Hello everyone. I recently found this hashtag and this contest. Good to meet you all.
I've got a dang nab rant for your consideration.
I work in a flooring warehouse. We move carpets, vinyls, ceramics, and so on. It is heavy and dirty work but it isn't so bad. Unless...
Two months ago, we got a pallet loaded with the wrong laminate flooring. The people who messed it up never came back to get it and it eventually got shoved into a corner and buried behind other pallets and, like all goods doomed by bureaucracy, forgotten. Then, yesterday, the paperwork goes through. Now I move everything out of the dust, retrieve the pallet, and place it in an easy to access area.
As I do this, I tell my boss we need the dumpster emptied. If the dumpster fills, the installers will shrug and put their trash in piles wherever. My boss waffles because he doesn't want to spend anything and decides to put it off one more day.
This morning, my pallet is buried under six feet of tack strip full of nails, cheap trash bags shredded and falling loose with razor blades, glue spill, piss carpet, chew spit, and possibly crime scene forensic evidence.
Then the trucker shows up for the pallet.
Actually, I realize now that this is more of a story than a rant. Well, It is a story I felt like telling. Maybe not bad for my first try. Thank you for reading.
Indeed a rant that could be a post. Come back with a link if you do make a post about it. Thanks for ranting!