Bunnypuncher's daily giveaway 5/31/2018 - 15 SBD total in prizes

in #contest7 years ago

It's your upvotes that make this contest happen.

Daily giveaway 5/31/2018.

First Place: @shifaadi Second Place: @malloryblythe Third Place: @donaldlove Fourth Place: @daysiselena Fifth Place: @goh Sixth Place: @angs Seventh Place: @avizor Eighth Place: @jenifer2

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Thank you everyone that has been upvoting and participating in my other contests. This one had such good feed back I'm going to increase the prizes to 15 SBD for today's contest. There will now be:

First Place: 5 SBD
Second Place: 3 SBD
Third Place: 2 SBD
Fourth Place: 1 SBD
Fifth Place: 1 SBD
Sixth Place: 1 SBD
Seventh Place: 1 SBD
Eighth Place: 1 SBD

The daily give-a-way winner will be selected at random from people that comment on this post. And I'll announce the winner the following day on the next day's contest post. I'll pull the list of entries from the comments approximately 24 hours after the post depending on my schedule. So unless you see the following day's post go ahead and add a comment. I'll will include entries right up to the last minute before I post the result and next contest.

I will do my very best to have a contest each day. However, I could without notice take a day or two off. On days that I'm off there may not be a contest so please try and be understanding if there is a couple of days without a contest.

To keep this simple and workable there will only be one rule. I don't want to disqualify new people or people that forget to resteem, upvote, and follow. I'm very appreciative of the upvotes and followers that participate in my contests. Please follow me so you can see the results of the contests.

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Suggested Daily Topic

The daily topic for today is:

Is it fair that film stars or football players earn millions? While an average employeed person only earns a small fraction of that?

What do you think is it fair or not?

In case you don't know who I am here is my intro post from way back:
BunnyPuncher Don’t worry your bunnies are “fairly” safe!

Story of an honest Steemian. Honesty in today's world it still exists!!

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I think iTS fair, it is a free market after all and they have certain qualities which not everyone have.

Sure it's fair, not many people can be one of the top 50 or so in the world at a certain skill, most people could do most jobs out there if they had to do it to survive. Rare skills/talents deserve high pay if it's in an industry that provides value.

It might not seem fair but then again, they are paid what they are worth to the people paying them. They are paid for the values they give to their companies or organisations.

The average union actor only makes about $50k per year! I'm not sure about the average income for football players. But we often look up on top player in their field than comparing with the norm.

To earn a lot of money in football you have to spend a lot of time training, surpassing yourself and trying to be the best, this could translate to the time you could spend a common person studying to become an architect. as there are also average architects who live on a salary or with a basic salary for their profession there are also average soccer players who play in lower level leagues who do not earn the same amount as a Real Madrid player could win. Just as an architect who performs gingantes works will not earn the same amount of money as an architect who performs small jobs besides it would not be fair that football as a product that generates so much money will stop him from this as a reward to which he is developing the show

thanks to @bunnypuncher for this contest

Good job and nice post

As a filmmaker, I can say yes it's fair. Everybody can't be a film star or football player. Also if you do you can't stay for a long time in that position or same earnings.

It is simple demand and supply. The smaller leagues do not have as much demand, same with smaller budget films. But when something exceptional comes along it is quickly transferred to the bigger leagues/films to support the demand.

It's just how economics works, fairness has nothing to do with it, if it did teachers would be millionaires!

Could lady Luck just smile at me today? I think it is my day to win after several failed attempts...heheheh.
To answer the question, life itself is not fair so who are we to complain. Everyone should seek to improve their lot in life instead of wishing for castles of others.

We don’t know the difficulties they have come across to reach that level . Only the talented players or actors getting paid in millions. If an average employee has an unique talent and more innovative then he would have started a company and give millions a job rather than sitting if front of a desk and doing job for one employer. @bunnypuncher.

think its fair, because some work hard to get where they are in life.

I am your fan @bunnypuncher. Even keep on pushing not are born to be like others who earn much.

It's fair. They got paid for what they did.

Yes indeed , it is totally fair.

More than 80%. Of population is employed.
But less than 1% of the population are stars.
To become a star , the level of filtering one has to go through is mind blowing .
It is hell of a difficult to become a star.
If u r one level below star,no one will even know you, and u will not get a single penny,and they then turn on to steemit.... folks....
So it is justice that stars earn millions of dollars

It is unfair! :/

I think it is fair on the principles of supply and demand, but those with that much money have more responsibility to use their money to help others.

It is very Fair, in Life there are principles to apply to get those amounts of money, therefore the average man should apply them to get a better fraction of those millions. The Football stars and movie stars have worked hard and are needed to be rewarded for their hardwork.😃

HELLO @ bunnypuncher so work is great thank you for doing this type of giveaway ..

can you contact me plz [ instagram romeshakila] i need to talk with you privet
or email mee romesh.ra24@gmail.com send me a email

it is totaly not fair because they don't deserve that much.good initiative @bunnypuncher,

It's Fair

good post

Absolutely true.

