in #contest8 years ago (edited)

As many of you know Gary Vee is the man; he's a content ninja built for Steemit. I am paying 200SBD + 50% of the post payout (already got $63 on the other Gary Vee Post) to whoever gets Gary Vaynerchuck (Gary Vee) on Steemit. 200SBD will be paid whenever Gary Vee makes his first post (just need proof of your interaction with him).


[GREATNESS: FRP] Give her some love and she is a fellow Curator so she will be on the lookout for authors who make quality content. Here is her attempt: @clevercreator has the best entry so far.

garyvee tweet.png

Also, if you are looking for a perfect message template for your message to Gary Vee here is @monopoly-man entry [one year early haha):


twittttter.png@rootingrobert has already been tweeting and emailing Gary and his assistant Tyler.

Looks like he has a great chance in the contest. He wrote an epic post on why he joined the cause and is hustling to get Gary Vee posting on Steemit:


If you want to know why Gary Vee is the man and why I am willing to do this out of my own pocket check out this info (a lot in there):


Thank you as always for your time and attention.




yeah i interviewed gary EIGHT YEARS ago ;) - that's me! :)

man that is so freakin incredible, mad props to you. You asked such quality questions; you can tell you are an awesome person. It especially resonated with me when he talks about his dad (I am going thru the same process of really getting to know my father)

no worries, just wanted to share ;) was an interesting southby (sxsw) for me, lots of things have changed since then but yeah, gary is cool. thank you for the props! :)

You're welcome buddy and you are absolutely right the world has/is changing. Glad to have crossed paths buddy

i truly believe you always meet who you are meant to meet.

Me too buddy me too. I've witnessed so many synchronicities its illogical for me not to believe.

You should be able to win this contest in no time :)

hahah, i'd like to receive that funds for sure. i'm desperately in need of a new phone or my laptop fixed so yeah, that would help massively! :) - it's weird i've got a whole series coming about reaching out to amplifiers, will probably become a live stream show as i put it together, show people the work that goes into research etc. if you follow me i'll post more information about it once it's ready to go.

Heck yeah already followed buddy, looking forward to content from you. That's an awesome idea about including live streaming in your Steemit community especially when live streaming becomes a function in Steemit next year :)

Nice Interview. Thanks for posting the contest otherwise the steem community would have never saw this footage.

that's true, i've never thought about that. i've got SO much legacy to put on this platform :)

Yeah it trips me out that a lot of us with history are not using it for our resume ;)

i guess it comes down to the 'humble' tag ;)

5.jpg@chiefmappster I might be able to get Gary on here, I have some pull. I made his Action Figure.

Airport Gary yessssss that's freakin epic; I want one so badly.

Get on it my friend, just have to get him to make his first post on Steemit. If you can make him into a action figure, I am sure you can get him to post here :)

I'll have to explain it to him for sure, I'm trying.

ay heck yeah good luck buddy. I am pretty sure he is aware of it or at least someone on his team because the usernames @garyvee and @garyvaynerchuk have been taken since August 2016. Just gotta give him that extra push. Maybe tell him someone believes in him on Steemit so much he is sponsoring a contest to activate Steemians to get him here :)

I have direct contacts with him and some of his main peeps. We will see...

Godspeed my friend godspeed.

The bounty is posted "let the hunt begin!"

ayyyyyyyy. may the force be with you :)

Anyone want to retweet this tweet if I get credit i'll share the purse according to how much ur tweet does. Every retweet is a min of 1% of the total purse up to 50 RTs

drop link to retweet with another link to a tweet showing ur steemit account name so i know u really did the retweet.

ayyy heck yeah, I really appreciate you and your effort. Wish you luck, hustle hard :)

my pleasure @chiefmappster. im following u now. us hustlers need to stick together.

ay I appreciate that and appreciate you. and you are exactly right and I think that's part of the universe's plan with Steemit.

RJCrypto RJCrypto tweeted @ 26 Jun 2017 - 17:52 UTC

Hey @garyvee how much head start does @GrantCardone get on you re: @steemit? Just ignoring this one???

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Man, if we make this happen, steemit will pump in price HARD - awesome mission!

Righttttttt holy shit thank you for seeing the vision. Any spport I receive is much appreciated. I just know how much value it will bring to the Steemit community.

Going to post an update on the contest soon with an updated prize pool :)

Is he aware of bitcoin and crypto? How could he not be... Well, anyway, followed you to keep updated ;)

He has to buddy. I saw him talking about Ethereum a little bit and I know @garyvee and @garyvaynerchuk were created in August 2016. We just have to give him that extra push to see the value.

