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RE: Why I Choose To Be Confrontational

To me this post is more proof than anything else I have seen by you, that you have great value to offer.
With that being said EVERYONE and EVERYTHING can improve.
I don't really disagree with anything you say, in truth I find more to relate with you in this post than I do 99% of posts here on Steemit.
Since I cannot disagree with you objectively based on logic then the only "downfall" you could have is not learning when lessons are presented.
If you are truly great then when you meet a being/argument that is actually "superior" to your current comprehension you will acknowledge it.
If you simply don't see it then it is wise to challenge it. Yet if it presents it self, in order to be ever evolving and noble, you must acknowledge it.
So far I haven't seen anyone who makes more logical or objective arguments when in "conflict" with you, than you do. So in that sense it would be silly for you to digress. Yet if it happens and you still fight, then you are just as delusional as the rest, fighting to upkeep your own narrative.
So far I feel you could be "nicer" but other than that there is little to challenge, and if you don't give a fuck about being "nice" which I can respect, then it matters not!
Ultimately it matters not what others expect, judge, want, force, try to get, manipulate etc. All that matters is that you feel good about what choices you make. If that is the case then fuck all who have a problem with it!
Best Regards~*~


//If you are truly great then when you meet a being/argument that is actually "superior" to your current comprehension you will acknowledge it.//

I used to do it a lot in the past. I do it less and less now because I tend to learn from my mistakes

//Yet if it happens and you still fight, then you are just as delusional as the rest, fighting to upkeep your own narrative.//

I don't have one other than everything is subjective and subject to interpetation. I mainluy go against the dogmatists who think that they know everything.

//Ultimately it matters not what others expect, judge, want, force, try to get, manipulate etc. All that matters is that you feel good about what choices you make. If that is the case then fuck all who have a problem with it!//
