Bunnypuncher's daily giveaway 5/08/2018 - 15 SBD total in prizes

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

This contest is ovee please join the 5/09 one.
I'm trying out new logos so whenever you see a new bunny let people know what you think.

Daily giveaway 5/08/2018.

First Place: @rharphelle Second Place: @meme.elena Third Place: @dindanurul99 Fourth Place: @omarbalzar Fifth Place: @khalidjr11 Sixth Place: @abhisteem13 Seventh Place: @cherielyncameros Eigtth Place: @todoenmusica

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Thank you everyone that has been upvoting and participating in my other contests. This one had such good feed back I'm going to increase the prizes to 15 SBD for today's contest. There will now be:

First Place: 5 SBD
Second Place: 3 SBD
Third Place: 2 SBD
Fourth Place: 1 SBD
Fifth Place: 1 SBD
Sixth Place: 1 SBD
Seventh Place: 1 SBD
Eighth Place: 1 SBD

The daily give-a-way winner will be selected at random from people that comment on this post. And I'll announce the winner the following day on the next day's contest post. I'll pull the list of entries from the comments approximately 24 hours after the post depending on my schedule. So unless you see the following day's post go ahead and add a comment. I'll will include entries right up to the last minute before I post the result and next contest.

I will do my very best to have a contest each day. However, I could without notice take a day or two off. On days that I'm off there may not be a contest so please try and be understanding if there is a couple of days without a contest.

To keep this simple and workable there will only be one rule. I don't want to disqualify new people or people that forget to resteem, upvote, and follow. I'm very appreciative of the upvotes and followers that participate in my contests. Please follow me so you can see the results of the contests.

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Suggested Daily Topic

To make things more interesting I'm going add a suggested daily topic. To perk up discussion between Steemians. As always you are free to comment whatever you like to enter. You do not have to follow this suggestion.

The daily topic for today is:

Favorite Movies

Tell us what are your favorite movies. Why did you like them? Was it the actors, plot, special effects? Did the story just grab you and not let go? Something fantastic about the director maybe? Share with us why you liked it and why others might too.

In case you don't know who I am here is my intro post from way back:

BunnyPuncher Don’t worry your bunnies are “fairly” safe!

Story of an honest Steemian. Honesty in today's world it still exists!!

There are 6 pages

This bunny looks like he can really get down. He is almost dancing and maybe a bit of pirate with that one eye. Those whiskers really stand out also.

good stuff

Well speaking of favorite movies, lemme just stick to 2018 and roll with the crowd to pick Black Panther.
Well basically, the whole African superhero setting got me hard.I like today's logo @bunnypuncher.

Thank you VERY much for these out of this world contests! They are more than appreciated! Congratulations to all the winners! I'm VERY proudly resteeming, commenting, upvoting and following! All the VERY best! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

My favorite movie, hmmm that is a stretch. I have come across many movies that ended up being my favorite.

For this year and so far still my best movie is the movie "BLACK PANTHER"

I love this movies because of the technology featured in it. The part where you can take control of a mechanical device by just attaching a control transmitter to it. It just so out of this world.


The actor or the protagonist, Tchalla, by name Chadwick Boseman.
He was the center of the entire movie. His story, from the death of his father to him being crowned king and all is just so captivating.

The plot was also amazing because it taught me that the sins of the father can come back to hunt his sons and grandsons if not corrected.

Come on, we all can say that the movie caught the world's attention when the trailer was released. The part that made me excited the most is that the actors in the movie were mainly africans.

This is coming from the angle that most hit movies in the world are hardly 50% african. This one in particular consisted of roughly 95% africans and it is really a good move to integrate africans into hollywood movies.


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A Knight's Tale

You can change your stars.

William Thatcher: I have word, Master Thatcher. Word of your son.
John Thatcher: [drops his tools] Of my William? Come in, sir. What word? Does he live?
William Thatcher: Oh yes. He lives. He wanted you to know...he changed his stars after all.
John Thatcher: [emotion washes over, he starts crying] And has he followed his feet? Has he found his way home at last?
William Thatcher: Yes. [his father blindly reaches out; now it's William's turn to cry] Oh, Father.

