Oh gosh, The Foundation series by Asimov! I haven't read that in years and it's time for a revisit. Love Dan Brown's books. The Dark Tower I read because a friend recommended it as his favorite but it isn't mine. Will always love the Lord of the Rings. Have read then re-read all of the GRR Martin books, every year. Right now re-reading The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher, I also own and re-read all of the 'In Death' series by J. D. Robb. Love Terry Pratchett!
I love to read!
The book that made the biggest impact on me when I was in my teens was 'The Fountainhead' and then 'Atlas Shrugged' by Ayn Rand.
Oh, and I highly recommend James A. Michener's lesser-known work, 'The Source' about an archaeological dig in Israel.