Hello steemians!
Happy Sunday from me and Oscar, I hope you had an enjoyable weekend and you're fresh for the new week!

Today I celebrate 100 days on this amazing platform so I thought it would be a great occasion to organize a giveaway because it’s important also to give, not only to receive. I was inspired by many generous people who hosted giveaways.
I achieved a lot in this relatively short period of time and I want to say thank you very much for all your support, you are awesome!!

I wanted for long to host a contest but didn’t know what kind of theme I should pick for my first one and today it hit me, so I love to travel and I want to know more about your country or city’s stereotypes or/and landmarks.
So here is the theme of the contest:
- Share a comment with your most popular stereotypes/clichés/landmarks of your city/country (you can use a gif or write it down, it’s up to you).
For example, when people hear I am from Romania, they think immediately about Dracula.

One of the most known attraction is, of course, the Palace of Parliament.
There will be five winners, each one will receive 2 SBD. The winners will be chosen randomly but must respect one rule: Upvote & resteem this post, in order to be reached by more people.
There is no need to create a post, you can add your entry through a comment! You can submit your entry until 23.59 (GMT+2), 25.02.2018
No one has ever become poor by giving.
―Anne Frank
Thanks in advance for your participation. Stay tuned for more.
Best regards,
I was born in Alaska. Have blond hair and blue eyes. People still think I'm an Eskimo. Waaa. True Story. The picture is of me at age 5 while living in Anchorage. Cheers.
Don't forget to resteem and upvote my post, if you don't do that, you are not eligible!@crowe
Interesting. I'm intrigued; I have heard a few times that the term Eskimo is offensive. Is this the case?
I was never offended. I always liked the Eskimo's. Cheers.
Dracula has no chance in competition with MICI:

Don't forget to resteem and upvote my post, if you don't do that, you are not eligible @steemmillionaire!
Done! Upvoted and resteemed! :)
OoOo what do we have here?
First thing's first: Congrats on your first 100 days on Steemit!!!
Nikola Tesla, man who changed the face of the planet was born in a village Smiljan in my country, Croatia. He is best known for his inventions - electricity, X - rays, radio waves, laser, wireless communication and free limitless energy!
Btw, he died in New York - poor, alone and underestimated - but today we can say he is one of the world's greatest minds ever :)
bas sam razmisljala da stavim njega kao obelezje Srbije, ali nisam zelela da neko okrene temu naopako. Neka je i nas i vas, srecno :)
Thank you so much for your entry, but you forgot to resteem this post! :D cheers @matejka13
Croatian people often forget to do things :D
Resteemed :*
Congrats! That’s quite interesting to think about the impression about my city! Definitely would like to take part in!💖
Taiwan, a small island and a foodie paradise as well!
There are many yummy street snacks and loving & welcome residents! Always open arms to all the visitors from the world!🤗
Here’s the famous landmark of Taiwan, BuildingTaipei 101!
Thank you! Waiting for your comment! :D
Here you can guess from food and drinks that where from I am:)
You have to upvote and resteem this post!!
Yes Sure:)
I forgot to upvote and resteem. I did it now.
I'm from St Louis, Missouri. Right in the middle of America. There are many stereotypes about St Louis from the outside world, most of them are true.
We like Baseball. True.
We're stubborn. True.
We drink beer. True.
But within our community, we have our own stereotypes about each other. West county is rich, South county is irish,, North county is black. Everybody who is poor is called a hoosier. And everybody always asks, "Where did you go to High School?"
Im not really entering your fun contest. I'm just sharing cause this looks like a fun invitation. Also, I didn't know people always thought Romania and Transylvania. That's funny. When my brother lived in Europe for work, he enjoyed vacationing in Romania. He loved it!
Thanks for sharing! I certainly did not know about those stereotypes!
Glad your brother enjoyed his time in Romania. Maybe one day you will come too with your family! Have a wonderful week!
sharing is caring for sure. this is so nice of you for doing ..
Thank you! I was inspired by you too! hugs
Congratulations on the passage of 100 days.jpeg)
I claimed to be from the country of civilization Pharaonic I did not mention her name, but you learned a lot it is a country of civilization 7 thousand years and these are the pictures
Thanks for your entry. If you want to be eligible, you must upvote and resteem this post! cheers @dylanstone
@alxandraioana26 done 😊
I am from nigeria and anytime people hear i am from nigeria they think of scamming and terrorism...its a very bad image and it saddens me most time...steemians please nigerians are good people...we are not terrorist or scammers!!!
I'm from Germany and to start with the stereotypes i would name honest, punctual, we know how to bake bread, we eat sausages and sauerkraut all the time and drink a lot of beer ^.^ (personally i don't xD) our language also sounds very stiff and i would think that most people know the Brandenburger Tor in Berlin.
I took this photo in 2013 when i visited Berlin for the first time. Thanks for the contest :3
I was born in Republic of Moldova. Basically, Moldova is known for its wines and for the BUCURIA (TM) candies and all kind of sweets. And because my parents stay there, I visit them often and every time I take with me some of them. They are delicious!