A most awesome scene.

Young William Thacher: Some day, I'll be a knight.

Man in Stocks: A Thachers son? A knight? You might as well try to change the stars!

Young William Thacher: Can it be done father? Can a man change the stars?

John Thatcher: Yes William. If he believes enough, a man can do anything.

Lord of the Rings Extended Directors cut.

God Bless

Back in the day the talk was that the books could never be made into a movie. I was amazed that it was worthy.

well, I liked the "Coherence" movie very much. It has a convoluted plot connected with time dimensions.

Giving away is fun I also have a contest. It gives a good feeling doesn't it !

Good luck all!

And thanks for offering this!

The Chronicles of Narnia is one of my favorite movie(s) and of course Harry Potter will always be too ❤

I love ipman1 movie, and ipman2 is played by donie yen
Why!?? Maybe it makes little sense when I see the story in the film that contains the meaning of colonialism from the Japanese state.
In addition to the interesting story of the movie "ipman" also shows an interesting kung fu, and he is also a very good martial art teacher.
That's why I love it

One of my favourite movies is a foreign film from Brazil called "Cidade de deus" (City of God). It was shocking for me to see the conditions and the crime the children are a part of down there. The story telling of Rocket really drew me in and the filmography really stands out for me.

Another movie I loved for the story and beautiful filmography was "Life of Pi". This was some serious eye candy.

Otherwise, I'm really into fantasy or sci fi movies. So much so that I couldn't really pick just one.

Fantastic topic, I love movies and in particular the sci-fi genre. I could say that my favorite movie is THE FIFTH ELEMENT starring Milla Jovovich and bruce willis, the movie is from the year 1997 and I think that for that moment it was really revolutionary, visually it is a show and its actors are the best, its argument based on the existence of a supreme being with the ability to destroy the darkness trapped me, the innocence with which Milla interprets his character combined with that touch of tough man but fun of Bruce create an environment that makes you stay seated at your seat.

I like you even though you are not an actor ..😊

New logo, new winners and new hopes for this one. Good luck for me!!!!

Hmmm. So we talking about movies today. Well my favorite movie tilk date is The Wolf of Wall Street. There are just too perfect comedy scenes, it also shows how easily you can fool people.
Great movie

What if I call Apa Kapluk as my favorite actor, do you know him ??😉

Ofcourse Forrest Gump. Why i love it is that the film is "like a box of chocolates… you never know what you're gonna get," as it serves up an abundance of surprising treats, sometimes sweet and sometimes bitter. See what love looks like in its purest form.

Hola @bunnypuncher ese logo de conejo alegre quedó espectacular... La Alegría es sinónimo de nobleza, libertad, fortaleza y grandeza del alma... para mi es lo que proyectas y creo que te fortalece cada día más...felicitaciones a @lisbethseijas por el diseño.

For me mine would be Blade runner 2049, also love a bit of In Pusuit of Happyness acted by Will Smith and his son. So much inspiration from that movie.Thank you @bunnypuncher. Really love the new logo. Very cool.

Hi dear i am back again
trying to WIN someday your amazing contest
i just love that logo

I want to win this so baddly
Best regards i hope you have a fantastic day @bunnypuncher

My favorite movie of all time would be the pursuit of happyness.
The movie is just too emotional and moving.
You shoukd see it

Hi bunny You are a great person
This is wonderful how you can help people
i hope someday to win :))

It would be very hard to pick one. Today I may pick one, tomorrow another depending on my mood. There have been so many great movies that have been made that there are too many to choose one. But i will choose INCEPTION.

My favorite movie: Titanic.
My favorite actrees: Rose or Chaterine Winslet..
My favorite actor: Jack or Leonardo D'Captrio..
My favorite contest: bunnypunchers daily contest..


Imagine if you suddenly learned that the people, the places, the moments most important to you were not gone, not dead, but worse, had never been. What kind of hell would that be ?
The movie is just great and you really want to watch it


Mi película favorita desde siempre ha sido TITANIC!
La verdad que el guión y toda la trama que se desarrolla durante todo el tiempo que dura es impresionante, además, todo el análisis semiótico que se puede hacer sobre las escenas y las personalidades de los personajes es fascinante. De verdad que el creador de esta película cuidó bien todos los detalles y por eso ganaron todos los premios en su época..

