While sitting alone my mind gotta slap from my thoughts Asma what are you doing? Still alone?

At the Same time i think what is love ?do you capable of being loved by someone? Do you have all the qualities that you are looking for ?why we always think i need a person with puppy eyes,tall hight, handsome personality. But if he demand the same.
Animated Love:
I always watch dramas in which a hero comes and save heroine. Reality is something else. We grow up by listening these flourishing stories of prince and princess. Cinderella, Arora, Anna, Rupanzel etc . These all are unconditional love. What if i fall for someone one day?
Do i have to take control on my feelings or going things that way they are going ? Well love is spontaneous. When it happens,it happens.sometime eyes attracts you, something personality, sometime behavior, sometime a whol character we can not set up our feet running backward from love.
Chain in feet while loving someone:
Love someone with out polytheism.There is a chain that kept your feet bounded. Your wings stops opening in air when you are in love . But you fly in seventh sky . Am i wrong? We start knitting thoughts and our thoughts do not exist naturally.
Freedom of love:
We can not posses our love it is not about losing freedom but is about staying in the prison while all the locks are open.
Love is itself a freedom from the world except the person you love.the love is cage but i would say love is apleasing confinement and a true lover will never in end this beautiful confindment even the next person is not interested.
Someone falls for animatrd love but someone wants realtiy.But main character is love.