It's your upvotes that make this contest happen.
Daily giveaway 7/06/2018.

First Place: @fjmb86
Second Place: @london65
Third Place: @dindanurul99
Fourth Place: @iguessitsokay
Fifth Place: @goh
Sixth Place: @suqya
Seventh Place: @dindasteem
Eighth Place: @donaldlove
Thank you everyone that has been upvoting and participating in my other contests. This one had such good feed back I'm going to increase the prizes to 15 SBD for today's contest. There will now be:
First Place: 5 SBD
Second Place: 3 SBD
Third Place: 2 SBD
Fourth Place: 1 SBD
Fifth Place: 1 SBD
Sixth Place: 1 SBD
Seventh Place: 1 SBD
Eighth Place: 1 SBD
The daily give-a-way winner will be selected at random from people that comment on this post. And I'll announce the winner the following day on the next day's contest post. I'll pull the list of entries from the comments approximately 24 hours after the post depending on my schedule. So unless you see the following day's post go ahead and add a comment. I'll will include entries right up to the last minute before I post the result and next contest.
I will do my very best to have a contest each day. However, I could without notice take a day or two off. On days that I'm off there may not be a contest so please try and be understanding if there is a couple of days without a contest.
To keep this simple and workable there will only be one rule. I don't want to disqualify new people or people that forget to resteem, upvote, and follow. I'm very appreciative of the upvotes and followers that participate in my contests. Please follow me so you can see the results of the contests.
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Suggested Daily Topic
The daily topic for today is:
What Does it Mean to Be ‘a Real Man’?
Is a real man one that does what needs to be done and shows no emotions? Or is a real man open, loving and thoughtful? Or something else? Let bunny know what a real man is so one day I can grow up to be a real man lol.
In case you don't know who I am here is my intro post from way back:
BunnyPuncher Don’t worry your bunnies are “fairly” safe!
Story of an honest Steemian. Honesty in today's world it still exists!!
Bunny tomorrow I'm on birthday! Give me something yes!
Can i have an upvote?
Sure, why not ?
Thanks man
I dont get any up votes or views or anything so i really appreciate it
Thank you, friend, a thousand thousand thanks!
you are more then welcome my dear friend.!!!
A thousand thousand thanks!
Knowing to keep your woman in her place. ;-)
This is a tough one. Women can possess what used to be called "manly virtues" without sacrificing their feminity. Recently, young Americans, having inherited a cultural vacuum in this regard, have created nonsensical ideas about what manliness is not. One example I've seen is loving opera. If this be unmanly, then all of its male composers and performers have been unmanly. I think they would beg to differ. Most Americans consider classical dance to be unmanly, in spite of its athleticism. Russians, for example, disagree.
You just planted 0.07 tree(s)!
We have planted already 3686.13 trees
out of 1,000,000
Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
My Steem Power = 18877.85
Thanks a lot!
I hate the phrase "a real man". You don't need to be insanely masculine to be a man.
Real men can take care of themselves and others
To use your strength and abilities to help others.
A real man does what is right, not what is easy.
I think that a "real man" is one who shows his true feelings no matter what people say. Be a person full of love and always work for their ideals. But that love is always its main value.
SO many different opinions on this subject most of them are laughable lol.
Sep brat mantap droneuh bang,,pat ku tumbok
Que no vive de apariencias, que a pesar de tener pensamiento de libertad vive con compromiso de ser feliz y encargarse de transmitirlo a las personas que lo rodean,personaje que le da valor a lo sencillez, viviendo la vida en total paz teniendo en cuenta que el día de ir a otro plano espiritual es impredecible y vive disfrutando cada momento.
That not live on appearances, that despite having freedom thinking lives with commitment to be happy and take charge of transmitting it to the people around him character that gives value to simplicity living life in total peace taking into account that the day of going to another spiritual plane is unpredictable and lives enjoying every moment.
Hopefully I am win it tomorrow
Who has special power for helping peoples and enjoy every single moment with joy without harming anyone
To be true to ones own ideals and be there for others.
