1 - Pesto mussels & toast - Full of Iodine and Selenium (micronutrients), very important for healthy metabolic function
2 - Asian-style watermelon salad - it is just very refreshing and obviously watermelon is very good for your health ,everybody knows that, I don't need to prove this here :D:D:D
3 - Toasted Popeye bread - this is my favorite thing in summer, it is so exotic and fresh. Plus it is very rich with Vitamine K to keep your bones strong.
They are so "mmmmmm" :)
Thank You
I see it being copied from other website.
ok show me rule where your contest says "invent your own recipe and post it here, unless you are not eligible" or maybe i got confused don't know. anyway if this post was for encouraging healthy food then its all good as they are healthy aren't they? P.S i have cooked and eaten all several times, do you need prove for this or ?? llol