โWho Finds a Friend Finds a Treasure?โ
[1] Yes | [2] No
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- To feel the abundance paradigm, so as to abandon that of scarcity ASAP...
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Todayโs poll is:
โWho Finds a Friend Finds a Treasure?โ
[1] Yes | [2] No
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Italian version ๐ฎ๐น๐ฎ๐น๐ฎ๐น ๐ฎ๐น
- Redistribuire la ricchezza divertendosi;
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- Il denaro รจ l'esca, ma il vero tesoro nell'ecosistema Steem รจ l'educazione per relazioni pacifiche ed evolvere insieme per un mondo migliore...
Risultati attesi
- Aiuta a far crescere i pesciolini;
- Educare l'altruismo giocando;
- Cooperare invece di competere, rendendo evidenti relazioni WIN-WIN;
- Percepire il paradigma dell'abbondanza, in modo da abbandonare quello della scarsitร al piรน presto...
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Il sondaggio di oggi รจ:
"Chi trova un amico trova un tesoro?"
[1] Sรฌ | [2] No
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- Fare Resteem, cosรฌ come condividere con i tuoi amici, non รจ obbligatorio; ma se lo fai รจ meglio per tutti (anche per l'ecosistema Steem) e aiuterร a diffondere il messaggio per raggiungere piรน persone;
- Seguimi se ti va.
for inspiring me for this contest
thanks to the Creator's Guild Discord group for helping with this post
All my gratitude to @ravenruis and @jrswab and
[1] YES: Who Finds a Friend Finds a Treasure..
From ones perspective a friend is a reflection of self. For we are all divine fractals of source are we not? Re-membering who we are through our connection to each other.
SUGGESTION: Unconditional love has no exceptions or expectations.. [1] TRUE [2] FALSE
In la'kech ala kin dear ones, steem om ๐๐ป ๐
Perfectly centered target, @kenistyles: I fully agree with you!
Thanks for SUGGESTION, I'll use it! :)
In Lakโech - Namastรฉ - Aloha - Kanyini - Ubuntรน - Gassho - Sat nam - Wiracocha - Mitakuye Oyasin:
Excited for these gems you are bringing with your content @amico, blessings
I'm glad you appreciate it
Thank you very much for delegation: your kindness and altruism gives me joy!

As @lewisjfclarke sad,
Thinking back to the feeling of yesterday morning, the surprise broke very well in the morning, you know?
Today I remember it with this background music:
Do you like it, @kenistyles?
Haha awesome! Imagining you dancing around the room in joy man! Steem Om ๐๐ป ๐
Yes because, Some friends are more than brothers. a friend is someone who knows all about and loves you all the same. He or she share your good and bad times with you and helps you by listening to you during your bad times.
Thank you Godwin, your comment gave me good vibes.
Have a happy life!
[1] YES
โ You can share everything with a friend without being judged. โ If one has true friend, he will standby in every situation. โ You can be all goof with friends.
Getting used to abstaining from judgment is a great thing ... with everyone, not just with friends?
How well do you feel with yourself? Or rather... how much are you friend with yourself?
[1] YES
I believe faithfully that friends are the family we choose and as such, in their vast majority, they represent a treasure for the lives of many, so let's get back to those great riches in our lives.
And if they ask me if I'm rich? I will answer YES, because I have the greatest treasure in the world, FRIENDSHIP
ยกPercibo que tu respuesta viene del corazรณn: te agradesco mucho, Gabriela!Muchisimas gracias por tu participaciรณn, @merryslamb!
Friends are more than just a treasure. I you found a treasure, you are the only one that is happy and the treasure can't feel anything. But real friends are always there in good times and bad times. They are like companions for life. Maybe more like an extra hand that can help you in everything that you do.
Well said, I agree @sonofsatoshi!
A friend is one who despite all odds will stand by you..A friend will be by you through thick and thin..A friend will always tell you the truth even it doesnt sound well to you..A friend will help you in everyway he/she can(morally,spiritually,financially and other wise)so to say your friend is part of your family. That is why it is commonly said "Marry your friend" Conclusively,if you have someone who can do all these for you,i bet you,you have the strongest defense ever..My Friend is indeed my strongest defense...@amico thanks for putting this topic up for contest.
One of my next questioning post will be "Should We Really Marry Our Best Friend?"
Have an happy day!Thank you @ciscabrainz28
I parenti te li ritrovi... e volente o nolente te li devi tenere..... Gli amici te li scegli... e se lo fai bene te li tieni per sempre per scelta..
Parole sagge, @hologramx!
This is my entry for the contest.
He who finds a friend finds good treasure. We must first know who you are before we can agree that your will find good friend.
show me your friend and i will tell you who you are
So,because i am a good person,i found a good friend too and that portrays who i am.
I will suggest you use this topic for next contest -----beautiful woman is always every men's choice. 1[YES], 2[NO].
