Take a guess anyone is welcome.

in #contest6 years ago

Since I haven't had a contest in a while, I am going to replay one of the old ones. We are going to play guess a number 1 too 1,000,000. Dr_evil_one_million_dollars.jpg So here is how it will go down. and cheaters will get lasered from the moon. I picked a number 1 to 1,000,000 I will give a 100% VOTE to the closest person, one entry per person. Also will give a 50% if you are with in 5000 and someone is closer. No mind reading spells are programs allowed, and I did take a picture with a time stamp with the number. Will post in on the winning post, and GOOD LUCK. Will call it at the 5 day mark.

Also if you have any ideas for contest let me know. Keep in mind has to be easy to judge.

There are 2 pages



Thanks for sharing.....I appreciate this contest. Upvote you

if you appreciate it why didn't you enter a number?

Ya, I wonder sometimes, but it is probably just a bot.

The number is :


Great post. I supported your contest.

why did you support but not enter with a number entry?

Fun!!! Love these.


754.969 el numero ganador

This is a great contest. Incredible difficult for participants but super easy for you to judge. My guess is 298,531.



I think you're not going to win ;o)

Hahaha... I don't THINK he's not going to win. He's DEFINITELY not gonna win

Just because 7 is lucky number :)

720,720 is my guess.

Let's give it a try :-)

Thanks for this contest....The number is 666,666

438543 is my guess

43 is my lucky number, so stuck it in twice :o)

I guess 13 The lucky number.

The winning number is 18,119

This number 7,589

65,642 the winner

9 my birthday wish me luck

50069 is my guess :)


My guess is 1600


Maybe this is a lucky numbe. Lol

I think it 13000

Im guessing it is 22! my birth date... :D

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