My great-grandmother was a person who pampered and jealously looked after her children, it did not matter that they had a wife. One day, one of his children (the oldest) decided to get married. That bothered my great-grandmother, which provoked a strong argument, her son got into his truck and left the house. The next thing he knew, he lost his life in a car accident. He used to leave dinner every night before going to sleep at the table when he arrived. After dying, he never forgot that habit, until one day he forgot. That night loud knocks were heard in the kitchen as if they were destroying it, they listened while the plates broke and the cups broke. The chairs hit the walls and the doors of the cabinets threw them. Everyone in the house was terrified and nobody dared to go. Until finally one of his children came to the kitchen, and everything was as if nothing. Everything in its place. Since that day he no longer leaves dinner.