The truth is that just as an ordinary person works, a film actor and a soccer player also do it, only that if it is overvalued, I think that a firefighter, police and teachers should be the best paid, however it is not so (at least in many parts) the soccer player has years of preparation, a film actor too, a common worker and current will be happy with what you have and more if you know how to manage, it should be noted that many of these people are better prepared academically speaking, not everything in life is money, and what happiness?

Tanto por exponer sobre este tema, pero como la pregunta es para dar un si o un no (debido a que está mal redactada, o solo está redactada para si o no) mi respuesta es: ¡NO!

It depends, some could say it is fair, some might say it is unfair, it is supply and demand, film stars or football players are basically a component to a product they need to sell, and if that product sells a lot (movies, games---) they get remunerated for that. Basically players and actors are paid according to the potential income they can make to a company.

If we see it for merit, there are many other professions that are more important for a society. Now, in a way, it seems fair to me because those same players generate large sums of money to the teams where they play. Great teams would not have that much money without their players.

Dear @bunnypuncher Society is an organization formed by the people who make up that society. We all benefit from living in society, justice, education, health, in a sense we all owe it to this organization because of life in this organization and we pay our debt as taxes. From this point of view, the tax is extremely reasonable, but it must be fair to be reasonable. Equitable income means higher taxes as the level of income increases because people who earn more are those who get more benefits from the organization we build under the name of society.

it is fair as to become a star alot of efforts are required but when they become stars , they are paid just too much

Someday I will win!

Well... the question is... who should get that money if not the actors and football players? Millions of people pay to watch them in action, and love them when they do good and hate them when they do bad, it's a tough life and I'd much rather someone I enjoy watching get the money instead of a faceless corporation.... cos we all know companies are trying their best to not pay them millions.

It's more about economics than fairness, star players or actors are rare and bring in viewers and money...

I think there is a discussion to be had around income inequality in general but encompasses more than highly paid entertainers

I don't support sports by watching so I have a dog in that race. I watch lots of movies and most of the stars of today are way overpaid so I don't feel bad pirating their work

It is not a matter of fair, but of humans putting excessive value on 'entertainment' over other more valuable pursuits, e.g. education (pay for teachers), environment (pay to preserve nature) etc. They just want to be entertained and is willing to pay for it. Why would a teacher be worth less than someone who is paid to 'play' a sport?

maybe it is how it works
fair enough when people really work hard to become stars
not fair when most of stars are recruited by their parents, relatives

Things like these are not about fairness, it's about supply and demand.

Wealth is not redistributed proportionately . The man who made the bread take less than the man who talk about the bread. Of Course is not fair

It is not fair. Because they are just playing while the employees especially the farmers doing their best to earn yet they just get a smaller amount of salary.
(My 9th entry and still not giving up)

It's fair, because, if you don't think it is, you're likely to be in the population of people who have no skill to reap the rewards.

Is it fair that film stars or football players earn millions? While an average employeed person only earns a small fraction of that?

This is a question that could generate lots of argument for or against.

Being fair or not is a decision hinged on personal judgement and not necessarily on the main factors responsible for the enormous differences in their take home packages.

But be that as it may, lets go back to history in the days when this films stars and footballers earned next to nothing. What were they doing then that made them earn so little back then?

I think factors that have made film stars and footballers earn largekly higher are:

  1. principles of demand and supply
  2. Time and value
  3. Multi source of revenue for the film industries and football

Each country has its own stars and footballers, while some of these stars help people who need help, and others don't. I find it Fair for people who make so much money and help, and I don't find it Fair for those who don't.

-Thank You @bunnypuncher

well it is like steemit
some people post shit and earn massive while others write their hearts out and get shit in back

Este men :v

  1. An average employee perform for one person or for a few persons. Film stars and football players perform for million of peoples.
  2. An average employee works from 9 to 5. Film stars and football players most of the time work tirelessly.
  3. An average employee can loosen his efforts to make his performance better. Film stars and football players have to make their every effort countable.

So, yes, they deserve to earn millions.

I get what you mean, but consider this. Football season is just over hete in Europe, but players already have World Cup 2018 and some pre-qualifiers for Uefa Champions league. This give them no free time. Knowing this, i don't know if i would trade their millions for my free time with my family and friends. But do they earn too much? Probably yes

Movie stars and footballers get paid for their work, but these people absolutely have to pay their taxes. Everyone in this world can make big bucks, but you have to prove your talent. For example, Wesley Sneijder makes millions for exposing his talent. :)

Thanks @bunnypuncher

Not all the film stars and football players are being paid in millions. We don’t know the difficulties they have come across to reach that level . Only the talented players or actors getting paid in millions. If an average employee has an unique talent and more innovative then he would have started a company and give millions a job rather than sitting if front of a desk and doing job for one employer.

I will try it again

Some people eat too much and others eat fairly. Same happens with the sleep. Similarly, different earning opportunities are exist in this world. Its up to the inhabitants to explore and adapt them.

Sad but true. If you want to have money for living and pay the bills find a job. If you want to become a rich you have to think of something else.

Its the free market baby and actually, they are paid that much, because after signing a contract most of them not only are paid for playing but also to become an advertisement asset, they are not only put on the field of the game but also on shirts, logos, they have to do commercials, go to places and stuff, you get where i'm going.

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