¿Quién más disfrutó tanto esta película como yo?

PD: Cada vez que Jack muere rompo a llorar desconsoladamente :(...


Titanic is the best movie,I like it..

My favourite movie is October Sky (1999)
It is one of the few movies that I have consistently recommended to friends and have had all of them thank me for the referral.

thanks a lot for running this contest!! i finally won something :)

See people actually do win lol 😉

Who wouldnt go for The Godfather.
There are 3 parts and all of them are great
Won 3 Oscars. Shows how a son had to take his father’s business. Its the movie of the century

My favorite movie of all time would be the pursuit of happyness.
The movie is just too emotional and moving.
You shoukd see it

Okay mine is not the regulsr marvel or box office movie.
Exceptionally good acting by Irrfan Khan
Shows how much life is unfair for athletes in india. How people have to take wrong routes just for the sake of protection of their family. Why cops deny to help innocent people and how corrupt police can be.
Paan Singh Tomar is the name of the movie.

I tend like old movies with actors like the Marx Brothers, Humphrey Bogart, Jimmy Cagney and so on. More recently, Mina Tannenbaum with its visual metaphors and surrealism was a revelation.

I like Ironman! He is such a super cool hero :)

Caterina Winslet is very beautiful women,she is a best Aktris..

I'm a big fan of Christopher Nolan, Quentin Tarantino and Clint Eastwood.

Since few of their movies have already posted here, I would like to post one of the different attempts taken by Christopher Nolan -
Memento (2000)

It was the first time that I really felt how can someone engage you with his idea and satisfy you by executing the same on the screen. The reverse storytelling concept was the best thing about the movie

The sujet (syuzhet), or the presentation of the film, is structured with two timelines: one in color and one in black-and-white. The color sequences are alternated with black-and-white sequences.
The color sequences include a brief overlap to help clue the audience into the fact that they are being presented in reverse order. The purpose of the fragmented reverse sequencing is to force the audience into a sympathetic experience of Leonard's defective ability to create new long-term memories, where prior events are not recalled, since the audience has yet to see them.

And about Christopher NolanHe is the library for film industries of any countries.

That is great steemit
Thanks for sharing this contest

Thre are so many good movies, but for me it's the original Star Wars trilogy and The Godfather, there is something quite magical going on with those films. Even being a huge horror fan, being in love with Stanley Kubrick's work on The Shining I still find myself quoting the first lines of The Godfather or the battle between Vader and Luke Skywalker. I just love the settings, the camera work, the special effects and the stories behind these classic films, there will never ever be movies like these anymore.

Also, Jurassic Park.

One of my favorite movies is the Titanic, it's a box office hit and a lot of people cry out for their love story. The Jack and Rose tandem

True stories based movies are the best. They can teach you amazing stuff. Thanks for helping minnows :)

Commenting is the only rule to enter the contest. This is quite very good idea.

My favourite movie is a korean movie. The name is "A frozen flower'. It is directed by Yoo Ha and stars Jo In-sung, Joo Jin-mo and Song Ji-Hyo. I like Song Ji-Hyo too much.
It was released in South Korea on 30 December 2008 and was the 6th most attended film of 2008 with 3,772,976 tickets sold.

It is a love story and there was 4-5 naked sense but it is not hard-core. This film worths to watch.

Congratulations to all winners.
Can anyone design a logo for you or was it submitted as some sort of a contest?

Anyone can there is even a contest for designing it. See: Bunnypuncher logo and banner cover image contest with 15 SBD to the winner

Oooo wow thanks for this information... I will jump on this immediately

Great the more the better. Maybe, you can headline tomorrows contest.

A series that started 20 years ago, past 11 years on the last Filmin, there is no old character other than Bernard Farcy's Commissioner Gibert. It seemed to me a little box-office motivation, and lovers of French humor seem to be enjoying it. Good luck @bunnypuncher thank you for supporting


Hmm,,I like Jackie chan..😊

Great work on steemit.
I love your work

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