I want some more of those, and that great Milestii Mici wine!
congratulations and get higher..
Congratulation to you for the 100 plus days on Steemit!!

This is my entry:
lol. great contest. honestly when people hear about my country--Nigeria--they think internet scam. it's sad but it's true.
great contest.
You can find something from your country!
Something other than scam
Ah yes, the Nigerian Prince email scam is to thank for that one haha!
exactly. that's the stereotype.
Buna Alexandra!

Cand vorbim de Romania nu putem sa nu ne gandim si la vinurile romanesti :). O confirmare ca sunt bune vine si de la regina Angliei care bea dor vinuri romanesti.
Deci, un pahar de vin romanesc pentru toti cei de pe steemit si nu numai.
Italian here... easy right? XD
Pizza, pasta, mafia, mandolino... the land of saints, poets and sailors!
We got so many stereotypes that it is hard to fit them all in one post :P
As for my home town, well it was a small country village and people from the city always saw us as rude, dumb and not worthy of attention!
Another big stereotype for italians (I live in Australia now and everyone confirms this!) is that we are cheapskates and always try to make a dollar out of everything!!!
Upvoted and resteem! Happy birthday so to say, @alexandraioana26 ! I truly believe you're generous and you deserve only the best to come for you:), i'm happy i met you and to be part of same beautiful city like you are! I can't say i have a favorite spot in our city...i do like when it's summer to find refuge in Tineretului Park, there are many spots where you can read or meditate. I will add a pic of my favorite place i loved going to with my son at the beginning of January which is located at Arena Nationala and we had a wonderful time the two of us.
Pics were made with my Sony Xperia Z2, you can pic your favorite:). I wish you much luck and sending you blessings:)!
Lol. Nice contest. When people hear about Nigeria specifically Lagos, you know that hustling is key.
Lagos=hustle. Lol
The Merry Cemetery/Cimitirul Vesel Sapanta | Click on image for full size
When you think about Bucharest, see the House of the People.

This is may entry ! Click here for full size, Original Photo !
One in every five African is Nigerian; that is how large and populated Nigeria is. It’s Africa’s most popular nation. To me, every African is a Nigerian; and you will always see Nigerians in every country across the globe. But what is the country most famous for across the globe?
Nigeria, Africa’s giant, is too easily stereotyped as an oil (petroleum) wasteland. When you think oil, you think Nigeria. Though the country went from being 10th to 12th largest producer of oil in the world. I tell you, @alexandraioana26, Nigeria, my country, however, is the largest oil producer in Africa. Thanks, @alexandraioana26, for this contest.
Though I live in the city now, I came from the province of Antique, Philippines. Usually, when people from the city asked me where I came from and I told them about my hometown. They would always ask me if Aswangs (dark-souled witches are true).
One of the known sites in our province is the relaxing kawa bath that is also related to our beliefs in aswang.
Everybody knows that English people are drinking tea. Well, living here for almost three years, I can confirm, they really drink a lot of tea, doesn't matter the time of the day. So, here we go :)

100days Steemit
Birthday! :) Upvoted and resteemed!The Arch of Triumph is a representative monument of Bucharest.

Also happy 100th day on steemit! Cheers! Uovoted and resteemed 😀
Great idea, and it will be interesting to see some of the stereotypes. I am from England, and one of the strangest stereotypes about English people is that we have bad teeth. It's simply not true, although many English people don't opt for some of the Hollywood smile cosmetic dental procedures.
Thanks a lot for the lovely contest! :)

