Carlitos is a very poor boy of seven years, who lives in a neighborhood called El Granado. Due to his extreme poverty he stopped studying. All the time he spends in the street asking for alms, while most of the children of his community go hand in hand with their parents to school. Carlitos only gets up very early, crosses a street and enters the city near his neighborhood and stands at the entrance of a bakery, in which he spends all day until 7 at night asking for bread. People look at his dirty face, his torn dress and his shoes that almost has the sole. Today his appetite was accelerated, he was very hungry and he spent all day eating sweets and little rolls of what people gave him. Already tired and the time came, he crossed the street, climbed the hill where he lived and when entering his humble little zinc ranch, his mother said: Carlitos, what happened to the little rolls of today that you usually attract and give to your little brothers. Already tired, exhausted and almost asleep, Carlitos replied: they did not give me.