Contest with up-votes as prize.

in #contest7 years ago

Some people on Steemit think it is all about the content, while others think it is about the social interaction. Well I can tell you right now it is definitely not about the content of a post. But there is nothing I can do about it so I have been enjoying the social interaction of the site. So I have a proposition, or a Contest for the Steemit community. I have been doing upvotes for various reasons, and I am out of ideas at the moment. So I would like to hear, from you people, what type of contest we should do. If I use your contest idea,
you will get a prize. Please only one idea per person, that way everyone can participate. So make it a good idea or I will have rando whale down vote you, just kidding I am not a downvoting kind of guy.

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Am suggesting a kissing contest, so those that do not know how to kiss will be exposed

Okay I really like this one, but I don't know how we go about It.

Each contestant must send a picture of him/her kissing the opposite sex and the picture must clearly show his or her face.
In order to know how to Judge

  • For those willing to enter this contest must first change their profile picture showing their face.
  • Or you can as well create a tag using (kissing-contest), where anybody can enter the contest .(here no change of profile picture).
    After posting it on his/her account a copy of the of the link must be pasted here.
    Then you select the best ten, so we vote for the winner

Contest: A movie that changed your life or way of seeing some things.

Rules: The participant will say the movie title and shortly what is in the movie that induced a change of thinking/acting (and the change itself).

Why: I guess everybody has watched a movie that made some sort of impact in his life or way of thinking, so everybody can to participate and don't any require specific skills.

Who wins: Most original and interesting history.

I do like how you spelled it out. Will think about this one.

Crypto to have the biggest gain in the following 24 hours.

That is a unique Idea.

@bigram13. My idea is that you post a picture and we give it a caption, the best or funniest caption wins, since you don't like long stories

Does anyone really like long stories? But you are on to something.

Me personally I don't like long stories, but I think we can go with my suggestions.. I can even send you few images to choose from.. Caption challenge

By the way, please kindly follow me back

Meme war!

How would a meme war be judged. Just who has the best meme?

I think least upvotes wins.....That would encourage everyone to upvote everyone else.Alternatively the most upvotes by $BD, or #of votes. Elimination rounds are always cool, I do contests (very bad at it BTW) by randomizing or "judging."

meme stratego!

Meme war!! Yes!!

Yes I really love the best meme idea. Thank you.

Following by @share4angels

Ugly faces - Photocontest.

No one ever did it! And we will see so funny faces hahahaha everybody wins!

Im thinking of a number 1 through 1 million..whoever picks the number nearest wins.

Not a bad one for sure. That is interesting.

I agree with you


Perharps a post about, posting jokes in the comments section would be great fun!

Some people on Steemit think it is all about the content, while others think it is about the social interaction.

By the way, I authored a post on exactly what you mentioned in your open remark - STEEMIT IS MORE THAN WRITING LONG BLOG POSTS

Ya I will be honest I don't read long posts. Jokes could be a good one.

         The contest does not really matter, it could be as simple as pick a number between 1 and 10. The fun part would be to make the rules so complicated you need to hire a lawyer, a priest, a doctor, then a politician to tell you if you have followed all the rules correctly and voted for the correct post, paid the right amount to the right account, then made a post with nothing but the number you pick, post your link in the comments, and then see how many votes you can buy to increase your blogs value that contains only one single digit number. After buying all the votes you possibly can, you need to run over to berniesanders, grumpycat, transisto, and haeijn and tell them all in a comment on an unrelated post how much you got for your one word post. He or she that survives wins.

So I take it you have seen the Place holder comment worth 200 by the guy who use to down vote everyone at will.

LoL, yep, seen a few of those types.

what a funny contest just keep it up

It will be great to do contest, where participants write
small stories of a certain length and of a certain theme.
(This stories can be with or without drawings or photos)

You should make a contest of "Give me the most creative idea to promote Steem" where the participants will need to give a creative idea on how to promote Steem. and use several judges. I don't mind be one of them.
upvoted for visibilty

Ya they did something like that an steemit inc was like " I think we should build a park that no one will visit"

How about a scavenger hunt for steemit users at a specific location and date.

exotic food contest.
specialty food in each place. those kinds that no one or few people know about. like food tripping around the world. that will be interesting and informative. :D

I have an idea for a contest I tried getting it started but only a few entries came in I think its a great idea and a user with a better reach and more power may get it noticed more. My contest idea is

Best Steemit Post of the Week, while many only see the post of trending or high payout or people they follow many great high quality posts go unnoticed so I thought why not each person post what they thought was the best post that week.

Example on this post contest I have going on Here

I love this's beautiful ....a lot of posts go unnoticed after all the efforts made to bring out an interesting article and believe's frustrating....I'm a witness. Your idea would at least make people notice some posts.

Great idea, though i am very new so what do i know. It does seem hard to dig below the layers of trending and high payouts but I will keep exploring...

I explore steemit daily I see you don’t have a Steemit Profile Picture I made a contest post to make it simple to do just scroll down Here

Every week, or depending on your preferential time interval, you pick one username. And others get to guess one fact about about the user. The fact will be something you should choose, maybe date of birth, place of birth, country of origin, etc.

I think you're better off making a stunning contest that is a contest about the story of a rural person or a unique rural adventure of his life

It truly depends on your tribe- the group of followers you interact with each day on Steemit, that determines what works. Long, compelling articles do very well, as do short and concise tidbits that are easy to digest but packed full of nutrients ;) It truly depends on your personal community :) You have to know your people.

Its day one for me, or 2 hours to be precise, I'm searching for my tribe but it all feels slightly overwhelming at the moment. I'm sure the feeling will pass so I hope I find my tribe soon.

