It's your upvotes that make this contest happen.
Daily giveaway 6/15/2018.

First Place: @lejen
Second Place: @benab
Third Place: @filmen
Fourth Place: @limeng
Fifth Place: @glean
Sixth Place: @usman119
Seventh Place: @cut.khairunnisa
Eighth Place: @salwati
Thank you everyone that has been upvoting and participating in my other contests. This one had such good feed back I'm going to increase the prizes to 15 SBD for today's contest. There will now be:
First Place: 5 SBD
Second Place: 3 SBD
Third Place: 2 SBD
Fourth Place: 1 SBD
Fifth Place: 1 SBD
Sixth Place: 1 SBD
Seventh Place: 1 SBD
Eighth Place: 1 SBD
The daily give-a-way winner will be selected at random from people that comment on this post. And I'll announce the winner the following day on the next day's contest post. I'll pull the list of entries from the comments approximately 24 hours after the post depending on my schedule. So unless you see the following day's post go ahead and add a comment. I'll will include entries right up to the last minute before I post the result and next contest.
I will do my very best to have a contest each day. However, I could without notice take a day or two off. On days that I'm off there may not be a contest so please try and be understanding if there is a couple of days without a contest.
To keep this simple and workable there will only be one rule. I don't want to disqualify new people or people that forget to resteem, upvote, and follow. I'm very appreciative of the upvotes and followers that participate in my contests. Please follow me so you can see the results of the contests.
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Suggested Daily Topic
The daily topic for today is:
Is America Headed in the Right Direction?
What is the U.S. doing right? And what is it doing wrong. This should be interesting and please be civil it is only a bunny topic nothing to get to upset over :)
In case you don't know who I am here is my intro post from way back:
BunnyPuncher Don’t worry your bunnies are “fairly” safe!
Story of an honest Steemian. Honesty in today's world it still exists!!
Good post.
I want to win in your contest
Gripe suspects the direction of US policy, not only in the financial business sector. The influence of foreign policy and US economic policy towards Indonesia is also heavily discussed.
Mantap that
I do not pay much attention to the news, but we have a large, visible, and growing homeless population in San Diego, so help is not reaching the little people.
I don't really think there is anything wrong with the direction America is headed.
No, we keep moving away from freedom and towards authoritarianism and the split between left and right keeps growing.
Here is my entry, so much entries lol :D
I have little knowledge about US but I think USA is not doing too much right nowadays as it must be doing being the big brother.
There are some reasons like getting out of PARIS AGREEMENT, ISOLATIONIST ATTITUDE, VISA ISSUES, WALL MAKING S0ACULATIONS, BREAKING IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL AND MANY MORE. If US will think and negotiate with other countries She will always be on win win side. A leader is always leader till he behaves like leader but when we start acting like kids sometimes people don't us seriously.
In case any body feels my attitude negative he may put his point of view but always in decency.
I don't really know except that people seem to be far right/left with few in the middle and little discussion between them.
Thanks to @bunnypuncher who has trusted me as the first champion .. and congratulations to all the winners, hopefully this contest is growing
Congratulations to you. Hope you will organize a contest and spread this 5 SBD to all the contestent :D
Hey @aaarif, Congratulations! Bodzila just upvoted your post with 33.33% power. Keep up the good work!
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All I can say is that the US is doing something different. Whether or not you agree with the Trump administration, it is evident that they are not following the traditional approaches utilized in the last several decades.
Good or bad? Time will tell.
Yes, an interesting topic and I was curious to see if people would keep it civil. To my surprise and at least so far, yes they have!
I cannot say to my friends that I think America is doing great and going in the right direction. And that is where I think things are wrong. Before this last election my friends and I could talk for hours and politics never came up. Now it is the first thing they want to know - how do you feel about this or that political subject. And if you don't agree with them you will be cast into the outer darkness. Feels good to say it here.
The country and its people, it will be resilient and bear the worst and come out stronger. However, in the meantime, the so-called leadership is at its worst. The world sees them for what they are now. History will judge them for who they are and see them as a lesson - a lesson not to repeat.
I will say in technological advancement, politically it is at a good state right now but i must say some of its policies are not the best at the moment especially it's immigration policies that have earned international criticism from other countries. I also wished i could comment positively about the moral values in America but that is impossible. America's moral values keep sinking down to it's worst state as days go by.
It's a bit of an exaggeration if you say something right, because such a country is incapable of imagining for the future
I think everything is better than my country venezuela ...! my heart until you see me ..

Yes we are. America is heading in the right direction. People are trying to make it seem like we aren't. Our country is trying it's hardest to make all Americans safe. If that means building the wall, shutting down borders to stop terrorists from coming through, and much more. Our direction is leading us to more safety, unlike our old president, who was never there to protect
A tax cut during an economic boom is insane. Booms are the time to cut deficits, whether by increasing taxes or reducing spending. During the next recession, the US will have reduced power to run economically stimulating budget deficits.
These tariffs are putting us on thin ice with our allies Is America headed in the right direction? I’d say no. In this day in age the US is treating our allies worse than we have in many years. Recent tariffs on steel and aluminum have been passed by president Donald Trump which have very clear disadvantages to countries such as Canada and other countries in the EU. Canada has put up with a lot of nonsense from president Trump and Justin Trudeau has responded very well but this debacle has his patience wearing thin. Trudeau says that Americans and Canadians have “fought and died together” and that these Tariffs are “totally unacceptable”.