Keep it up bro, will be great..!!!

heck yeah buddy o weeeeeeee

Great idea. I made a post about getting Gary Vee on here last year as well! Good luck!

o wow heck yeah. You were way ahead of the curve. Appreciate someone who understands the vision

Long term visions.

exactly :)

So that's good. Since we live only once, live it full power.

exactly you speak the truth buddy

Truth is what you want to belive. Thanks.

Good luck I upvoted!

thank you, appreciate you

would be great to see him over here

heck yeah righttttt. it is going to bring such awareness to the Steemit commnuity

LOVE that guy. He is so energetic in what he does, especially with his positive attitude.

UPVOTED & FOLLOWED. Please return the favour.

Heck yeah rightttt love that you understand the vision :)

nice sir..

thank you sirrr

Grazie , ciao

Gary is a busy man, but if he makes an appearance on this platform, SteemIt's popularity will go through the roof!

Amen buddy that's why I am trying so hard to get him on here. Steemit Inc is going to be so happy after he joins.

I am a simple man.
I see you're a fan of Garyvee --> I Upvote & Follow!
Waiting for your future postsman! ;)

ayyyy thank you buddy, I really appreciate you. That gave me a whole wave of energy.


Really new here but I find that there are not enough business threads here, will work on improve this pat of Steemit ;)

heck yeah buddy I noticed the same thing. If you read my last post I am starting a series about how to write a business plan so stay tuned. I am definitely going to do my part for the business community in Steemit

Glad to hear!
Let's build this Business and Entrepreneurship community ;)

sounds good buddy. Teamwork makes the dream work lets gooooo

On it...

heck yeah thank you for your support. It is going to help the Steemit community more than it helps him.

o wow that's epic!!!I appreciate you. Definitely the best attempt I have seen so far. I will edit this in :)

:) Gimmie a few days and I will put together a presentation deck (vid) and tweet that too.

ayy heck yeah I appreciate your hustle. Gary will thank you after you a few posts on here :)

but I edited the post to show you love. its also on the promoted page a little bit down. Hope I can help out :)

Great I´m not the only that wants this to happen so badly :D

Already reached out to him but no response haha

Right buddy I am glad you see the vision. Keep on trying, you know he respects the hustle.

We need to spam him when he does a Livestream

Yesssirr one of the possible tactics. Those Facebook and IG Live are perfect opportunities

Great contest, with a beautiful payout!

Gary Vee IS the man, and I'd love to read his rants on steemit!

Heck yeah buddy thank you. I am right there with you, I cannot wait to see the ninja content he posts on here.

Funny... I "messaged" him 11 months ago, detailing steemit.

"Messaged" is in quotes because I'm not sure if it ever got to him.

Wow you were way ahead of the curve buddy. Props to you. You never know; the @garyvee and @garyvaynerchuk were created in August of 2016 :)


Of course, the snap I sent him has since been deleted.

Now that I read it back, he may of thought it was a promotion. But, I still think I was giving him a gift. :)

Of course hahaha. That message is epic though, you really used the right words and message I think to get your purpose across to Gary in a non-selling manner. Do you mind if I edit this post and include this as a textbook example on how to get a hold of him?

Almost epic... except for the "You're".. lol.. Oh and an actual response would have been more epic...

Since I never received a reply, I'm not sure if it's the best strategy to follow, but sure! :)

Oh, and if those two accounts DO end up being him... I believe I should get the credit :) lol

Touche haha

I was more referencing your copy (the words you used in your message).

And heck yeah thank you, the post has some promotion dollars in it so hopefully he gets some exposure.

Day 2: (I gotta write the onboarding the Gary proposal is this weekend -- he needs to see the value of it.)

ayyy I appreciate you and I totally understand. Keep doing great things :)

Resistance is futile

hahaha yess :)

Day three attempt (and me avoiding work....)

ayyyyy heck yeah thank you. gotta love avoiding work :)

Get Gary here asap
Love that Guy

Steemit is great

heck yeah we are on it :)

@chiefmappster I have some ideas on the way we should approach him that I would like to discuss with you. How can I contact you? Through maybe?

Heck yeah would love that. I am in the Discord app mostly but I ll keep the up for ya. so either one buddy

Is there Discord for steemit? can you give me a link?

Yep yep and for some reason I can find a link personally to send you. But here is the page to get onto the Whaleshares Discord channel (a steemit channel). and then we can just direct message in the platform once you are in discord

Still working on the noob course (says the noob) .... you are next in line :)

ayyyyyy wow I appreciate you :)

great content - i want to see steemit explode with new users too -- i am now following you

thank you buddy I appreciate that. time to shine :)

I'm gonna work on trying to get him on here, just made a post about it..

HEck yeah on it thanks for sharing