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"Hey Granny?Would you like to click a picture with me?",Ellie requested.
With those old eyes that could barely see anything,the old woman tried to figure out who it was.
"Do I know you?"
"No grandma!But I have just got some sweets for you because it's my birthday.Shower your blessings upon me."
For a woman who had been thrown into the old age home just the day before inspite of her three successful sons and their families,it seemed to be something unexpected.While the lady was still trying to figure out what wrong she had done ,Ellie appeared with a smile.
"God bless you dear.Never let your parents go through this.".....and a tear rolled down her old wrinkled cheeks.
"I have no family.I lost all.I was brought up in the orphanage nearby."
The old lady hugged Ellie tightly saying,"Dont worry darling.All is not lost.We both found a family now."