This is a very sensitive issue because there will always be disagreement with respect to certain points such as the economy or social security, but I believe that the issue of factual weapons powers and the inherent war culture camouflaged under a false cloak should be treated very seriously. of patriotism, since finally the nation is directly or indirectly promoting a violent and intolerant practice focused through its inhabitants, the latest attacks being a convincing proof of the collateral effect that has left so much hatred.
USA is currently one of the biggest powers in the world and has one of the largest systems in all aspects so it is on track.
If you have the desire to start, you must also have the courage and the desire to finish it, not just to end it.
America is seeing the last stand of white supremacism. Its foreign policy was summed up by a White House aide, "We're America, Bitch!" The Republican Party has turned nativist-populist. The Democrats are moving to the left. A new party could occupy the center if it weren't for the political duopoly. Fortunately, while Trump & Co. are making things worse, America's institutions, while weakened, are holding. Trump had a dry run for a coup which only revealed that a coup is impossible. The midterm elections will likely create a Democratic Congress, putting a check on his power. America will recover, if weakened. Whether Americans use the opportunity to actually talk to instead of past each other is a big, currently unanswerable question.
Drop the heart only to people ready to catch it, not to people who do not care and let the heart fall and break.
Whatever the state does, the most important thing is to have a positive impact on the people
I am not the most political guy, but as far as I can tell, Trump hasn't caused as much damage as everyone anticipated. Aside from the memes, I haven't seen much going on about the meeting between him and Kim, but I consider that no nukes have been thrown after it a win for america and the world.
That being said, I wish for americans to learn more about their own election system.
While Trump was the lesser evil compared to Hilary, 2018 was the perfect opportunity for third parties, but nobody even knew they existed or considered voting for them to be a waste.
In Summary: Feels like stagnation to me.
The Libertarian Party tried to break the duopoly, getting on every state's ballot. It failed to get the 5% needed to obtain federal funding in the next election. The LP, for a change, had an electable slate with two former state governors.
America is going in the right direction in my humble opinion. People are waking up to the lies and propaganda after years. This is great because it allows people to shed sterotypes of race and gender. Now we can show love and forgiveness while helping one another. Now when I look into the eyes of a stranger, i can see their soul and they can see mine. Good Times!!
I didn’t like your comment at first until I continued reading. I agree, thanks! More people need to stop hating.
The people who love me most say
People who are busy pursuing their own interests will create many opponents.
What determines your future is not the wealth, the position and the happiness you achieve, but which way you will bring it all.
Well actually I do not know why I do not live in that country, but in comparison with mine it's a good way! In addition Mr. Trump is a great solon businessman, it is a question that his measures begin to bear fruit do not believe?
American has a problem with it's media. News organizations and our government seem to always have a hidden agenda. When it comes to trust, they have entirely diminished themselves in the eyes of a lot of their citizens. There are many examples in our history when our government has flat out lied. The United States is a strong country and the people aren't entirely stupid. We shall see what happens in all this madness.
You know you're in love, when your pupils get bigger when you see him.
In human society there are bitches, but in animal societies there is not a single bitch
The eyes can see clearly, but only the heart can see honestly.
We judge ourselves by what we do, others judge us by what we have done.
Sadness is just a barrier, When you are unhappy, gravel looks like a mountain
Do not despair. But if you come to a state of despair, fight on even in desperation.
Nothing is stronger than the sincere love of the heart. You must believe in mutual understanding, and you must understand the mutual trust.
The world is like a vast ocean, and we are sailing ships that have sunken ships in it. But if the cargo of our ship is faith, and the screen is piety, rest assured that we will never get lost in the marine life.
To be honest, I am not sure whether America is moving in the right direction. Mostly because Trump, but also the fact that America is becoming this very... hostile country, so-to-say. I think Obama did a much better job at inviting people to America and making it sort of a "free country", but now it just seems like the country is becoming hostile.
Do your best now. Because it would be worse to regret the past and worry about the future.
Prayer gives strength to the weak, makes the unbeliever believe and gives courage to the frightened.
It is very clear that this is the wrong way, these economic-financial measures do not benefit the socio-productive sector, each time the influence is less on a global level and their markets are overshadowed by the Chinese. It is the sad reality that the great nation they promised is difficult to achieve with these measures of reduction
Other people more easily remember the mistakes we make, but they do not remember the good we have done
An honest teacher should intend to have his students smarter than him, when an honest student must also acknowledge the cleverness of his teacher.
I’m not really a political enthusiast type of person but I do believe America is headed on the right path to rebuild back what is America all about. It takes time to undone what the previous admin. undid to our great country. He didn’t do anything foolish at all, he has nerves to do it because it’s the only way to gain back the full trust to the government of what was missing long gone before ,as a citizen of the USA , for me ,at the moment he is the best shot for America .Thank you Trump Administration for making America Great again. Slow pace but we are getting there in the coming future.Thank you for taking time to read my opinion. God Bless America.
Thinking before doing is a wisdom, thinking after doing is a folly, while doing without thinking is a thousand stupidities.
If you want to be loved, love and be a beloved.
I don't know much about much about USA politics as I'm mostly focused on the problems that are going on here in Venezuela because of the dictatorship. But I've hear Trump wants to legalize the traffic of elephant parts, and that he doesn't believe in the climate change, so if you ask me I would never vote for someone who thinks like that.
A useful life is a life that when the evening is ahead, firewood is available to illuminate the next night.