Hi @thepassenger!
This one is easy! My favorite drink by far is:
The Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster!
Mixing instructions:
- Take the juice from one bottle of Ol' Janx Spirit.
- Pour into it one measure of water from the seas of Santraginus V — Oh, that Santraginean seawater! Oh, those Santraginean fish!
- Allow three cubes of Arcturan Mega-gin to melt into the mixture (it must be properly iced or the benzene is lost).
- Allow four litres of Fallian marsh gas to bubble through it, in memory of all those happy hikers who have died of pleasure in the Marshes of Fallia.
- Over the back of a silver spoon float a measure of Qualactin Hypermint extract, redolent of all the heady odours of the dark Qualactin Zones, subtle, sweet and mystic.
- Drop in the tooth of an Algolian Suntiger. Watch it dissolve, spreading the fires of the Algolian Suns deep into the heart of the drink.
- Sprinkle Zamphuor.
- Add an olive.
- Drink... but... very carefully...
heheh that's a great book and a great drink ;)
I'm just having some difficulty sourcing some ingredients. Arcturan Mega-gin is no problem, you can find that junk in any sleazy space-bar. It's the Algolian Suntiger tooth thats always giving me trouble at every customs checkpoint. You wouldn't happen to now of someone or someway to get hold of bunch?!I mean, I'm just a lowly hitchhiker but you, you are @thepassenger!
Not just "a" passenger mind you, but "the!"
With kind regards,