All you have to do to enter this contest is FOLLOW, UP-VOTE, & RE-STEEM this post, and leave a COMMENT for what you did or are doing for 4/20 this year. Your comment has no bearing on how the winner will be chosen, but it is required that you comment here to enter. I have come up with a unique way to choose the winner for this, more on that below.

The winner of this contest will receive these custom Weed Wings, 14k gold plated lapel pin. This pin is a collaboration design between @ELAmental and Chevy, & is the mark of those in league with helping the East and West coast unite with Weed.
Instead of feathers, these wings have segments of fan leaves, and each wing (side) is also an untrimmed bud. In the center of it all, is the fully matured fan leaf, en-crested with a custom compass rose, usually seen on maps. However instead of the traditional North “N”, and/or South “S” highlighted, the West “W” and East “E” are highlighted in this rose, also spelling “WE”, not I. Gotta keep it passing as we fly. Stay high.
These lapel pins are also limited edition and backstamped out of 200. I only have 15 of these left, as the rest have since been gifted or traded. These are very rare and hardly ever seen outside of Oregon and California.
To choose the winner, I will lay out one fractional silver schilling per contestant, and assign each contestant a piece. @hempress will then choose a piece of silver randomly and only I will have the sheet with the names that correspond to each piece of silver, so it will be truly random in a very cool way. The winner will be selected when this post pays out.
In the event that this post goes over $100, I will also do a separate drawing for 3 more contestants that will receive the fractional piece of silver I have selected for each person. So this contest could potentially have 4 winners with 4 prizes!!!!
These ancient Egyptian style schillings come from a silver mint in Oregon that is still in production. I will be doing a post on that mint and the silver I have from them in the next few days.

Good luck to everyone and may the truest soul(s) win! Make sure you all stay tuned - into the right frequencies.
Can you just send me the real stuff? lol
I spent the early morning of 4/20 harvesting 2 of my santa rita og plants. Then went to work for 4 hours and got home then drank a nice IPA then transferred my clones into soil.
Congratulations @jonyoudyer! You have won this contest!!
Nice, I found that if growing in the ground, you always get the best yield from plants that are transferred either directly from clone, or from a 1 gal bucket. Anything more than a 1 gal to start yields lower for some reason. Keep them babies healthy. Bless.
Cool contest
This is our silver pour for 420
Thank you for sharing this here. My friends and I really enjoyed watching this. I especially like the Mjölnir (Thor's hammer) and Celtic knot pieces you created. I am always thrilled to meet other Steemian silver enthusiasts! Pouring and stamping my own silver is something I want to get into at some point in my life. I love how the music note turned out as well, beautiful. Do you guys have a website?
Also, you don't live in Oregon do you?
No we are I, south Florida
Thank you for looking! Your most recent post was a very cool story, hard to believe steem led you just down the street. The Thor hammer is actually for a challenge that @darkmrmystic put out the first of the month here in steemit, the silver community on here is so great! And yes our website is if you think stacking is addicting -pouring is ten times more lol it is so cool to see the designs come to life from the melted metal.
I can imagine it would be. Thank you for your awesome entry!
Mt. Tabor for 4/20! (The usual holiday festivities.) When 4:20 hits we'll have our heads in the clouds ☁️☁️☁️
Around these parts that is what we call a mountain high
4:20 is on its way in my neck of the woods
truly lucky today that I got the real goods
see where i live we tend to only get the bush
but i was blessed last night with a piece of the kush
so i'm sure you know what i'm gonna do with it
roll it up tight then get lit with it!
Nice, I did not expect anyone to rhyme it out. I am an emcee in Oregon so I always appreciate a cannabis flow. Bless bro.
word! I'll be be out in Vancouver to visit my famz there next month.. gonna enjoy that good good nah mean! Malaysia aint got it like out there mannn
hmu when you come through.
This is what I will be doing ... don't hate ...
If you can make it, click here for FREE Tix. :p
Looks cool, no hating here. I will be kicking it in Portland, OR at the Mt. Tabor 4/20 Smoke-out! I love going to that every year. It carries a lot of good vibes with a lot of people. All the hippies in the city come to the hill tomorrow! Thanks for the offer for free tickets, greatly appreciated, but I will not be in that area tomorrow. HAPPY 4/20!!!!
Sweet!! i wasn't sure what the contest was about ... i just saw 420 and commented LOL
i tried to get edibles out of OR but they wouldn't let me at the time, just got legal there approx. 2 years ago,
still strict on medical/rec ...
nice to hear good vibes, everyone is kinda zombied out over this way but great music.
i was joking about the tix, really for anyone who was around the area is why i posted.
glad you will be having good times, good vibes, and enjoying life! peace
Hi, I just followed you :-)
Follow back @romyjaykar
Happy 420 bro.... I will be in downtown Vancouver with a few tens of thousands of my stoniest friends! Peace!
What is going on for 4/20 in Vancouver with thousands of people? I was looking for a spot to vend.
Also do not forget to re-steem this if you want to enter the contest.
I'll be on Robson behind the Art Gallery.... tons of people will be down at the beach, but it's supposed to rain from about 3pm on tomorrow. Bring boots if you're going to the beach! There are "free spots" away from the main area.
I will be burnin one on a volcano!
with me, nice. Thanks for entering bro!
Beautiful work, @elamental! Happy 420!
I will be hitting the dispensary for the best deals and getting into some Denver fun!
Voices from the Mountains!We will be talking about 420 on my @msp-waves radio show,
Nice, happy 4/20 to you as well! I may have to check that radio show out. Thank you for entering my first contest!
Thanks, man! Will mention the contest tomorrow night!
Sweet! Thank you again, that is greatly appreciated.
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Wow, a spam scam warning, that's a first, blah...
I am at work. It rained heavily and the weather is cold. I wished am at home.
Sorry to hear that, I hope your day got better, blessings your way.
Yes. Thanks for your concern.
We just played some disc golf with the boys. We participated in festivities, just not a true celebration. Miss our Oregon family!
We miss you all as well <3
This 420 I was in a wreck on my way to pickup my squad to go to the bay areas own Hippie Hill in SF. I was at the front of a 4 car pileup and it was unpleasant. Not only did the hill plan get scrapped but I was also in feeling some bad whiplash pain. Thankfully I came home an my half ounce of blueberry cookies, I laid on an ice back and smoked 6 bowls and a couple dabs of sherblato and chilled the rest of the evening watching Bojack Horseman. Lets hear it for the healing power of cannabis✌
Man sorry you didn't make it to the bay, and that you got a little hurt, that sucks. Some of my buddies went down there for bicycle day. I am glad you got back to your ganja goodies and are feeling a little better. Do you live in Cali? Blessings friend.
I smoked dank on 4/20 and dug holes.
Nice, I usually do exactly that on 420 every year, but we are digging our holes tomorrow and Tuesday this time. Don't forget to re-steem this post to enter. Blessings!
Gotcha i re-steemed.
nice, i have your entry.
Got lit for 420.
You did it right then :-) Thank you for entering!
No. Thank you. 😊
Who won??
I am about to do the silver drawing. I will post the results in the next couple of hours.