Welcome to the community!

I completely understand- it is a bit overwhelming when you first come on board here :) But the community is super supportive and encouraging. Stick with it! Patience and consistency are needed, but if you post quality and compelling content, and never plagiarize, you will go far :)

Nothing great was built in a day ;) If you build a strong foundation your tribe will come :)

Try going to the homepage. On the left you will see a bunch of popular tags. Click on one topic that interests you. From the list of posts find one that you really like (go ahead - click a bunch!) then look at the people who have replied to that post. The people who reply to the posts that you like are the people who have similar interests to yours and there is a better chance that you will find content that you like if you follow the commenter home to his blog. Look particularly for commenters who have something interesting to say about the topic of the post. When a commenter knows something about what they are talking about there is an even better chance of finding gold!

Thanks for your reply, even though its taken me 2 days to spot it. I have started exploring the tags and now follow a few people too...getting there slowly but surely, tortoise not hare.

I think CAPTION CONTESTS might fit this one. :) Just a suggestion though

Let's have a rhyming contest

Hi @bigram613, I suggest the following:

Weekly we will play with the Garabato technique, which consists of the user performing from a simple doodle to a spectacular drawing .... @ rosiconde07

so nice post.. @biplab818

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Is commenting really worthwhile
Your Reputation Could be a Tasty Snack with the Wrong Comment!
Steemit Etiquette Rules
No one is interested in following, upvoting, or looking at the posts of a person who disrespects their work or interests by only wanting to talk about himself and his interests. If you want to reply to someone's post please have the courtesy to contribute to the topic of the post.

Good Luck!

Nice post my friend
I followed you so please follow me
Tthanks a lot for your kind

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Is commenting really worthwhile
Your Reputation Could be a Tasty Snack with the Wrong Comment!
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No one is interested in following, upvoting, or looking at the posts of a person who disrespects their work or interests by only wanting to talk about himself and his interests. If you want to reply to someone's post please have the courtesy to contribute to the topic of the post.

Good Luck!

most crazy selfie contest

thoughts on government shutdown or thoughts on hashflare being the new bitconnect. Idk just throwing some ideas off the dome

Excellent funny, very nice post, thanks for sharing

I really like your posts and I enjoy very much with all your posts.👍

I think writing a fiction story on a title will be sweet

everybody gives their list of 5 ICO they think are fake,

suggestions with max upvotes win after the decided time.

Grade the crap coins?

Grade will eventually come out after upvotes by others, the list having most upvotes wins the contest.

at the end of contest we will have a list of crap coins, which will also be a useful info for participants and readers who are looking to invest in ICO.

Put out a quote or short expression or short story and let people give it a one-word title. Steemians pick the best five and contestants vote on the best.

There are a number of people that I've encountered on the platform who are really working to help minnows get ahead. #newbieresteemday is one of the projects that is helping people get noticed. I think the good folks who are starting the project could definitely use a boost and would put that boost to good use...helping others.

I'm certainly going to check this out. I'm so new it hurts.haha

Most interesting selfie!2014-09-21 10.43.54.png

New here on Steemit community so i have no idea if this kinda thing exists or if it even classifies as a contest. But how about a contest to bring in new people to Steemit. Have people who are participating mention the new person they have invited and perhaps the new member could post either along with their introduction post or a separate post verifying who invited them maybe a selfie with your contest tag and the person who invited them. Seems really complicated though... or maybe it already exists lol.. idk just came to me on the spot

How about a funny contest might be interesting

Maybe a contest to take a picture of something super ordinary, and try to make it as interesting as possible? Like whoever makes the most interesting picture of a paperclip or something?

Contest on writing writing writing is annoying at times. I will suggest a contest on personal picture may be one or two.

I host contests like that every week! All you do is follow the theme of the week and post your picture :) I may be biased, lol, but it's a great idea! Check out my page, this weeks just started!

I'm certainly going to check this out.

I think you should host a contest where everyone recommends someone to receive an SP delegation from the earnings of the post's upvotes. The person should be from a developing country where money is hard to come by. They could be a dedicated creator or curator, but should be someone who has not been able to receive, generate or save enough start-up capital to get the SP ball rolling, which is a distinct possibility in many places where what little they earn goes directly towards basic necessities.

The person who makes the recommendation should get a vote for their time and good taste in fellow human, and the winner of the SP delegation gets to have an SP boost at a time when upvotes, even auto-votes are worth a lot on the marketplace, and they are free to generate interest in their own posts, or help others in their corner of the steemit world, or both.

If I win this contest I would like the prize to go towards an SP delegation lease for a second winner.

Also, bonus points if the leases are not bought at market rates, but instead leased at a discount or donated by generous and forward-thinking Steemiworbs with SP to spare. Thank you for your consideration, and good luck to everyone else!

A photo contest?
Picture taken by you.

meme contest

I think if you conduct contest on puzzles on maths because it is interesting and educational also.

A contest where users figure out and let me know why my upvote button doesn't work! And why some of my post's title grayed out on my wall and some not? And the prize is: I will never forget your kindness!

I was there a couple of weeks ago.

it could be a competition like number puzzles. People like to guess. @bigram13a

Why not do a contest to decide the best contest? Good idea, right? I thought of it myself...after reading your post. ;-P

Those who joined steemit since Jan 1, 2018 should have 500 followers, 500 post and 500 following for a certain time will win the game. this is to support the newbie in the community, like me.

What do you think?

Good,what an idea to get ideas!

Since content or photos apparently don't matter, upvote the most smart ass comment

Hey @bigram13 I am thinking of a contest like look a like contest.. Of famous personalities in history or hollywood or local stars!

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