'Real man' is a man who keep his responsibilities and bring it live around him. :)
@bunnypuncher you are a real man because real men helps others to grow or to become a successful person if their life. And real man is really helpful, loving and the person with positive thoughts. So as a real men you are doing all this and helps your community to grow.
Hello @bunnypuncher! I'm a houseband now, instead of my wife at home, I'm the one left here taking good care of our baby. We'll I think that makes me a "Real Man"! My wife earns bigger than mine. Then we're not comfortable of the babysitter, our 1-year old daughter adapts the bad behavior of the babysitter's 3-year old daughter. That's why I'm the one who quit the job. And yes I'm here at home doing everything. I'm happy, my wife and our daughter are happy too.
I hope that a bunny will be nice- my rabbit rosebud would hiss at me:( @angrytwin
Real man = Honesty
Real men pay their debts, real men don't abandon their kids, real men don't steal, real men don't cheat on their wives
Just off the top of my head
A real man is the one capable of making decisions for the better, take care of their loved ones and contribute something to society.
He who treats his wife as Christ loves his church
A real man is someone who is at peace with where he stands in the world and his life without having to question his own manhood.
Real man drink beer 🍺
The real man is tangible. hehe..
One who loves his family members and friends. Share his feelings with his loved one.
One who is successful in his life.
Real men belch and fart. Oh and have an x and a y chromosome.
A real man is one who is not afraid to take risks, who is courageous without having to stop being human, who recognizes his defects and limitations. A real man does not abandon his children (nor do animals), he works for a better world. A real man loves, really loves, is passionate about women. A real man is just like me.
Un hombre real, es un hombre seguro de sí mismo. No pretende mostrarse diferente a lo que es para agradar o impresionar.
A real man is one who is humble, generous, attentive, hardworking and above all loving.
A real man is intelligent and from there he is different from the rest who are not. He knows how to be a son, brother, father, partner. He is not afraid to show his feelings and even though he is afraid, he always comes out ahead and faces problems.
I'm still trying to figure out, what a real man is lol
Is one That do things for a better society
What is a real man? This is a troubling question and one that's hard to quantify. Reason being things like this are all relative. Shaped and molded through perception which is dependent upon a single person's own experiences. What I might think a real man is will likely be different than what another person does.
For me personally it's all about accountability - honesty - bravery in the face of adversity and being humble in times of Triumph. Owning failures. Leading by example. That kind of stuff.
All the best bunny.
Good answer. I probably should have added some additional text to frame out the question better.
A real man are the one who willing to put his pride down for someone else he truly cares.
Nothing. It means literally nothing.
Substitute 'Real' for something meaningful, and then something could be said about that statement.
For example: What does it mean to be, "a man of integrity"?
Good luck to everyone
Hi Bunny, consider this: A real man is one who takes the family into account as the good pillar in all his actions. Above all, the love of their parents, then the love of their children and their partner, and in general that they be compassionate as a human being. may it always help those who need it and who believe a lot in God.
A real man must show originality, maturity and a lot of self-confidence
A real man is matured in handling relationships, a real man Is not scared to love, a real man is passionate about what he likes, a real man does not drink him self silly to feel powerful, a real does not go out of his way to seek attention,a real man is honest and trustworthy, a real man is strong at dealing with a situation diligently, a real man does not make jest of you because of your mistakes but instead he encourages you, a real man is smart in his ways, a real man is patient and calm and not proud and lousy. No man is perfect, we all have our flaws but we try so hard to stand out, to rise above it all.
Real man is he who can protect himself and his family.He needs to be honest.he needs to be punctual.He needs to be a good man first.If your heart says that you are doing right,then you are a real man.
I am a real man e.e WTF
For me a real man is one who is not afraid to show his feelings and emotions, the one who loves with sincerity, without egoism, without machismo
a real men it's when you are a men but acting like a woman , u know take the kids to the school. make de dinner. clean de house. woman's stuff but done by a men. I guess
What Does it Mean to Be ‘a Real Man’?