Thank you @goddywise4-eu, welcome to my first contest and my first post ever! :-)
Please, edit your comment to conform to the rule - thank you very much!Anyway @goddywise4-eu, you missed Rule #2: Write a comment with your choice [1] or [2] (in square brackets)
Done. Thanks for the observation
Imagine walking in a dusty dark road, with no moonlight to guide you and shining stars to comfort you. Every step you make in it feels like a dying dream; with no assurance if something is waiting for you in the end of the road ahead. But, if you got people that will walk with you, even the road is not clear, guaranteed that you will reach a destination. They serve as your map, your companion and your guiding light for you to not to get lost in this maze called life. They are the gems that everyone deserve but sometimes are not appreciated. That is why I'm very thankful that I found them, next to my family, the greatest treasure of my life.
Thank you for your comment and for playing.
Moonlight and shining stars are already your friends, @ajpaulo?
Literally and figuratively! I remember my friends every time the night is dark. Y'know the deep conversations and laughs we shared under the night sky. I love living
Tutti daranno una risposta filosofica sull'importanza dell'amicizia nella nostra vita e bla bla... I voglio essere diverso, unire il tesoro con l'amico.
Perchรฉ se trovassi un amico, che fa di mestiere il pirata, di conseguenza troverei anche il tesoro, avrei 2 piccioni con una fava, รฉ logico...
Ma il tuo amico lo troveresti senza un'occhio?
Con o senza uncino?
Descrivilo un po'... :-)
GRAZIEOttima risposta originale, @sciack!
L'importante รจ il tesoro ahahah perรฒ lo voglio sia dentro il suo cuore che fuori in uno scrigno, non si campa senza soldi XD.Allora l'amico รจ preferibile con uncino, entrambi occhi e tutte le gambe di carne, se poi fosse un manichino come @steemitri non mi dispiacerebbe per niente.
@steemitri se la sta ridendo sotto i suoi nuovi baffi, ahahhahahh
Certo che per radersi il viso con un coltello seghettato e un pelapatate ci vuole coraggio... o basta l'assenza di sangue in corpo?
@steemitri's photo (click on it to read his post)
Ahahahahaha ma quanto รจ bello!
Bellissimo: un manichino siculo-svizzero, neh?
My entry
Reason: when you consider someone your friend then you have got a defense. A Friends will defend even when you deserved to be punished. Friends help each other when the need help, A friend could help you when you struggle financially. Truly, who finds a friend finds treasure.
Suggestion for future post(question): Is it compulsory for newly wedded to go for honeymoon trip? Yes or No.
Thank you for the opportunity! Gratias
Enjoy your life!Thanks for your thought and for suggesting an interesting question for future post, @mosesogenyi!
Bec if you have a friend, you'll have someone to "treasure" forever. get it? :D
Do you think it's so important having a "treasureโ?
yes, but depends on what "treasure" means to you. coz for me, it's my friends and family. : )
A best friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find, lucky to have...
Nice comment but not original: would you like to try to express a thought created by you?Thanks for participating, my friend @drasad from Pakistan.
no perchรฉ entrambi non durano, il tesoro me lo finisco tutto con l'amico quindi niente tesoro e tanto amico
se modifichi il messaggio dando un invio dopo la chiusura della parentesi quadra, la tua partecipazione si perfeziona.
No! Chi trova un amico trova solamente la mappa per il tesoro. Sono la perseveranza, la caparbietร , la disponibilitร e la tolleranza ma anche il saper essere duri al momento giusto a permettere di scovare il tesoro.
Oh, mi piace ciรฒ che scrivi, Sabina!
Te la senti di raccontare qualche tua esperienza in cui hai applicato tali attitudini, qualche aneddoto?
@amico Un aneddoto? Opterei per un consiglio: si capisce che la mappa รจ sbagliata quando la si perde per strada prima di aver raggiunto il tesoro ;-)
Ottimo consiglio!
Tuttavia la mappa potrebbe essere corretta ma semplicemente la si osserva malamente, per esempio... al contrario? ;-)
Felice notte!
My answer is Yes ![1]
Good friends which are loyal are worth more than a treasure chest full of gold.
The law of impermanence control in the material dimension, therefore gold is destined to end;
Friendship is immaterial, therefore potentially eternal?
Thanks to be here, @jankos55!
Fino a 20 anni credevo con tutta la mia anima nella vera amicizia.
Dopo aver visto la gelosia in diversi occhi di presunti amici ,la mia vita e cambiata a 360 gradi.
E bello quando e tutto rose e fiori perche e la nostra gioventรน ma la tua esperienza di vita purtroppo cambierร il tuo modo di pensare.
Moto bene @palaia: io sono abbastanza anti-conformista, quindi mi piace chi va contro-corrente! ;)
Trovo quella citazione molto realistica. Ma desidero adattarla al periodo che stiamo vivendo. Essendo il Bitcoin il tesoro dei nostri tempi, posso concludere che "Chi trova un vero e leale amico รจ come chi si ritrova improvvisamente 10 Bitcoin accreditati sul proprio Wallet: teoricamente possibile, praticamente impossibile".
