It's your upvotes that make this contest happen.
Daily giveaway 6/12/2018.

First Place: @jasm
Second Place: @adimantong
Third Place: @jaristeem
Fourth Place: @reonlouw
Fifth Place: @usman119
Sixth Place: @fanes
Seventh Place: @sumen
Eighth Place: @kosikredki
Thank you everyone that has been upvoting and participating in my other contests. This one had such good feed back I'm going to increase the prizes to 15 SBD for today's contest. There will now be:
First Place: 5 SBD
Second Place: 3 SBD
Third Place: 2 SBD
Fourth Place: 1 SBD
Fifth Place: 1 SBD
Sixth Place: 1 SBD
Seventh Place: 1 SBD
Eighth Place: 1 SBD
The daily give-a-way winner will be selected at random from people that comment on this post. And I'll announce the winner the following day on the next day's contest post. I'll pull the list of entries from the comments approximately 24 hours after the post depending on my schedule. So unless you see the following day's post go ahead and add a comment. I'll will include entries right up to the last minute before I post the result and next contest.
I will do my very best to have a contest each day. However, I could without notice take a day or two off. On days that I'm off there may not be a contest so please try and be understanding if there is a couple of days without a contest.
To keep this simple and workable there will only be one rule. I don't want to disqualify new people or people that forget to resteem, upvote, and follow. I'm very appreciative of the upvotes and followers that participate in my contests. Please follow me so you can see the results of the contests.
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Suggested Daily Topic
The daily topic for today is:
Teachers .
What qualities do you appreciate from your unforgetable teacher? What makes for a great teacher? Tell us about a great teacher you had or have.
Thanks @ayyeenn for the contest idea.
In case you don't know who I am here is my intro post from way back:
BunnyPuncher Don’t worry your bunnies are “fairly” safe!
Story of an honest Steemian. Honesty in today's world it still exists!!
Wow the easiest post I ever think I've had....
First let me say I've had a lot of great and bad Teachers...
And even though I taught in the past, it's not what I do for a profession.
But at it's heart and soul is the guiding principle to my life. And what I have brought forward to every task/job/ or situation in my life. And that is to learn and pay if forward. Essentially be a mentor. This is pure and simple the Human Condition and what makes us so different from rest of the animal kingdodom.
My Art Teacher Mr. Lyneck let me push my expression out there. My having Miss Read in 1st grade who was an evil drunk, showed how great advanced ed. teacher was.
At College Victor Pan and Peter Bloniarz both mentored me as research and teaching assistants.
And Namu saw a special light in me and asked for and 1 other to participate as the only non-major Oil Painter's ever to participate in the Graduating, Art Show.
In Grad school Melvin Klearer pushed through 3 levels of study in 3 weeks so that I was the Teaching Assistants to Graduate Level Compiler Construction and Computer Architecture.
Working in Stahl Reseach/CS First Boston/EDO/NYNEX/and for and with hundreds of companies,I iterally was mentored or mentored by others on a daily basis.
Finally when I opened my own businesses, I learned from people every day and brought along and taught many at all levels.
Those that could not learn were moved out.
A good teacher needs to figure and understand what motivates a person they are teaching and present the information in such that the student will internalize it and use it.
And the teaching/mentoring if possible should open the person up to future possible enhancement opportunities (improvements).
Can we imagine what impact it would have on the graduates generated if the students were educated by teachers whose competence was lacking
The teacher's quantity and quality gap affect the quality of education because quality education is also determined by qualified teachers
the magnitude of the influence of teachers' ability on educational outcomes.
I want to win it
a big challenge for the government to create a condition where being a teacher becomes one of the many coveted professional choices.
There are still many teachers who teach poor ways, how to teach in the classroom boring. This is the right momentum to criticize the teacher's competence.
Teachers are an important element in education.
Another thing pedagogic ability is one key to educating success.
The stricter the teacher, the better they helped me. Anything I got away with, made my learning experience less. That said, a strict teacher who showed no grace just ended the teaching relationship. Showing grace and letting things slide are vastly different and have vastly different outcomes.
My high school speech teacher's sayings keep echoing. He talked about the different kinds of speech and I keep seeing them happen. He taught us to be wary of those who try to act on our emotions and he was right.
You just planted 0.03 tree(s)!
We have planted already 3455.18 trees
out of 1,000,000
Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
My Steem Power = 25701.49
Thanks a lot!
I Become A Great and Inspirational Master............
Melalui PRESTASI, Jufri berkesempatan untuk melanjutkan studi S2 di ST. Michael’s College, Vermont, Amerika Serikat. Dalam studinya tersebut, dia mengambil jurusan Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). TESOL sendiri mempelajari bagaimana mengajarkan Bahasa Inggris kepada orang-orang yang memiliki bahasa pertama selain Bahasa Inggris. Jufri mengambil jurusan ini tentu dengan alasan untuk meningkatkan keahlian sebagai guru Bahasa Inggris untuk murid-murid Non Native Speaker (NNS).
Finland succeeds in making teachers the most desirable profession after salary and teacher status are raised to almost equal with professors in college.
improving education through improving the quality of teachers which is one of the goals of suistainable development goals can not be ignored and is a major prerequisite
The teacher is the creator and does not perlutext book against the curriculum.
Very good topic
the educational process should be supported by qualified, trained-professional, highly motivated, and fully supported teachers.
teachers are implementing various programs and policies in an effort to improve the quality of education
the difficulty of assigning and retaining teachers to want to teach in special areas, especially remote areas and borders.
