It's your upvotes that make this contest happen.
Daily giveaway 8/01/2018.

First Place: @dindanurul99
Second Place: @jenoe
Third Place: @merak1
Fourth Place: @bussy
Fifth Place: @aulia10
Sixth Place: @santrimi
Seventh Place: @natasha.wilona
Eighth Place: @rajone
Thank you everyone that has been upvoting and participating in my other contests. This one had such good feed back I'm going to increase the prizes to 15 SBD for today's contest. There will now be:
First Place: 5 SBD
Second Place: 3 SBD
Third Place: 2 SBD
Fourth Place: 1 SBD
Fifth Place: 1 SBD
Sixth Place: 1 SBD
Seventh Place: 1 SBD
Eighth Place: 1 SBD
The daily give-a-way winner will be selected at random from people that comment on this post. And I'll announce the winner the following day on the next day's contest post. I'll pull the list of entries from the comments approximately 24 hours after the post depending on my schedule. So unless you see the following day's post go ahead and add a comment. I'll will include entries right up to the last minute before I post the result and next contest.
To keep this simple and workable there will only be one rule.
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Suggested Daily Topic
The daily topic for today is:
Are You a Hoarder or a Minimalist (or Somewhere in the Middle)?
Do you keep everything thinking one day you will need it? Or is extra clutter something that drives you crazy?
In case you don't know who I am here is my intro post from way back:
BunnyPuncher Don’t worry your bunnies are “fairly” safe!
Story of an honest Steemian. Honesty in today's world it still exists!!
I lean Minimalist.
You just planted 0.14 tree(s)!
We have planted already 3485.32 trees
out of 1,000,000
Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
My Steem Power = 19246.88
Thanks a lot!
el valor honestidad es como un trofeo cada uno de conservar
I'm in the middle. I hate throwing stuff away, but I don't buy much in the first place :P
I have a tendency towards hoarding, unfortunately.
right down the middle
I'm in the middle...........
I like mid in everything. Because the best thing is the middle case. For example being too brave means dumb, not daring to mean timid. So the midst of being careful and careful will lead us to victory and success
Middle of the road. I like stuff but I hate having stuff that I don't use. Would much rather give things to people who will use them.
I'm between 2 ... Hoarder and minimalist ..
I am minimalist 100% Minimalist
Definately a minimalist! Gotta keep everything in order :D
The experience of being insulted is sometimes more intriguing than self-motivated words
Joshua Bonus Maxim: “If you’re just driving around without a destination in mind, you’ll never get there.”
Joshua on discussing minimalism with hoarders: “Approach people you care about with compassion and understanding.”
Somewhere in the middle. Some items are just so hard to part with.
Middle )
We keep what we know will be used. Parts to keep something useful functioning, or tools to be used in the present/future. If something hasn't been touched or used in a year or more it get's cleared out....for the most part.
congratulations to the winner, and hopefully on the other time I can get it
I prefer in the middle
I would say I fall somewhere in the middle. I am bad about buying too much media though. I love movies and I like to have hard copies of everything so I own an absurd number of DVDs and Blurays.
Hahaha! Great question @bunnypuncher ! I actually really hate extra clutter, but for some reason the more stuff I get rid of, the more stuff I seem to accumulate lol! Such a vicious circle!😂😵😳😱

In middle
Somewhere in the middle but leaning towards minimalism as I age. But being a hoarder has taught me to keep things which serve some purpose and are functional. My stash of memories has been slashed into half now and if something is really hard to part with I say to myself if this will be used in the next 6 months I'll keep it or else just discard away.
My hearty congratulations to the winners.
I'm both an hoarder and a minimalist
Posted using Partiko Android
I'm both an hoarder and a minimalist
Posted using Partiko Android
I am somewhere in the middle. :) Too much stuff leaves me feeling crowded, but at the same time I don't feel as though I could embrace minimalism.
I guess, like the rest of the people here and as boring as it seems, I'm also somewhere in the middle. With some useless things I keep thinking I will one day need it, but with others I feel like I won't need them, so I just discard them, whilst it turns out I needed them later on anyways. Sad, actually.
I'm both an hoarder and a minimalist, i believe that being both increases my chances survival and success... I hope i didn't disappoint anyone with my comments
Posted using Partiko Android
exactly this is me. I always kept thing worry I may need it in future.I experienced before after housekeeping, suddenly I need the thing which i have throw away :(.
Extremely in some cases is weird.
It is quite better to sit on the fence for the both state...
I'm both an hoarder and a minimalist, i believe that being both increases my chances survival and success... I hope i didn't disappoint anyone with my comments
Posted using Partiko Android
hoarding something, and keeping it simple in other things
I would say i am more of a hoarder, Let's take example of my songs playlist in Ipod i have like 200+ songs in there and whenever i decide to cleanup some of songs out of it i delete none of them as for all songs i feel someday i will listen it also Same things happen with me when it comes to others stuffs :D
In most things, I'm somewhere in the middle. But I'm a hoarder when it comes to my digital life. Almost no file gets trashed.
Looking at it I think I am somewhere inbetween.
I was one of those, "Yeah, keep that. I might have use for it one day." Now I am slowly breaking out of that habit. I find being a minimalist, or rather throwing things out gives me a psychological feeling of lightness. It's like shedding another baggage that is weighing me down. My whole being feels lighter.
I'm so a hoarder..... I keep things alot... I connect so much to things it's just hard disposing them
Oh I am a minimalist. I just do not want to keep a lot of stuff. Thus, when I need something, I use a lot of time remembering and/or locating stuff. Maybe I should be somewhere in the middle of being a hoarder and a minimalist.
I think I'm a bit of both. I will hoard certain things and then one day i will get sick of it all and do a massive cleanup.
a hoarder for future needs.
bit of both, because some things are still required later, anything that isn't needed anymore, i'll give away to someone that can make usage of it.
A hoarder here
Wow you still doing those!
Took part a few times but never was luck.
Good luck all!
I am in the middle.
I am a minimalist. I really like the minimalist things.