Un motivatore ti risponderebbe che
Un maestro zen forse ti direbbe che
Un buddista ti parlerebbe delle quattro nobili veritร :
Io mi sono accorto che il paradigma della "scarsitร ", che da valore al bitcoin cosรฌ come alla maggioranza delle cose in questa dimensione, sia contro natura.
Sono felice dell'ascesa dello Steem: vedo l'opportunitร di "balzare" nel paradigma dell'amore incondizionato e all'abbondanza per tutti.
Tu che leggi, che ne pensi?
Sono interessanti le tre risposte...
La prima in particolare la utilizzo sempre per motivare le persone intorno a me. Ma su di me ha perso il suo effetto. Credo sia a causa di molte delusioni.
Per quanto riguarda lo Steem e la sua ascesa, sono d'accordo solo sull'abbondanza per tutti... L'amore incondizionato รฉ qualcosa di davvero troppo grande... almeno questo รฉ il mio parere...
C'รจ chi afferma che ognuno di noi crea la propria realtร : io trovo quest'affermazione piuttosto inquietante, e tu?
Ma forse รจ per questo che preferisco puntare alto e sognare un mondo gilanico, chissร ... se sono un bravo creatore, questo sogno si realizzerร ?
Io dico di no, perche non mi piace stare in maggioranza (ho fatto un rapido exit pool)
Ottima scelta, @zipsardinia... spesso "seguire la folla" non รจ la scelta migliore, vero?
Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by amico from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, someguy123, neoxian, followbtcnews, and netuoso. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows. Please find us at the
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You are inspiring me, @minnowsupport... thank you so much!
(1) Yes
Friends can be directly and indirectly help us with the burden of life, and sometime that burden can be lifted by helping with other people's burdens...
Q: (If it has to be a yes/no question) If Steem takes off and we instantly all become millionaires, would you change anything about the life you are living now?
It makes me say "Unity is strength", isn't it?Thank you for your partecipation and for the nice question, @lewisjfclarke!
Very much so. Surround yourself with the right people and life becomes a lot easier
I experienced what you say: it's just like that!
[2] NO.
Chi trovando un amico e trova un tesoro deve dividere il tesoro con l'amico, quindi non conviene trovare un amico, ma solo il tesoro.
Grazie per la partecipazioine!
La mia esperienza dice che รจ vero... tu hai provato, @andreaderrico?
Mmm, si, certo che ho provato. Perรฒ alcune volte c'รจ il rischio che l'amore possa essere solamente un'arma che viene usata contro di te, quindi a quel punto vince il detto:
Caro Andrea, sei giovane e farai tante esperienze, mi auguro saranno le piรน piacevoli possibili!
Dopo oltre cinquant'anni di ricerche ed esperienze pratiche, ho capito che l'amore รจ qualcosa che non si puรฒ descrivere a parole.
Tuttavia ritengo che accostare l'amore a un'arma sia un ossimoro: evidentemente stiamo parlando di due amori molto diversi?
Un caro abbraccio!
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I really appreciate your support! ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ Thank you very much @kenistyles,
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Thank you.How many time is @resteemable a post?
Welcome to our community! This is a great idea, and my answer would be that friends are such an important part of life, growth, & connection. A good friend is a priceless addition to life's journey.
Upvoted & following :)
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[1] YES
Who Finds a Friend Finds a Treasure..
Finding true friendship is so rare to me that when found it is a treasure
Good comment @genoner, thank you for playing.
Do you know that amico in italian means friend?
Here I am: you found me!! ;)
Legendary reply man
Glad to have you as a friend, in Spanish amigo is the word for friend so it is very close to the Italian word for friend amico and I did not know this until you told me, you learn something new everyday :)
[2] - when others zig you have to zag. Standing out from the crowd is fundamental in establishing yourself. Once the first two replies were 1s I knew I had to go with 2. Plus, being number one in the number two business isnโt a bad thing :).
Someone once said "the last will be the first", and since 2 is the last, you will be first?Your zig-zag seems to be an excellent philosophy of life, @pilrim1
@amico - to the victor go the spoils!
[1] Yes
Friends are invaluable, some will go as far as putting their lives on the line for you though this is rare. So friends really are treasure, my friend will laugh at me until my face turns red when I make a mistake and then will get serious and tell me never to get in this type of situation again.
Next contest should be about short stories about living our dreams
How old are you and how many friends do you have?Thank you, @kpeno!
I'm 25 and I have a few friends... mostly older friends
Very well, enjoy!
Si!ovviamente se per amici intendiamo i veri amici e non i conoscenti!
Ciao Paolo, grazie per partecipare alla caccia al tesoro!
Che pista stai seguendo? ;)
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Great post and message. When we all work together for win/win situations, we ALL win on a bigger level! Authentic friends are priceless. Thanks for shining your light here, and thank you for your support. :)
You are welcome @sourceoftruth!