One of the most popular attractions in my area is Taughannock Falls NY.
Here is a picture I took of it last month.
Here is a blog I wrote about it.
One of the biggest stereotypes about Spanish people is that they have a siesta. I have been here for 4 months and can confirm in my experience this is true. We live in a small place and the town closes at two and opens at 5. Most people go home for lunch and a sleep or quite time
Here the most popular stereotype about Romanians is that we steal from people.
This stereotype was formed due to a lot of gypsies that are here in Rome just to steal and beg on streets, and when somebody asks them where they're from, they answer Romania!
So yeah, we are known for being good at stealing!!!
Great post @alexandraioana26, I'm from Romania but I live in italy.
Cheers to 100 Days! Much success in such little time :)
Thank you very much for the contest @alexandraioana26... I will let Colbert explain a bit about the land I come from.
@jeffjagoe - This is a classic...hahaha
Maybe you didn't know that Nikola Tesla is from Serbia, but you certainly knew that Exit festival is ours. :)
Hi everyone! I'm from Turkey and have been living in Western Europe for some years now. One of the funniest stereotypes about Turkish people is that they are told to be eating Döner or Kebab all the time! Many People I got to know outside Turkey are thinking that the Turks eat Döner everyday :)
the original post was upvoted/resteemed
Sa curga baniii :)))
Faina initiativa, sunt curios ce gif-uri o sa iasa castigatoare.
:)) Mi-ar fi fost greu sa ma decid (fiind si zodie duala), de aceea alegerea va fi random! Poate un mic bonul la cel care al cel mai votat comentariu, dar ma mai gandesc! multumesc :D
Upvote and resteem. Soon will post for this challenge! I think you have to choose a #tag.
You can post a comment! I ll add this info to my text! Multumesc Lucian!
Nice initiative 😀
Thank you @flurgx! 😀
lol, I think government corruption may just be bigger...
Pennsylvania has its own unique stereotypes! Thanks for hosting!
@alexandraioana26 - Lovely contest and congratulations on your super milestone. I'm from Cape Town South Africa. We have the iconic Table Mountain...
From on top
From far!

Source Pic
Hello :) Felicitari pentru idee!

Particip si eu cu o fotografie a primariei (o particica din ea) din Arad care este o atractie pentru turisti si este printre cele mai impressive locuri din oras. Good luck! :)
Im from Texas, USA! People always associate Texas with cowboys, horses and the old west! Many many years back that may have been true, but now a days, things are a little different! We are still known for cowboys, but its now the football team. No matter how bad we are sucking any year, Texans are still loud and proud when it comes to our team! We are all about our BBQ, meat to be exact! Doesnt matter if its beef, pork or chicken or any other wild animal. Ill leave with one final note, our "slogan", Dont mess with Texas!
Don't forget to resteem @smylie2005!
Oopps!! Forgot that part ;)
upvoted and resteemed!
Hello, I'm from Malaysia and I think the most stereotype that people thinking of Malaysia is thinking its a country consist of only 1 race or 1 religion -the Malay, as the country name implies.
But in fact, Malaysia society is of very diversified, different cultures different religion and makes Malaysia a truly Asian country. You can find Malay Chinese Indian culture cuisine religion festival everywhere in the country. We celebrate the Chinese New Year, Malay Muslim Eid al-Fitr, Indian Divali Festival, Christian Christmas all together as family. Hope you would one day visit Malaysia to show how true am I saying.
When other hear of my country nigeria. Gaint of Africa known for their economy development.
Criminals and criminality is all that comes to some people mind when they hear of us but No... The best is yet come. .jpeg)

Agriculture and minerals resources are our ways.
Best known place in my country should be aso rock. The house of power. President villa
None of Cheburashka in the manufacture of Ushanka was not injured!

•When people hear I am from Nigeria, they think of Nigerian being an “unserious fellow,” or a “joker” who always finds something funny in every situations. This is a simplistic idea making light of the difficulty of being Nigerian and often buttressing the lackadaisical attitudes of our politicians towards structural restructuring of this great country.

•One of the most known attraction is, of course, The Zuma Rock in Abuja
When people hear the name Nigeria, the first thing that comes to their mind is the “terrorism act" that is happening currently in my country, but, take a good look at the image above, thats an image of Lekki-Ikoyi in Lagos.

This is Lekki, the land of Beaches in Lagos, Nigeria. Two of the things Lekki is known for is luxury real-estate and beaches. If you are a big fan of the ocean, then you’ll find a beach that is perfect for you in the numerous private and public beaches located in the Lekki Peninsula in Lagos, Nigeria.
Nigeria is a great country. You're gonna love it here
Where else in the world would you find a kangaroo in your pool?
Australia of course! They are not that common in the cities (other than in the zoo) but in the outer suburbs they seem to get up to all sorts of mischief.
If you want to be eligible, you must upvote and resteem this post! cheers @plushzilla
I just thought that any posts about different countries should include one with kangaroos from Australia :D I like this contest and I think you should list is in the #newbiegames initiative as well: https://steemit.com/newbiegames/@newbiegames/calling-all-gamemakers-use-newbiegames-and-drop-a-link-in-this-post-to-get-noticed
Thanks for your advice and glad you liked it @plushzilla!
I'm from Princeton, MO, USA which gave birth to one of legends of our wild west...
Congrats @alexandraioana26 on you quick growth!
Thank you @wizardave!