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RE: ADSactly Tech News: The Robotic Takeover of Construction and Homebuilding

in #construction7 years ago

Robots are future. Robots will replace humans! Robots are becoming intelligent day by day. Combination of Artificial intelligence, 3D printing technology and nano technology will change the future of this earth for ever.
Certainly, this development is not without any purpose. One day humans will transfer the data from their mind to a robotic brain and enjoy eternal life. However, this future will not be for every person on this earth. Only rich and powerful will be allowed to do this. Rest population will became a burden. It may be possible that this planet won't be able to sustain life anymore. So, the rich will more to some other planet after transferring their data on robots and the rest of the population would be left to face a cruel futuristic world. This cannot be changed. This is inevitable.