tan menos importante
  • Viajar a Rusia y caminar por San Petersburgo "Jardín de Verano", y recordar mi libro favorito.

72. @manuelalejandro

  • Que mi primera hija nazca sana y sin ningún inconveniente.
  • Poder protegerla y darle lo que necesite.
  • Dar a conocer steemit en toda mi Venezuela para así mejorar un poco la economía del venezolano y así ayudar a la comunidad de steemit a crecer.
  • Apoyar a mi familia con la ayuda de steemit.
  • sentir el viento y la inmensidad del tepuy Roraima para poder explicarles el sentimiento en un post.
  • Viaja por Latinoamérica para conocer las culturas de sus países.
  • Comprarme una mejor computadora con buen internet para distraerme y trabajar en ella.

73. @maurelvys

  • Vida y salud para poder ver cumplidos mis deseos junto a mi familia.
  • Que se resuelvan los conflictos de la mejor manera en África, Venezuela y el mundo.
  • Convertir mi cuenta de steemit en una ballena.
  • Salir a disfrutar de los encuentros de steemit por el mundo.
  • Desarrollar más mi parte creativa.
  • Llegar a los corazones de los steemians con mis posts.
  • Ir a los carnavales de Río De Janeiro.
  • Que no se me pierda ningún calcetín.
  • Que mis proyectos ayuden a construir un mejor mundo.

74. @lucylin

  • Write a steemit post of over 300 words that does not have any grammatical errors in it once it's posted, and I read back.
  • Write enough quality posts on steemit to make a real contribution to supporting my girlfriend, her mum, and her granddaughter.
  • Make people think, on steemit.
  • Make people laugh.
  • Make my girlfriend happy.
  • Take myself less seriously.
  • To stop being so goal orientated.
  • Help develop steemit for the better of everyone here.
  • Have a bigger willy.
  • oh, and make people laugh - I wish this twice.

75. @digitalopus

  • Paz para Venezuela y el mundo
  • Seguir dando Gracias por todas las bendiciones que tenemos
  • Seguir teniendo buena salud
  • Seguir brindando mi música para que todos disfruten de ella.
  • Poder ayudar a mi familia en lo que pueda
  • Viajar por mi país para conocerlo mucho más y mejor.

76. @strings

  • to have a good health for my family and most especially to my niece who's suffering from cerebral palsy,
  • to become a better person,
  • to treat my parents a vacation,
  • to build my own house,
  • to invite and discuss steemit to my friends, colleagues and students,
  • to impart my knowledge in this platform by posting tutorials,
  • to be financially stable, and lastly
  • to have more confident and trust to myself.
    That would be all, thank you.

77. @thot2word

  • For my koinonia word project to start out strong and be a success
  • To have a better, love filled relationship with my family
  • To have a strong relationship with the Holy Spirit
  • To have a more coordinated life and lifestyle
  • To have more commitment in the things I do
  • To be a better student doctor and pass my exams
  • To be more tolerating and understanding in my dealings with people, etc

78. @mhelows

  • Good health and longer life for my parents.
  • I am a big Ed Sheeran fan too and would love to go see him in a concert too!
  • Hopefully find a new job and a good boss.
  • Travel more this 2018.
  • Be famous here in Steemit. <3

79. @mignacio

  • completion of the requirements of my brother for his OJT
  • enough money for the enrollment of my brother for his OJT
  • vacation in Zamboanga with my family
  • growth in my career (job)
  • new love life :D

80. @earthangel

  • Finish the book im writing
  • Exercise more and eat healthy
  • Be a better blogger
  • learn a foreign language (im learning japanese now)
  • learn how to dance and sing (ive been too shy to do this )
  • do volunteer work in a different country
  • be a blessing to those around me

Good luck to everyone! Stay connected for the next 10 wishes lists selectionned!

If you enjoyed reading this blog, don't hesitate to vote, comment and reestem! ;)

Thanks for your support my lovely followers!


what a big contest just looking at the funny part of it tho....the should be a place on steemit for this kind of challenge and it should be name after you @flamingirl #myfirstdayonsteemit

Wish to make first class in my fore running program
Wish to have a better place to serve my country
Wish my girlfriend accept me, when I propose to her
Wish to make her happy
Most especially, want my mum to be happy
Wish steemit exist forever

Great contests, and good challenge, welcome to the 2018 new year,

Nice contest
👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻to the 20 participant

I feel blessed everyday watching my family grow and mature.
I don't need much more than that.
I'm feeling so fortunate that I want to make 2018 the year I help out people less fortunate than I.Cool contest @flamingirl!

Wish to be better person
Wish to be a lion on steemit
Wish to be a better students than I was
Wish to improve on my relationship with God
Wish to improve my relationship with people
Wish to read more books and write more
Wish to make more travels
Wish to realize all these I have wished for

It's a pleasure can participate this contest. anyway here are my ten wishes list in 2018
• I wish I could make my family happy, my mom especially because my father had passed away.
• I wish I could help my little brother to get a good education.
• I wish I could be a famous speaker or writer.
• I wish I could build the school for the poor people.
• I wish I could have a big library in my town and open it freely.
• I wish I could get a woman who loving me as I am and I love her as she is :)
• I wish I could marry her.
• I wish I would have a cute kids baby then.
• I wish I could spend my daily days with them.
• I wish I could see they would be happy someday.

I wish if i rule on the steem power
I wish if i write more post
I wish if i earn more SBD
I wish to contact with alien

  • Wish my love, my one and only snoring husband get a new job that he dream off.
  • Wish my dad to stay healthy and strong..I love him so much.
  • Wish my mum stopped worrying about dad and taking care of her own health.
  • Wish my in laws stay healthy and strong
  • Wish for world peace.
  • Wish everybody start taking care of the environment..climate change is a big issue.
  • Wish steemit could make the community dream come true.
  • Wish our founder, co-founder and everybody whose been working in steemit stay healthy and strong.

hahaha I thought you would not see my wish list, that bad is to judge without knowing .. Greetings from the East, of a Venezuela today cloudy :)