WIN 10 SBD + liquid Steem from this Post by simplying playing a GAME!

in #contest7 years ago


Guess That Username Contest


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Goals for This Contest:

  • Build community
  • Have Fun
  • Make a bunch of sweet crypto for those who choose to participate!


Have you wondered what’s the meaning behind some of your fellow Steemians usernames?

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I know I have. Some of the names out there are so creative and intriguing, yet I've never taken the time to find out what they mean. I've now just begun to communicate with my fellow Steemians on Discord, but with such little time and so many neat people, I needed a way to speed up the process. This contest will hopefully achieve that goal.

Most of us didn’t have a hand in choosing our RLN (Real Life Names) so when we’re given the opportunity to create usernames online, what drives us to choose what we’ve chosen? Our usernames are our own personal chosen signatures to the world. What do they all mean? Inquiring minds want to know!

As a seeker of truth, I want to know what is the mystery of the origins to my fellow Steemians usernames. Through this contest I hope to shed some light on our more obscure and bizarre Steemians. This contest will tell us a lot about them and about ourselves through our responses and interactions.

So, let’s have some fun, shall we?


Here’s the rules:

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  • I will nominate and then interview a fellow Steemian each week as to how they came up with their username.

  • Contestants will give their best explanation to the meaning behind the mystery of that username in the comment section of the contest post. You can choose to be serious, or just be creative and funny, your choice.

  • Contestants will upvote (with a minimum 25% upvote power) that weeks contests post. Resteeming is not necessary, but much appreciated.

  • Maximum 2 entries per Steemian.


There are two ways to win:

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  • The original username owner will determine whose answer is most accurate


  • The most creative answer will be determined by me, yours truly.

In case of a tie (that being a same accurate or creative answer). The winner will be determined by who commented first.

  • NOTE:I reserve the right to adjust how people win if by chance there aren't any accurate guesses or if the nominated username doesn't cooperate. DON'T WORRY! I am a benevolent dictator, so I will make sure somebody or somebodies always win!


There are two ways to be disqualified:

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  • If you contact or have had contact with the nominated user and ascertained the meaning of their username, you are resolutely disqualified.

  • If the nominated user is a Real Life Friend (RLF) you should be ashamed of yourself for associating with such riff-raff and you are soundly disqualified by the guilt of your association.

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The whole point of this contest is to meet new people and learn new things.

It’s not just about winning SBD.

You are on the honor system when participating. So, be honorable and don’t let your inside knowledge drive you crazy for filthy lucre.



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  • Each winner will receive 25% of this posts payout in SBD!

  • The nominated username owner will also receive 25% of this post payout.

PLUS, each winner will receive 5 SBD from me!

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ALSO: If you nominate a username and I use it in an upcoming round, I will reward your participation with 1 SBD!


The contest will begin each Monday with the winners being announced via the interview post I will put out the following Sunday.

It is my hope that through this fun game we will all get a better chance to know each other, especially some of the more humble members of Steemit.

Without Further Ado:

Round 's Nominee is @allforthegood!

Why? Because she is my wife and I love her! Why not give her the spot light for a week? Especially since I didn't buy her a card or roses for this past Valentine's Day. :(


@allforthegood please be so kind as to send me your background story and what contestant you think were the closest to the actual meaning sometime before this upcoming Sunday afternoon. You know how to find me... Thanks!

Good Luck to All the Contestants!

Let the games begin!


Thanks for Reading!


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Well, thanks for the nomination! Better than a Valentine's Day card ;)

Hey man! @bluerthangreen
Just want to let you know I honestly enjoyed these contests. I know it has been a few days, but if you want to continue just where left, I would not judge. I know you probably got a lot on your plate. Just know that your presence here on Steemit is noticeable.

Thanks Bro! I've been busy, but I'm determining to get back into the swing of things. I appreciate the encouragement. Continue we must, yes?!!

I have seen the work involved in homesteads and raising kids; I completely understand the busy part.
You are a man of your word for concluding this contest and I very much value honest people. Thank you for the SBD winnings.

Well I think username allforthegood came about from life experiences, as I check the profile belongs to a woman and mother, with different life challenges maybe with the man he marries and the children that come after it. She was grateful that everything happens for a reason.

True my man is challenging ;) and children are always a challenge! Everything does happen for a reason.... excellent guess for my name meaning. But, not quite spot on :)

@allforthegood eh?
In 2027, the first nuclear warheads sound off in the East coast from a Chinese phantom sub... The whole world reacts and everyone's imagined acopalypze begins. Agent Good, with only her family left to survive in their town (because they actually had a bomb shelter..) As they get into the car, they know nothing will ever be the same. They will now have to fend for their lives together as a family. Food will certainly be scarce.
Out of the blue, two stranded puppies and a bunny come to chase after the car.
Although @bluerthangreen 's heart melts and eyes water, his wife Agent Good gives him a steely look and says coldly:
"run 'em over" there's no food for them, "its all for the Good".

Most creative @impatientoptim :) I can tell you're a story teller of quality!

You're obviously a very kind woman, but I like to imagine that we all have a darker side. I look forward to seeing how you decided on your username.

There are better things to give besides over-priced flowers, cholates or cards! Now, let me see, @allforthegood. It could possibly mean that all she does is for the good of her family, or possibly because she is such a positive person she just looks for the good in everything.

