Hey guys and gals aggroed came up with cool idea for thanks giving. I thought it was neat so I'm gonna give it a go. I'm not gonna give you his post here but if you read below you'll see how to find it.
- Resteem ✅
- Start a post use MSPsteem.com for extra credit ✅
- I'm grateful for my loving gf. My wonderful family and friends. My job that tastes me great. And my new favorite place #steemit #thealliance and #steemsilvergold ✅
- Leave your post in his comments.✅
This is interesting! A scavenger hunt! Inviting you to my blog, leave a comment to win a Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer Christmas Card!
Well I feel honored to have been the person you thought of to message. 😀 This was a cool challenge
@topkpop is very awesome and glad to see she is getting recognition she deserves. Great entry for @aggroed scavenger hunt and loving all the gratitude being passed around.
wow nice post
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