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It is a very common desire among investors globally, to be sure of the growing or success potentials of available investment projects before going into business. Currently investors are faced with great challenges to identify legit projects in the midst of today's numerous scams and deceitful platforms. Many investore have also missed great opportunities and projects due to poor marketing platforms.
What if there is a system that can certify the credibility of a project and it growing potentials, then more investors would be attracted to clothes crypto industry since the safety of their investments is guaranteed. This is why VERTEX was made.
The VERTEX market
VERTEX is a market platform that guides investors to deal on projects with great potentials and probability of success through a vetting process, hence the risk commonly confronted by investors during ICO is greatly managed. This platform ensures that investors remain as part of any project they invest in after ICO.
Advantages offered by VERTEX
This platform holds very numerous advantages for The cryptoasset industry as a whole, investors and ICO.
Benefits for investors
With VERTEX various ICO's are made available for both private and big investors all on a single interface. This is also an opportunity for inexperienced and offchain investors, since the challenges faced by investors when taking part in ICO, have been totally dealt, this challenge arises as a result of early private sale of tokens which then cause unavailability of such tokens to the public.
Benefits for ICOs
Once a project is approved by the VERTEX team of experienced persons, it is added to the platform and exposed to users. Through providing a list of trusted and credible projects investors don't hesitate to invest and most time consuming processes like KYC is eliminated since such projects have already been vetted and endorsed by VERTEX. This also manages financial cost since processes like KYC have been overridden by VERTEX.
Generally the crypto-asset industry is benefitting from VERTEX, since VERTEX is aiming at establishing effective and efficient user interaction with ICO's, then more offchain investors would be rest assured of a list of credible projects to invest in, this internet more and more investors to the crypto world.
VERTEX platform
VERTEX is made up of well experienced and qualified team, partners and advisors, who are experienced and qualified to evaluate ICOs. VERTEX meets the ICO's team personally and takes decisions unbiased and constructively.
simply, when a project has been endorsed and proven credible it is directed to the platform users who invest in it using VERTEX tokens, this tokenization system enables offchain and inexperienced investors to be rest assured of greater profits.
Some features of the platform are:
- List of vetted ICOs
- ICO ranking by VERTEX team
- Purchase of VERTEX tokens
- Entry to purchase ICOs
- Notifications of ICO evaluation
- Explained vetting criteria
How it all works
Investors purchase VTEX in which they use to purchase projects vetted by the team at prices that are fixed and unbiased. A unique wallet is provided to each user to store funds, tokens from ICOs user participates in are stored in security guaranteed cold storage and also user data and account is operated cryptographically with users Incharge of their own private keys.
Watch my video on how to use the platform
With VERTEX the crypto industry as a whole is going to experience great boost as investors are ready to invest in trusted projects provided by the platform, since VERTEX guarantees viability of projects provided.

For more information watch this video or visit.
Vertex website
Vertex whitepaper
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This post has been upvoted for participating in the @originalworks appreciation contest organised by @focygray. Always check my blog for contest I might start soon... Thanks.