Weekly Link-up Party #8: Overcome Fear

in #contest7 years ago

Welcome back!!! If you have been following my weekly blog posts, you will see that I have made some more changes. This change is all about helping make this Link-up party more awesome. There isn’t a door prize for everyone but I am giving away something to two lucky people with the help of my friend Shawna. More info on that later. Here’s my thought of the day…

Overcome Fear

One of the biggest things that hold me back is FEAR. Fear loves to play around with my mental illness and cause havoc in my life. I have a lot of awesome ideas that I want to bring to life but fear is the one road block that is always changing. It changes its appearance or attack based on the situation or thought. Heck, it’s the main reason why I have put off doing this type of blog post for a very long time.

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Luckily for us, the human body is very complicated but also strong. There comes a time when we just tell ourselves, “Enough is enough”. We then kick fear in the balls and step over it as we proceed moving forward again. Yes fear does get back up but we need to repeat the kicking so that we don’t get stuck. Isn’t time for us to stop letting fear control us?

Now for the exciting information. I will award two people 2SBD each, all thanks to Shawna who is sponsoring this. Be sure to follow her. She is amazing and does amazing work with others too.

Here are the rules to participate in this party:

  • You must write an original post about the topic “Overcome”. Please make sure that it’s at least 250 words.
  • Use “shareinspireconquer” as your first tag
  • Share only one link below in the comments
  • Upvote this post and follow me :)
  • Your original post needs to be published by Sunday March 18 2018

I am looking forward to reading and sharing your work. Thank you for visiting. Until my next post... Share. Inspire. Conquer.