The factor of loving the child with all his heart, inevitably must be owned by a teacher. This is the main capital of a teacher. The teacher who loves his protégé will always try to make his students happy with a fun learning process.
There are still many teachers who "do not want" to develop themselves to increase knowledge and competence in teaching. Teachers do not want to write, do not make scientific publications, or are not innovative in learning activities. The teacher feels just enough to teach.
haloo.. assalamualaikum..??
Thanks for the previous two places.
To me the teacher is like a hero who teaches about goodness to his disciples
A teacher to me is more meaningful than a friend because the teacher taught me a great knowledge for my future and I am very grateful to him for the service of a teacher I can read, write, even draw
It is difficult to imagine the services of a teacher, for he is the one who taught me to be what I am today, my success because of the help of a teacher
When I read today's topic of your contest I am confused about what to say about my teacher because he is very meritorious to me, a vast knowledge he has taught me.
Thank you my beloved teacher
Thank for sharing two place
Your as teacher from me
Master is like a real hero after my biological parents can not do me much, because my knowledge is minimal
Gentle, kind, patient and extremely clever.
I can not express in words when I remember a teacher who has guided me, just one sentence I want to say "thank you very much my teacher"
Thank you for your services, sweet memories of remembering how you taught me so well that I can be parallel to people with a lot of knowledge
My wife is a teacher. She teaches AP Chem, Anatomy and Organic Chem. Even though this are quite tough subjects, most of her students end loving her. He has an old way of mom/teacher that not only does she teach them the hard subjects, but values and life itself. I know I am biased, but she is the best teacher I know.
My Atelier teacher (drawing and painting) ruled the classroom with an iron fist. I spent 4 long and intense years under her guidance. I'll always remain grateful in that I'll always remain aware in not letting bad habits grow. To always push yourself. That "close enough" is not enough. "Close enough" didn't put men on the moon ;)
A good teacher does his job without worrying too much about what school administrators will think about. The classes may even be more noisy and scattered than others. But for these teachers, it is above all that it is possible to bring out the excitement and interest of learning in their students. They do not hesitate to take risks.
Melalui Kelas Inspirasi tersebut, Jufri juga berkesempatan untuk menjadi pengajar Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing (BIPA) selama 4 bulan di Northern Illinois University (NIU), Amerika Serikat. Dalam program tersebut, Jufri bertugas mengajarkan Bahasa Indonesia bagi mahasiswa penutur asing serta memperkenalkan kebudayaan Indonesia, khususnya kepada mahasiswa di NIU
What qualities do you appreciate about your unforgettable teacher?
I appreciate your dedication to doing what we learn right,
The respect and tolerance he had for those who were not easy to learn or who found it more difficult to understand.
Their commitment to lead us to daily reading in order to open up a field of knowledge and information.
His slow speech and his way of disciplining (he always made us read aloud as a way of disciplining)
What does a great teacher do?
Teach with love and respect
To be concerned for their students as a whole ( for their education, for their integral development and for their situation in their family environment).
Be attentive to the student in case of irregular situations that may arise
Tell us about a great teacher you had or have.
From my sixth grade teacher, José Torres, who was the teacher of language and literature, I remember him with great affection for his perseverance and for instilling in us a desire to excel and a love of study.
Bunnypuncher's daily giveaway 6/12/2018 - 15 SBD total in prizes
Hi, thanks for your contest, it takes me back to my student days.
The qualities that I appreciate in my unforgettable teacher are the pedagogy he has to make himself understood in the subject that concerns him.
A great teacher is made by knowing how to transmit to his students the teachings he wishes to make known to them.
I had a great teacher of accounting, who has pedagogy and charisma to teach the subject with all the details that it deserves taking it with examples of your day, to make it more understandable, I will never forget it!!
Smart and smart is the same but slightly different
The most recent thing in this world is the past that you do not know
Smart and clever if one becomes a scientist
The philosophy of education today will be the philosophy of government in the future that will come
Education remains education. We have to learn anything, then decide which one to follow. Because education is not a black or white issue, west or east, education is learning from what we experience
When I arrived late, my teacher scolded me, then she also gave me a punishment. He told me to quote garbage. It really can not be forgotten.
Teacher is a hero in the field of education, I have a very cruel teacher, almost every day his hands landed in my face, that's an experience that I can not forget. He is a very clever teacher in the affairs of the lesson, only me who is less disciplined.
The average teacher can only tell. A good teacher can explain. A superior teacher is able to demonstrate. While a great teacher can provide inspiration.
Sungguh pengalaman yang sangat mengesankan bagi Jufri dapat meningkatkan kapasitasnya sebagai pengajar yang profesional dan inspiratif melalui PRESTASI. Kepada generasi muda Jufri berpesan, "JIka kalian punya mimpi, jangan pernah berhenti untuk mencoba, berusaha, dan berdoa. Keberhasilan hanya milik orang-orang yang berusaha dan berdoa. Keberhasilan bukanlah tergantung seberapa pintarnya kita, akan tetapi seberapa percaya Tuhan akan usaha kita untuk meyakini-Nya bahwa kita layak memperoleh mimpi itu. Yakinlah, hasil tak akan pernah mengkhianati usaha..
the teacher is an unbeatable hero
People succeed not only with a hard heart, but they are also hardworking people who believe in his ability.