¿Qué haría si me convierto en un multimillonario?
Bueno, Tenemos que estar conscientes de que una persona con mucho dinero puede hacer cualquier cosa, y algunos se creen mejores que otros por el hecho de tener ese poder, sin embargo no hay nada mas bonito que tener la humildad por delante. Estar pendiente de mucho dinero a veces no es lo que nos proporcionara la felicidad, el hecho de tener vida y familia se tiene que agradecer. El dinero no lo es todo, aunque si lo tuviera lo usaría para:
Si yo fuera multimillonaria, primero destinataria cierta parte a mi familia, para que puedan comprar todo lo necesario para que no les falte nada para vivir, son lo mas importante que tengo en la vida. Segundo, lo usaría para causas de beneficencia, donaría dinero a aquellos lugares y zonas necesitadas, hospitales públicos y personas que no tengan las capacidades para pagar alguna cuestión de salud. Donaría dinero a escuelas, a iglesias. mas que todo a personas necesitadas, por el hecho de solo pensar en cuantas adversidades presentan, seria el apoyo para países que requieren de ayuda socio-económica.
Tercero lo usaría para montar escuelas de arte, puesto que me gusta esa rama y me gustaría compartir todos mis aprendizajes a otros que les apasiona lo mismo que a mi.
También me gustaría usarlo para viajar y conocer muchos lugares bonitos.
Hagaaa can you speak English. ??😁
What would I do if I became a multi-millionaire?
Well, we have to be aware that a person with a lot of money can do anything, and some people think they are better than others because they have that power, but there is nothing more beautiful than having the humility before them. Being aware of a lot of money sometimes is not what gives us happiness, the fact of having life and family has to be appreciated. Money is not everything, although if I had it I would use it to:
If I were a multimillionaire, I would first allocate a certain part to my family, so that they can buy everything necessary so that they do not lack anything to live, they are the most important thing I have in my life. Second, I would use it for causes of charity, I would donate money to those places and areas in need, public hospitals and people who do not have the capacity to pay for any health issue. I would donate money to schools, to churches. more than anything to people in need, just by thinking of how many adversities they present, would be the support for countries that require socio-economic help.
Third I would use it to set up art schools, since I like that branch and I would like to share all my learnings with others who are passionate about the same thing as me.
I would also like to use it to travel and to know many beautiful places.