Yup, never been a fan of those over-priced marketed items. Wow, I'm feeling so encouraged just reading all these guesses! Makes me inspired. I do my best to look for the good in everything. Maybe that could be a secondary layer of meaning to my name...

@allforthegood. On being a mother and light of her home, she wants the best for her family. Joined steemit, to bring and radiate positivity in her posts for the community, obviously for the goodness of all. :)

I like that too! And I do hope that I bring positivism to this platform, but not quite the reason behind the name :)

I guess the username @allforthegood agrees with the purpose of steemit which is to reward people for their works and as much as steemit is concerned with helping others within and outside the community; it is all for the good

Good idea, but I had the name long before Steemit came about.

Good day my guess for @allforthegood is that She had this goal or aim in life that she wants to be good,do good or serving good to many or all people she'll encounter. Her family specially in any cost and sa "abot nang kanyang makakaya"..
Believing that it is the right thing to do and nakakagaan nang loob. And it will surely bring her a happy and healthy heart. Or maybe she sees thing positively like everything surrounds her has a purpose and it is good for all like all we need is to realize it.

Interesting guess! I wish I knew what those words in quotes meant. Understanding that each event has a purpose definitely has a part in my perspective.

All for the good is all for her family she will do anything for the happiness of her family

She have a charity works she always want to help people that needs help

Thanks for the good guess! There are many things I do that I hope are helpful for others, for their good.

My guess is that her name is from a statement of faith:
Jesus does all things for the good of those who love him. (Assuming) She is a devout Christian, then her faith is important to her and she wanted to somehow communicate that subtly on her online steemit presence without having to shout "hey, I'm a Christian".

And anyway....honestly! Who's gonna choose a name like "allforthebad" or "noneforthegood"
Those would make absolutely no sense. So she really only had one possible Steemit name! Really!


Funny! :D What about allforthebest, allfortheawesome, allfortheamazing, or maybe too high? allfortheaverage, allforthemediocre Good guess, thanks!

I think she believes although all things may not be good, but God can and will use all things for good

Truth! He can work all for the good.

I think allforthegood is a popular quote her husband like to use as an artist any mistakes in an art work is a new design. So he always use the word all for good whenever things seems to go wrong.

Great perspective. It all works out for the good, even our mistakes can be worked in and are not useless to our lives.

@allforthegood, the intention to do good for all mankind, and have a good plan for good.

That would be a GOOD plan!

Well I guess her username " all for the good" simply implies that there is not gonna be a bad time for her in her life any more and also everything about her life would be positive and not negative.

Woot! I sure wish that was the case. Great mindset to have :)


Interestingly very nice

Hmm. All For The Good I guess she was born and raised in Lil Rock AR and it's all good and her hubby is a good person, never cheated, a loyal and faithful person and lastly her hubbby is Bluer than Green. So yeah all for the good.

He's a good man! But, nope, didn't grow up in the Ozarks. We're from good ol' Wisconsin. I like that guess :)

i think allforthegood is a fantastic name that comes from the heart. it harkens to the idea of doing something "for the good of all" and is aligned with one's highest self. it's kinda philosophical in this basis as it can be hard to determine what is for the best good, but she strives to make her actions in line with this principle to her best ability. it's a mighty and honorable goal/name! <3

Why thank you @mountainjewel! I do like that name and I do strive for doing good with the decisions I make each day, as best I can :)

I believe @allforthegood's name originates from the fact that he/she wants to see and feel the good aspects of life despite the negativity going on around.

He/she loves positive vibes (just like me) and is all about seeing the goodness in situations.

I have been known to have a relentlessly "glass full"kind of perspective. Yesterday we had a rough day of having our vehicle break down a hundred miles from home...again, but you know, at least we didn't get into a disfiguring car accident!

Wow, @allforthegood. With her being a mother, I think she sees herself as a kind of person that makes sure that wherever she is, everything's working fyn, and she chose that username because she believes everything she does is for the good of ............

I love peace and order, and feel so good when people are at peace. What I do is for the good of my family, but not THE reason behind my name :)

Awwn, and I thought I had a good guess

My guess is that it comes from the verse in scripture (Romans 8:28) that says, "All things are for the good of those who love the Most High and are called according to His purpose." It is not that the events in life are good, but that we have a good King, and He can use bad events for the good in our lives.

Hmmmm....could be!! Find out soon :)

allforthegood for her cooking she will do anything for the better taste of the food for her family...

My Second guess..
it's all for her art let's say perfectionist!

Ha! Sometimes better taste, sometimes for the health factors :) I did have the name originally for my allforthegood Etsy shop, so that's a really good guess, but not THE reason.

My guess is the username is inspired by this bible verse
Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Great guess!

Hi, @bluerthangreen! You have an interesting name as well.
When I first read, the user name @allforthegood what came to my mind was: "All for one and one for all, united we stand divided we fall." - Alexandre Dumas, The Three Musketeers.
Musketeers had the same aspirations, serve the king, save the queen and fight for France. So they acted as one individual, and each of them acted for the good of the group.
I think, in the same way, your wife who has chosen the user name "allforthegood" has a vivid desire that everyone should act for the benefit of other people and work for each other good.

Interesting connection! Also, bluerthangreen does have an interesting story behind his name. If you look it up, you may discover in the search engine.

Yes, I will have a look. I 'm curious about the meaning and I can't wait to read it!