haha, first i read your article i laugh very hard, i am amazed with you and this is my chance to convey my disappointment, because i am a beginner in steemit and you know, i am very hard to get upvote from somebody even my article do not produce a bit upvote , I try to approach some of my friends to ask for upvote but they just ignore it and do not care about me, I am really very disappointed and I try again to join the various groups by hoping there is someone who upvote my article but the result is also very sad so for what I joined for a particular group group if I just listen to them, here what I hope is a little upvote from them so I'm motivated to continue working and writing my articles.
this is my heart's content, i really hope upvote from all of you to build up the spirit and continue to imagine so that this paper will continue until the end of the day