
Thanks @davemccoy. Give my message to you earlier a look when you get the chance. I've been away from the computer making phone calls to a couple close friends in regards to website design and tokens. My thoughts are that as Steemit Smart Tokens are soon to come out we could bring this initiative to a whole new size.

A: Create a website that is linked to Steemit and the initiative that people can arrive on and volunteer as founding members on. I would integrate these features using steem connect and would also integrate disqus onto the site. It would have a comments section, voting function linked to the site, and weekly reviews of the initiatives efforts, promising newcomers.
B: Out of founding members find the ones who want to focus on a specific category or group of tags, invite them to publish weekly posts about the initiative in those tags as well. Also encourage those founding members to develop subcommittees for voting on promising new users posts which proceeds from the weekly publication on the initiative go towards putting promising new users content in promoted, as well as publishing a top ten or twenty or whatever the number of featured works every week. All other proceeds from any other work they do around the project is theirs to keep.
C: When the Steemit Smart Tokens are released develop a token that adds incentive for people to participate.
What I am trying to do right now is get a close friend who is a developer to assist me in website design, and another who is a skilled hand at designing smart contracts to assist me with the token aspect of things once it comes out. We have been friends since we were children so this shouldn't be an issue. I would need some one to manage things on discord and run along side me here on Steemit pushing this and if you were up to it I would like that person to be you. I also would need guidance, advice, and criticisms from time to time on pushing forward. I took your feed back on board in regards to thinking big and I'm fully prepared to work hard in regards to this. It strengthens Steemit, helps the new users, and is all over a win win just for that. I eagerly await your thoughts on this so feel free to hit me back when you read this.

I love it... and you are thinking big now lol... glad to see I have woken up a beast!!! Wow, this would be really cool and can also be developed and leveraged with some other initiatives that are happening out there. @surpassinggoogle is very far along on developing his own smart tokens for #tears ... and I think you could follow what he is doing, learn what he has learned to (speed the process), and also find ways to collaborate to help each other too.

I also think this is something that @suesa might be interested in knowing about so that she may be able to find some of her connections to either assist you, participate in, or simply just support your efforts.

As far as me and my involvement, I'm 100% behind you. I work best as a "consultant" (non-paid in this case) because it frees me to identify areas that need help and find solutions to fix those. I am good at grooming people to become successful and finding ways to make them fit. I have about 100 new ideas about directions this could go, but I also realize that there are millions more. I try to stimulate and encourage others to do what they didn't think could be done. And help everyone find what makes them happy and fulfilled.

I tell you this so that you understand that I am a "king-maker" and not a "king"... I am always trying to make people more successful than me. So I will do whatever is needed to support you always, but I will always be trying to replace whatever task or role I have with somebody who will do the job right.

So that's a long winded way of saying, I'm in and helping. And I'm honored that you want me by your side. I am there and you never have to worry about that. My goal is to get you more by your side too!

ps... i have so many conversations going on in some many threads, that I am struggling to keep up... You all are exceeding even my lofty explectations. So if I missed something, just tell me where to go...

pps... I am asking permission from you to now spend 1 SBD of my future earning to upvote this post and also asking now for another 1 SBD to give to @randomwanderings for his upvote too. Awaiting your reply captain!

you sent me 1 SBD and I added my 1 SBD, and I spent the 2 SBD on upvoting this... Just to keep your records straight... it should give it a decent bump so the contest can get more money to the logo designer... Ok off to do 1 million other things. Just wanted to let you know it was done.

Not a worry and let me know if anything else is needed. I also have litecoin (in abundance as have been buying it for many years now when it was less than 2 USD) that if I need to throw behind this I can. I'm hoping we can build from the ground up though. That challenge is actually incredibly exciting.

Feel free to count me in as well... for what it's worth :)

I was involved in helping steemmakers come up with a logo design (as well as other things) and you can follow the journey they took to come up with the logo starting from here (for reference):

I too am a 'consultant' and it was a rewarding experience to contribute to a community and I see this growing into something full of potential too because there are such good people behind it :)

@plushzilla... you connected me with @mudcat36 in the first place, so thanks to you I am involved. Its going pretty well imo. ;)

@davemccoy @mudcat36 @surpassinggoggle @wanderlass @suesa this generosity is called social responsibility in a business course I'm studying in school . Giving back to the whole community #newbieresteemday to help newbies is awesome. @udezee loves you guys so much 😘😘😍🙌😄

that's so sweet @udezee ... we love you back :)

@udzee we are happy to help. :)