You draw your sword and perform a powerful swing: The sword slips out your hand hits a rock. Ha! A rookie mistake....but the battlefield does not forgive. The enemy leaps towards you with two big steps and sinks his sword into your chest. Without any mercy he watches you slowly sink to the ground as you exhale your last breath. You lose a life point.
You draw your sword and perform a powerful overhead swing: You completely miss the enemy leaving yourself open to his attack. No second invitation is needed: The enemy finishes you off quickly, and chuckles at your weak moves. Lol, you are an idiot. You loose a life point.
You draw your sword and perform a powerful swing:

The sword slips out your hand hits a rock. Ha! A rookie mistake....but the battlefield does not forgive. The enemy leaps towards you with two big steps and sinks his sword into your chest. Without any mercy he watches you slowly sink to the ground as you exhale your last breath. You lose a life point.
Inconceivable! One of the other competitors must have greased the handle of Oblivion. Serra Angels skill is unmatched!
You draw your sword and perform a powerful overhead swing:

You completely miss the enemy leaving yourself open to his attack. No second invitation is needed: The enemy finishes you off quickly, and chuckles at your weak moves. Lol, you are an idiot. You loose a life point.
What the Hell! This dragon seems to be enchanted by some sort of clumsiness spell. Normally dragons are Serra Angels specialty!